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#Cashless society? Why withdrawing cash in Belgium is getting even harder

Finding an ATM from which to withdraw money has always been notoriously difficult in Brussels, but it is now set to become even harder as the world slowly moves towards cashless societies.

Today, bank branches are keeping less cash for distribution, and anti-money laundering requires regular checks on withdrawals and the use of cash. Furthermore, Belgian financial federations, such as Febelfin, are actively promoting a cashless society.

This was the bind that Belgian citizen Arnold Declercq found himself in after he tried to withdraw €3,000 for an art auction. His bank only had €1,500 on hand, and promised he could collect the rest the week after. Upon requesting €3,000 instead, alarm bells started ringing at the bank.

Declercq had to explain what he needed the money for. “Apparently they didn’t think an art auction was a valid reason. I was then refused every cash withdrawal until further notice!” he tells VRT. “From now on, I was only allowed to request money if I could prove it with an invoice as proof.”

Better ways to pay

Belgian law states that a trader may accept a maximum of €3,000 in cash, but between private individuals there is no limitation for a cash payment. You can sell your car to another private individual for €20,000 without issues. “If you can prove to your bank what that money is for, you will normally get such a large sum without any problems,” says Marchand.

Cashless society

From 1 July, all merchants are required to accept at least one digital payment method. “But which one they’ll accept is up to them.”

While cash remains a legal tender, the federation does promote a society with less cash. “Digital payment is safer and has other advantages. Because cash also has a certain cost,” said Marchand.
#cbdc #currency
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#CBDC : Central Bank Digital Coupons

Digital currency functions more like a food voucher than anything else. It can be programmed to be used only for certain things and can be turned on or off. An excellent overview of the digital control system they want to shift us all into and how the CBDC factors in.

SWIFT announces “breakthrough” in CBDC experiments

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) announced that it had successfully transferred central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and tokenized assets using existing financial systems. #cbdc #swift
What Is Programmable Money? - The Corbett Report

Are you at a loss to explain to your normie friends why the coming central bank digital currency (#CBDC) paradigm is so important and why it should be a primary concern for all of humanity? Well, then, today is your lucky day. This editorial is for you . . . and them!
🇹🇷 Central Bank Of Turkey Plans To Launch CBDC In 2023

The Balance of Payments section of the program, under the sub-heading of Policies and Measures, stated that a “blockchain-based central bank digital currency will be put into practice.” The responsible institution is Turkey’s central bank, with the cooperation of the local Ministry of Finance and Scientific and Technological Research Institution.

“The Digital Turkish Lira system will be integrated with digital identity and FAST,” the official report stated. FAST is a payment system operated by the Turkish central bank.

🔗 Turkey To Launch CBDC
#cbdc #turkey
🇰🇿 Kazakhstan To Build Central Bank Digital Currency

The Binance founder tweeted that the National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK) will integrate its central bank digital currency (CBDC), the digital tenge, on the BNB Chain, the underlying blockchain of the Binance network.

🔗 Kazakhstan To Build CBDC
#cbdc #kazakhstan
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#Canada Banks Preparing to Roll Out #CBDC

🚫 Central banks would like to control your life with this digital currency
When criminals create their own centralized currency to feel like they are part of the future.

Backed by the power of violence, not mathematics or decentralization.

The words "safe" and "#CBDC" should never be used in the same sentence.

France, Luxembourg Test CBDC for 100M Euro Bond Issue

The Venus Initiative is the latest attempt to use digital representations of money for financial-market settlements.

The Venus Initiative "shows how digital assets can be issued, distributed and settled within the eurozone, in a single day"

"confirms that a well-designed CBDC can play a critical role in the development of a safe tokenised financial asset space in Europe..."

Source: CD

The future of banking for a cashless society in Singapore short of implementing CBDC.

"Digital banks in #Singapore are offering more than just higher interest rates to entice sign-ups in a market that is dominated by traditional banks.

Among their offerings, the banks are ramping up promotions and services to help clients offset higher inflation.

Unlike traditional banks where customers can make transactions at physical branches, digital banks operate entirely online.

They do not have automated teller machines (ATMs) to dispense cash, nor physical bank outlets."

Trust Bank

Andddddd…. There it is folks.

#CBDC s starting in America in July of 2023.

“All corners of the country” will be involved.

Get your act together now!

