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suggested gmap versions 9.87.3, 9.80.2, 9.83, 9.60.1 try your luck or use #alternatives

Google Maps has become a big bloated mess of features nobody wants

Did you hear? Google Maps has a new feature for its Android app that lets you follow places like businesses or restaurants and get news and updates from them like you would on Instagram or Twitter.

That's fine if you're into the new feature, but does anyone else but me feel like Google Maps has become another case of a popular app getting bloated up with features you don't want? Just give me my maps, navigation, and estimated arrival time, thank you very much!
Just look at the list of questionably "useful" features that have been added to Maps this year alone:

Send your ETAs to friends and family on iOS

Control your music while navigating

Plan group dinners

"Matching" you with restaurants

Share your battery level with friends

I'm sure there are more that I missed, but if you look back to last year and the year before, you'll see the same pattern.

Add Google Map's live traffic overlay in Osmand

It will show traffic, but not be included in routing

#traffic #osmand #gmaps #maps
OpenDroneMap (ODM)

ODM is an open source command line toolkit for processing aerial drone imagery. Typical drones use simple point-and-shoot cameras, so the images from drones, while from a different perspective, are similar to any pictures taken from point-and-shoot cameras, i.e. non-metric imagery. OpenDroneMap turns those simple images into three dimensional geographic data that can be used in combination with other geographic datasets.

WebOpenDroneMap (WebODM)
ODM graphical user interface

📡 @NoGoolag
#maps #alternatives #aerial #drone #kite #satellite #earth #gmaps
MapKnitter (

is a free and open source tool for combining and positioning images (often from in geographic space into a composite image map. Known as “orthorectification” or “georectification” to geographers, this step covers the process of figuring out where images can be placed on an existing map, and how they can be combined, or “stitched” together. You are likely to have many images of overlapping or identical areas, which is why MapMill or some type of sorting is used to determine which source images to use from the original set.

MapKnitter can make maps from any image source, but it particularly lends itself to making maps with balloons and kites. The manual process of making maps with MapKnitter differs greatly from automated aerial imaging systems. In those systems the imaging is of a higher precision and processed with spatial and telemetry data collected along with the imagery, typically at higher altitudes and with consistent image overlap in the flight path sequence.

With MapKnitter the cartographer dynamically places each image and selects which images to include in the mosaic. Although the approaches are similar in that they use some type of additional information (usually pre-existing imagery of a lower resolution) as a reference, and that they are bound to specific cartographic elements such as map scale and map projection.

📡 @NoGoolag
#maps #alternatives #aerial #drone #kite #satellite #earth #gmaps
Google Maps releases new features to help [and spy] people navigate coronavirus hot spots

Google Maps has launched new features to help users safely get around during the coronavirus pandemic.
More than 11 million people worldwide have contracted the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University, and 500,000 have died.
Countries and regions have implemented varying restrictions, depending on the severity of their outbreaks, and that has complicated travel.

"COVID-19 has certainly impacted the way that we move around in the world," Google Maps product management director Ramesh Nagarajan said in a news release in June.
"As cities and countries across the globe adapt, we're committed to bringing the most pertinent information right to your fingertips. So when you're ready and able to, you can safely venture out," Nagarajan said.

#google #gmaps