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πŸ“‘ @Libreware

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πŸ’― % satire OSINT
Download Telegram
MDS Tool from RIDL Team

Verify whether your system is vulnerable today with our MDS tool.

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Github File - HERE

Scrambled Exif (Remove the metadata from your pictures before sharing them)

Scrambled Exif (pronounced eggsif) helps you remove the metadata in your pictures before you share them.
If you feel like it.
If you don't want the big Internet companies (or whomever) to know where your pictures were taken don't forget to remove the metadata from them before you share them.
To remove the metadata from a picture, simply share it like you'd normally do and choose Scrambled Exif. A moment later, the share 'dialog' will reappear. Now just share with the app you intended to share with in the first place.
Et voilΓ !

Required Android Permissions:

β˜… READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to read the images other apps share with it.

Misc Stuff and Facts

β˜… Basically, Exif is used by jpeg, which is the format in which your Android camera saves pictures. If you want to know more about Exif, check the Wikipedia.
β˜… Scrambled Exif also renames the files (this can be disabled).
β˜… Please don't heavily rely on the data being deleted. Scrambled Exif does its job pretty well, but it could fail. Always double-check before you share.
β˜… It doesn't really scramble the Exif data, it deletes it. So the name is probably stupid. But I like it. The icon doesn't depict scrambled eggs either. So the icon is probably stupid. But I like it. And I also happen to be a huge fan of eggs. So this app doesn't only have a stupid name and an equally stupid icon, it is also my (non-stupid) tribute to eggs. Especially huevos fritos. Because I love them.

Source Code

This post link:


Chat program which lets you log in to accounts on multiple chat networks simultaneously.
Pidgin runs on Windows, Linux, and other UNIX operating systems.


Telegram support:

First Login

The username is your current phone number, including your full country prefix. For Germany, this would be '+49', resulting in a user name like '+49151123456'. Telegram will verify your phone number by sending you a code via SMS. You will be prompted for this code, once that happens.
Buddy List

Like in the official Telegram apps, the displayed buddy list consists of all active conversations.
Foreign Users

Foreign users, like for example people you only know through a group chat but never had any conversation with, will not be part of your buddy list by default. You can add those users to the buddy list by clicking on "Add contact..." in the users context menu.
Using secret chats

You can use Telegram secret chats with this plugin, they will show up as a new buddy with a '!' in front of the buddy name.

One caveat of secret chats in Telegram is that they can only have one endpoint, this is a limitation of the protocol. This means that if you create a secret chat in Pidgin you will not be able to use that chat on your phone. You will be asked whether to accept each secret chat, so you can always choose to accept the chat on a different device if you want. You can set a default behavior for dealing with secret chats (Accept or Decline) in the account settings, if you don't want that prompt to appear every time.

Self destructive messages will be ignored, since I don't know any way to delete them from the conversation and the history.
Confirming the key authenticity

Click on the buddy in the buddy list and click on "Show Info" to visualize the key fingerprint.
Initiate secret chats

To initiate a secret chat from Pidgin, click on a Buddy in the Buddy List and hit "Start Secret Chat"
Deleting secret chats

If you delete a secret chat from the buddy list, it will be terminated and no longer be usable.
Unicode Emojis for Pidgin

The Telegram phone applications for iOS and Android make use of standardized Unicode smileys (called Emojis). Pidgin does not display those smileys natively, but you can install a custom smiley theme like ( or ( and activate it under Settings > Themes > Smiley Theme.

πŸ“‘ @Libreware
#pidgin #im #messaging #telegram
Telegram creator Pavel Durov acuses Whatsapp of having backdoors for syping

"WhatsApp is not open source"
- says the guy who makes users dependent on proprietary server software and puts google spyware to the client apps.

"WhatsApp is not secure"
- says the guy who rolled its own crypto.

#tg #telegram #Whatsapp
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# Changes : With fallback token dispenser mirrors, courtesy YalpStore
Notes Apps

πŸ“ - Standard notes (cloud) -
Encrypted notes on their server, accessible from any browser as well

πŸ“ - Joplin (cloud) -
Windows client also available, works with their server

πŸ“ - Carnet (cloud) -
Design inspired by Google Keep

πŸ“ - Nextcloud notes (cloud) -
Works with a nextcloud subscription

πŸ“ - MyOwnNotes (cloud) -
Works with a ownCloud subscription

πŸ“ - Turtl (cloud) -
FOSS alternative to Evernote

πŸ“ - Scarlet Notes FD -
Works completely offline, offers rich notes with lists, headings, quotes, floating mode, and more.

πŸ“ - Simple notes -
From the simple suite, simple and works well.

