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Spanish Congress approves "digital decree" The "gag law" to control the Internet?

The Permanent #Commission of the #Congress has approved with the favorable votes of #PSOE, #PP and #Citizens, the Royal Decree-Law 14/2019 of October 31, of urgent measures for the #digital #administration. A tremendously controversial #rule, unprecedented in #Spanish #democracy and that is raising blisters in all areas, as some #lawyers and #activists believe that it is an unconstitutional rule that violates fundamental rights.

The so-called "#digitaldecree" will allow the #Government to assume (temporarily) the direct management of electronic communications networks and services in certain exceptional cases that may affect public order, public security and national security. In practice, the Government will be able to cut off communications and networks such as the Internet in all or part of the territory without a prior court order, alleging an alteration of 'public order'.

The approval entails the adaptation of section 6 of article 4 of the General Telecommunications Law, the wording of which will literally read as follows: "The Government, on an exceptional and transitory basis, may agree to the assumption by the General State Administration of the direct management or intervention of electronic communications networks and services in certain exceptional cases that may affect public order, public security and national security. This exceptional power [...] may affect any infrastructure, associated resource or element or level of the network or service that is necessary to preserve or restore public order, public security and national security.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Read more:

#spain #why #thinkabout
We Are All Algorithms Now - Is that what's really destroying the legitimacy of our democracy?

I’ve never felt this way about an election before. For my entire adult life, campaigns could be exhilarating, tedious, crowded with incident or laden with foreboding, but you always felt that, at some point, there would be a resolution. The votes would be counted; the exit polls parsed; a decision made; and both sides would respect it. The one time that didn’t happen β€” in 2000 β€” I felt for the first time an inkling of what I feel in every part of my psyche now: a sense that the system itself was buckling.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ ..(..)...
And the reason this dystopian scenario is so credible is not just the fault of these political actors. It’s ours too β€” thanks to the impact of social media. I think we’ve under-estimated just how deep the psychological damage has been in the Trump era β€” rewiring the minds of everyone, including your faithful correspondent, in ways that make democratic discourse harder and harder and harder to model. The new Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma, is, for that reason, a true must-watch. It doesn’t say anything shockingly new, but it persuasively weaves together a whole bunch of points to reveal just how deeply and thoroughly fucked we are. Seriously, take a look.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ ..(..)..
For #Facebook and #Google and #Instagram and #Twitter, the business goal quickly became maximizing and monetizing human attention via #addictive #dopamine hits. Attention, they meticulously found, is correlated with emotional intensity, outrage, shock and provocation. Give artificial intelligence this simple knowledge about what distracts and compels humans, let the algorithms do their work, and the profits snowball. The cumulative effect β€” and it’s always in the same incendiary direction β€” is mass detachment from reality, and immersion in tribal fever.

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πŸ‘€πŸ‘‡πŸΌ "Dopamine": Miniseries about the addiction mechanisms of Tinder, Facebook and Co. πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

"They'll do anything to make you an addict," they say about #Tinder, #Facebook, #CandyCrush, #Instagram, #YouTube, #Snapchat, #Uber and #Twitter in the miniseries of #Arte. Eight episodes explain in detail which mechanisms are triggered in our brain to keep us engaged

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#surveillance #capitalism #SocialDilemma #dystopian #democracy #thinkabout #why
Why Democracy Needs Privacy

The more someone knows about us, the more they can influence us. We can wield democratic power only if our privacy is protected.

Imagine having a master key for your life. Would you go around making copies of it and giving them out to strangers? Probably not. So why are you willing to give up your personal data to pretty much anyone who asks for it?

Privacy is like the key that unlocks the aspects of yourself that are most intimate and personal, that most make you you. Your naked body. Your sexual history and fantasies. Your past, present, and possible future diseases. Your fears, your losses, your failures. The worst things you have ever done, said, and thought. Your inadequacies, your mistakes, your traumas. The moment in which you have felt most ashamed. That family relation you wish you didn’t have. Your most drunken night.

People who do not have your best interests at heart will exploit your data to further their own agenda. And most people and companies you interact with do not have your best interests as their priority. Privacy matters because the lack of it gives others power over you. Even more than monetary gain, personal data bestows power on those who collect and analyze it, and that is what makes it so coveted.

#privacy #democracy #thinkabout
πŸ“‘ @nogoolag πŸ“‘ @blackbox_archiv
Democracy in Telegram groups

Many of us spend time in specialized telegram groups. The power over communication here belongs to random people with their own shortcomings. Conflict and abuse occurs regularly. Is there another way to keep order so that scam spam doesn't flourish and no one has total control over group members?
In my case, these thoughts led to the development and testing of a system that can be connected to your Telegram today.

First of all, you need to determine what is the key aspect, the currency of the system. Not karma and not points, not likes and not a rating. Time itself became it. What follows from this?

#telegram #democracy #whatUthink
πŸ“‘ @nogoolag πŸ“‘ @blackbox_archiv
Freedom of press in Ukraine: new 'guidelines'
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