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🇵🇸 Gaza health ministry says two major hospitals are hours away from running out of fuel for generators

The Palestinian Health Ministry is warning that #AlShifa Hospital is just hours away from running out of fuel completely.

To talk more about the situation there, Dr. Ahmad Mokhallalati is a Surgeon at Al-Shifa Hospital.

Source :AlJazeera
#Palestine #Gaza #Genocide
🇵🇸 Israel turns Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza into detention center

The Israeli forces stormed in large numbers the al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza City and turned it into military barracks and a detention center, where patients, displaced persons, and healthcare professionals are subjected to different forms of abuse, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement on Wednesday.

#EMHRM expressed fears of killings and executions as its team documented sporadic gunfire in the hospital since the early minutes of the raid, stressing that the al-Shifa Complex did not witness any gunfire other than from the Israeli forces.

The Geneva-based organisation highlighted that the Israeli army is the only party controlling the scene inside the #AlShifa Medical Complex, amid a total media blackout. No third party or international organisation was permitted to be present inside, which raises doubts about any Israeli narrative that would be released later.

#Palestine #Gaza #WarCrimes #Genocide #Hospital
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🇵🇸 Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده (@RamAbdu): "12 hours of invasion and no signs of any of Hamas’s tunnels or headquarters. Unless Israel is creating the scene that might be released later." | nitter

"You bomb them, shoot them, shell them, besiege them for weeks and block fuel and medical supplies, & then you invade the hospital and bring some medical supplies with big signs “medical supply”. What on earth is this logic Israelis have? The world doesn’t believe this #propaganda" | nitter

"Israel is planning an invasion of the Shifa hospital. -No media coverage -No other party attendance -No UN or Red Cross presence Israel is the arbitrator, judge, and executioner. Israel can tell whatever lies it likes." | nitter

#Palestine #Gaza #WarCrimes #Hospital #Genocide #AlShifa
Nov 15, 2023 · 11:51 AM UTC
🇵🇸Hospitals are not battlegrounds’: World reacts to Israel’s al-Shifa raid | Al Jazeera

World leaders and international aid organisations have strongly criticised Israel’s assault on al-Shifa Hospital, the largest medical facility in the Gaza Strip.

After a week of incursions across Gaza in what some are calling a “war on hospitals”, governments, United Nations agencies and other aid organisations expressed their distress on Wednesday as Israel’s military raided al-Shifa, in which thousands of patients, staff and displaced people are trapped.

#Palestine #Gaza #WarCrimes #Hospital #AlShifa #Genocide
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Debunked: Israel's evidence of Hamas HQ in Shifa Hospital

A MEMO analysis of CNN and IDF footage from Israeli military raids at the Al-Shifa and Rantisi hospitals in Gaza appears to reveal attempts by the Israeli army to falsify evidence in an effort to assert the hospitals are being used as Hamas bases and justify attacks against them. Social media users were quick to debunk their evidence and raise question marks about their much touted 'intelligence' that Hamas has a command HQ under Gaza's largest hospital, Al-Shifa.

Source : Middle East Monitor
#Palestine #Lies #Hasbara #Propaganda #WarPropaganda #FabricatedEvidence #Media #MassMedia #Hospital #AlShifa #Hamas #HQ
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🇵🇸 Al-Shifa now almost ‘deserted’: Hospital director

Speaking to Al Jazeera from Gaza’ largest hospital, Mohammed Abu Salmiya, says only him and few others, including staff and patients, were left at the hospital.

Here are his translated comments:

The hospital is completely deserted. Some of the remaining patients and victims are lying in the corridor.
The center of the hospital is surrounded by Israeli soldiers. They are in total control. Even we, the very few medical staff that remains, cannot move freely.Many of those in critical conditions including newborns and kidney patients will die imminently if they are not evacuated.Food at the hospitals is also running out.

Source : Al Jazeera
#Palestine #Gaza #WarCrimes #AlShifa #Hospital
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Israel's war on hospitals

With exclusive footage from inside the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, Al-Shifa, The Grayzone examines the Israeli military's policy of attacking and eliminating medicare care centers across the northern part of the besieged Palestinian territory as it seeks to expel its residents.

By Max Blumenthal, Mohamed El-Saife and Anya Parampil - The Grayzone 20/11/2023
#Palestine #Gaza #Hospital #AlShifa #WarCrimes #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #IOF #HealthCare #NewNakba
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Deep concern over the fate of dozens of medical staff and wounded in the Al-Shifa complex in Gaza

The Euro-Mediterranean Observatory for Human Rights expresses its deep concern about the fate of dozens of medical staff, wounded and sick in the largest #AlShifa medical complex in Gaza, in light of the ongoing military operation by the Israeli army inside the complex over the past several days .

The Euro-Med Monitor reports that there has been no contact or communication for 48 hours with anyone in the Al-Shifa compound, but it received a statement from one of the doctors before communication was cut off confirming that they had been subjected to violence. investigation and interrogation processes that included harassment, ill-treatment and their use as human shields.

The doctor said that medical staff are subjected to individual interrogations lasting several consecutive hours by Israeli forces, which deliberately cause widespread destruction and sabotage in all sections of the medical complex.

The Israeli army continues its raid on the Shifa compound for the sixth consecutive day, while 19 health workers and at least 259 wounded and sick continue to suffer serious complications and face a severe shortage of energy, water and medical supplies. .

Via @EuroMedHRAr
#Hospital #WarCrimes #Gaza
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🇵🇸 Scenes from Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza after Israel's military exploded several facilities inside it before withdrawal shortly before the start of the pause.

The spokesman for the MoH, Ashraf Al Qudrah:

⭕️ There is no space in the hospitals of the south of Gaza and they cannot receive more patients.

⭕️ We call for finding better mechanisms to save the healthcare system in the strip.

⭕️ We called on international organizations to help us save the healthcare system.

Via @QudsNen
#Palestine #Gaza #WarCrimes #Hospital #Health #HealthCare #AlShifa #Genocide
🇵🇸 Dr Ghassan Abbu Sitta 'Israel used white phosphorus on Gaza's children' | ICJP Full Press Conference -

The main aim of this war was to turn Gaza into an uninhabitable death world”

'700-900 children with amputations in Gaza"

British-Palestinian plastic and reconstructive surgeon Ghassan Abu Sittah has returned to the UK from Gaza to provide eyewitness account of what he saw and experienced as a volunteer at #alAhli and al-Shifa hospitals in the besieged strip.

Speaking at a #PressConference on Monday organised by the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (#ICJP) in London, he said that Israel’s 19 October bombing of the the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, which is run by the Anglican church, served as a “litmus test for what they had planned to do to the rest of the health system”.

Extra source : Middle East Eye
#Palestine #Gaza #Children #Hospital #Doctor #Phosphorous #WhitePhosphorousBombs #Burns #Amputation #Amputee #AlShifa
#WarCrimes #IOF #Genocide