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🇵🇸 Dutch rights groups take government to court over arms to Israel | Middle East Eye –

Human rights groups are challenging the Dutch government in court, arguing it is complicit in alleged Israeli violations of international law in Gaza by supplying F-35 fighter jet parts.

The suit, brought by Oxfam Novib, PAX and The Rights Forum, comes after a Dutch newspaper reported that the government allowed a delivery of the components despite foreign ministry lawyers warning that Israel was committing serious violations of humanitarian law.

The components, made by the #US-based #LockheedMartin, are stored at a warehouse in the #Netherlands and then shipped to #Israel and other countries.
"The government allowed itself to be blackmailed by Israel and the US - at the expense of Palestinian lives," The Rights Forum has said.

#Complicity #Holland #Dutch
#WarCrimesComplicity #Israel #Genocide #WarCrimes #Gaza #Liability #InternationalLaw
#F35 #US #USweapons #IOF #Court #Arms
🇵🇸 The occupation army displays a new photo of its arrest of dozens of civilians in Gaza - 13/12/2023

Via @MuhammadSmiry
#Gaza #Genocide #WarCrimes #GenevaConvention #Civilians #EthnicCleansing #IOF
🇵🇸 New Guantánamo”: Euro-Med Monitor calls for international probe into Israel’s torture and murder of Gaza detainees

Geneva - An impartial and urgent investigation is needed to probe the Israeli army’s torture and murder of Palestinian civilians detained in different areas of the Gaza Strip, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement issued on Monday.

Testimonies gathered by Euro-Med Monitor teams confirm reports published by Israel’s Haaretz newspaper about Israeli field executions of Gazan detainees. Additional detainees have died after being subjected to extreme torture and mistreatment in the “Sde Teman” Israeli army camp, located between Beersheba and Gaza.

Via @EuroMedHR
#Gaza #GenevaConvention #Civilians #Detainees #Torture #Detention #HR #WarCrimes #IOF
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🇵🇸They tortured us, subjected us to electric shocks. We suffered a lot.”

Some 60 Palestinian men detained by Israeli forces returned to Gaza on Monday, entering the territory through the recently opened Kerem Shalom crossing.

All of the men said they were tortured in an unspecified facility in southern Israel. One of the released detainees said that many of them were employees of the Palestinian Authority.

This confirms previously cited souces published here

Source : Middle East Eye
#Gaza #Civilians #HR #IOF #Detainees #Prisoners #Detention #Torture #PA #Testimonies
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🇵🇸 Farewell Donia. It was a short life filled with suffering.

Donia Abu Mohsen, 12 years old, was killed yesterday in an Israeli airstrike that targeted Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis.

Please read this Initial Post on Donia's heartbreaking story

Source :
#Gaza #Hospital #Amputee #Amputation #IOF #WarCrimes
#Testimonies #NasserHospital
وداعاً دنيا، لقد كانت حياة قصيرة مليئة بالعذاب.
الطفلة دنيا أبو محسن، ١٢ عاماً، قتلت يوم أمس في قصف اسرائيلي استهدف مستشفى ناصر في خانيونس.
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🇵🇸 UN urges Israel to investigate allegations its army 'executed' 11 unarmed Palestinians in Gaza City

Eyewitnesses say Israeli Forces killed 11 unarmed men in front of their families, before rounding up the women and children and attacking them.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OHCHR OPT) has warned that the alleged assault on Tuesday on homes in Gaza City could constitute a war crime.
It is calling for an independent investigation into the allegations.

Al Jazeera spoke to several eyewitnesses.

#Gaza #IOF #WarCrimes #Genocide #FieldExecutions #Civilians
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🇵🇸 Eyewitness accounts: ‘The Israeli soldiers murdered Palestinian men in cold blood’

They searched us and forced the women to remove their headscarves. They brought the young men down, who were naked, and executed them one by one.”

Eyewitnesses told Al Jazeera on Wednesday that Israeli forces carried out field executions against some residents of the Anan building on Al-Jalaa Street in Gaza. This occurred after the forces stormed the building and trapped the women and children in rooms inside.

One eyewitness recounted how a man was shot after he raised his hands in the air and said he was a civilian, while another described Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian men in “cold blood” in front of their families after they were stripped.

Sources : Al Jazeera - Middle East Eye
#Gaza #IOF #WarCrimes #Civilians #FieldExecutions
🇵🇸 Urinating on Prisoners: Why Humiliation is Functional in Israel’s War on Palestinians | Mint Press

Zionist militias, using advanced Western arms, conquered historic Palestine in 1947-48, they expressed their victory through the deliberate humiliation of Palestinians.

Much of that humiliation targeted women, in particular, knowing how the dishonor of Palestinian females represents, according to Arab culture, a sense of dishonor to the whole community.

This strategy remains in use to this day.When scores of Palestinian women were released following prisoner exchanges between the Palestinian Resistance and Israel, starting on November 24, there was very little room to hide the facts.

Unlike the 75-year-ago Palestinian community, this current generation no longer internalizes Israel’s intentional humiliation of women and men alike, as if an act of collective dishonor.

#Palestine #Prisoners #Apartheid #Detention #Humiliation #HR #OPT #Gaza #WestBank #IOF #WarCrimes
🇵🇸 A residential block is completely destroyed by Israeli occupation forces in Al Remal neighborhood in Gaza city. 21.12.23

Via @eyeonpal | @intelslava
#Gaza #Genocide #Destruction #Infastructure #WarCrimes #IOF #Bombings

تدمير مربع سكني كامل في حي الرمال بمدينة غزة
🇵🇸 Children's drawings from the previous wars on Gaza and in Occupied Palestinian Territories

#Children #Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Ilustrations #Drawings #Trauma #Occupation #Repression #Colonization #Apartheid #IOF
#Testimonies #Gaza