πŸ“ - Markor -
Works offline

πŸ“ - Notepad -
A simple, bare-bones, no-frills note taking app.

πŸ“ - uNote -
Lightweight and minimalist notepad

β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”To-do lists

1. Tasks

Tasks can be used entirely offline or synced with CalDAV or Google tasks or EteSync.

2. OpenTasks

Tasks can be synced with CalDAV server
3. SkyList

Will be added to Izzydroid repo soon

πŸ“‘ @NoGoolag πŸ“‘ @Libreware
#notes #apps #alternatives #text #txt #evernote #keep #Todolists
Useful apps to copy, paste and manage clipboard text snippets

πŸ“‹ Share to Clipboard
A way to copy to clipboard straight from the share menu

πŸ“‹ ClipboardCleaner
Check and clean your clipboard

πŸ“‹ Bulkshare 2
Select multiple URLs to send via email, SMS, etc.

πŸ“‹ Clip Stack
Manage clipboard history
- Not open-source anymore but the Play Store version is clean (no internet permission, 0 trackers).
- Old Foss but not longer updated version:

πŸ“‘ @NoGoolag πŸ“‘ @Libreware
#clipboard #share #alternatives
NoGoolag pinned Β«Send us your suggestions at @NoGoolag group No gapps, MicroG and privacy support: English: Indonesian: ⚠️ Remember to click the welcoming buttons against spam bots…»
Forwarded from Rahul Patel
Oki, Aurora Droid aka A-Droid is now beta ready !

A-Droid is still in its early developement phase, bugs are expected !
As of now A-Droid packs only the basic features ie. Repo Sync, App Downloads, Updates & Search
+ few themes.

More features will be added as per the requirements as the developement cycle goes on.

#How to use A-Droid

1. Adding & Syncing Repo :
By default no repo is synced, you are prompted with an IntroPage where you can selected your required repos, out of a predefined list of popular repos (24 repos), you can always add new repos by scanning QR or Entering the Urls manually. (The Repolists are also available in Settings -> Repository)

2. Authenticity of Repos :
Just longpress on the repo list to view the urls & fingerprints of each repo, will also attach the list of default repos here, as of now the fingerprints are not matched after downloading the repos (WIP)

3. Missing apps & updates :
A-Droid shows only those apps which exists in the repos you have synced, all other apps are filtered.
As of now, only one instance of app is available at a time.
ie. if an app name A is present in repo X & Y, then either X(A) or Y(A) is available, based on the order repos are synced. (Will improve asap)

4. Theme inconsistency
I haven't checked the theme on devices running 5.x & 6.x, if you encounter any issues.
Let me know.

5. Missing icons
The icons of some apps are not mapped correctly in the repo itself, those app icons tent to be blank.
There is no way I can fix or improve it, some have extension issue like Termux has .xml as extension in image url, such issues can be fixed but not all. (Will see if Regex can help).

6. XYZ Repo fails to sync
Not an app issue, some repos have downtime or may be someother issue, like I2P the "index-v1.jar" is inaccesible, such repos fail to sync.

7. Why A-Droid needs camera permissions ?
Its required to scan the QR Code in order to add repo.

# As always, I'm open to suggestions & discussions, feel free ping me.
Data Security - What Google, Facebook and Microsoft really know about you

Google something quickly, then here and there a little like and then order something on the Internet with Cortana: Everyday life for many people, but with every action we willingly reveal our data. How much the internet knows about each of us is frightening.

Google knows everything?
Yes, and much more! And sometimes Google even knows things we don't know ourselves, best example: What Google actually knows about us. Dieter Bohn, editor-in-chief of "The Verge", put it very elegantly:

"Google: our advanced AI algorithms can predict what car you want to rent and then fill out the web form for you. It knows what you want and just does it."

Mark Vang of the World Community Computing Grid, an IBM project where people make their PCs and computing power available to research, added:

"...also, all that data we have collected and continue to collect will stay right on our servers where we can sell it to anyone... but feel free to "delete" your account at any time..."

If you use a free service, you are the product

But Google is not the only Internet giant that is targeting our data. Microsoft and Facebook, autonomous vehicles and smart homes also collect a lot of data. Why? Because, at least in the case of Facebook, we willingly tell them everything they don't want to know - and because it makes money.

Read on TG (english):

Read in german (original):

πŸ“‘ @NoGoolag
#google #facebook #microsoft #data #privacy #why
Forwarded from Brenden
Should userbots be banned?
Final Results
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#Changelog :

1. Improved Search logic
2. Added indicator for loading more results on search page
3. Exposed "default" string - you need to translate