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Live streaming from the 36th Chaos Communication Congress

Every year at the end of December, not only Christmas but also the Chaos Communication Congress is on our schedule. Under the motto "Resource Exhaustion", several thousand hackers meet again in Leipzig between the years.

📺 Livestream:

💡 Schedule overview:

#CCC #36C3 #Streaming #Video
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No roborders, no nation, or: smile for a European surveillance propagation

How an agency implements Fortress Europe by degrading Non-Europeans to second-rate people

Robots, Satellites and biometrical traps - more than a Billion Euro will be spent in 2021 for what they call "Border Security." The European Border and Coastguard, formerly Frontex, dreams of a fully automomus border surveillance system.

⚠️ This Talk was translated into multiple languages. The files available for download contain all languages as separate audio-tracks. Most desktop video players allow you to choose between them. Please look for "audio tracks" in your desktop video player.

#video #CCC #36c3
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Cryptography demystified - An introduction without maths

This talk will explain the basic building blocks of cryptography in a manner that will (hopefully) be understandable by everyone. The talk will not require any understanding of maths or computer science.
In particular, the talk will explain encryption, what it is and what it does, what it is not and what it doesn't do, and what other tools cryptography can offer.

⚠️ This Talk was translated into multiple languages. The files available for download contain all languages as separate audio-tracks. Most desktop video players allow you to choose between them. Please look for "audio tracks" in your desktop video player.

#video #CCC #36c3 #cryptography
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What the World can learn from Hongkong - From Unanimity to Anonymity

The people of Hong Kong have been using unique tactics, novel uses of technology, and a constantly adapting toolset in their fight to maintain their distinctiveness from China since early June. Numerous anonymous interviews with protesters from front liners to middle class supporters and left wing activists reveal a movement that has been unfairly simplified in international reporting.

⚠️ This Talk was translated into multiple languages. The files available for download contain all languages as separate audio-tracks. Most desktop video players allow you to choose between them. Please look for "audio tracks" in your desktop video player.

#video #CCC #36c3 #Hongkong #Anonymity
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Technical aspects of the surveillance in and around the Ecuadorian embassy in London - Details about the man hunt for Julian Assange and Wikileaks

The talk explains and illustrates the procedural and technical details of the surveillance in and around the Ecuadorian embassy in London during the time Julian Assange stayed in there from June 2012 until April 2019.

⚠️ This Talk was translated into multiple languages. The files available for download contain all languages as separate audio-tracks. Most desktop video players allow you to choose between them. Please look for "audio tracks" in your desktop video player.

#video #CCC #36c3 #surveillance #Assange
Listening Back Browser Add-On Tranlates Cookies Into Sound

‘Listening Back’ is an add-on for the Chrome and Firefox browsers that sonifies internet cookies in real time as one browses online. Utilising digital waveform synthesis, ‘Listening Back’ provides an audible presence for hidden infrastructures that collect personal and identifying data by storing a file on one’s computer. By directing the listener’s attention to hidden processes of online data collection, Listening Back functions to expose real-time digital surveillance and consequently the ways in which our everyday relationships to being surveilled have become normalised.

Our access to the World Wide Web is mediated by screen devices and ‘Listening Back’ enables users to go beyond the event on the screen and experience some of the algorithmic surveillance processes that underlie our Web experience. This project therefore explores how sound can help us engage with complex phenomena beyond the visual interface of our smart devices by highlighting a disconnect between the graphical interface of the Web, and the socio-political implications of background mechanisms of data capture.

By sonifying a largely invisible tracking technology ‘Listening Back’ critiques a lack of transparency inherent to online monitoring technologies and the broader context of opt in / default cultures intrinsic to contemporary modes of online connectivity. By providing a sonic experiential platform for the real-time activity of Internet cookies this project engages listening as a mode of examination and asks what is the potential of sound as a tool for transparent questioning?

👉🏼 Chrome:

👉🏼 Firefox:

💡 Read more:

#addon #chrome #firefox #CCC #36c3 #cookies #ListeningBack
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Vincent Canfield - 36C3 Staff Brutally Assaulted Me for Political Reasons

On Saturday night (Sunday morning) at around 4:30AM my friend and I were the victim of a brutal assault that was started, escalated, and carried out by the most senior members of the Orga group of the Chaos Communication Congress. If it were not for the evidence we collected, you would think I was crazy. But these abuses are very real.

#CCC #36c3 #Canfield #video
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The KGB Hack: 30 Years Later

The 36C3 seems an excellent opportunity to take a look back at the instance of hacking which, even more so than previous events like the BTX and NASA Hacks, brought the CCC into the focus of the (West-)German public – and, additionally, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Verfassungsschutz) and the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst).

⚠️ This Talk was translated into multiple languages. The files available for download contain all languages as separate audio-tracks. Most desktop video players allow you to choose between them. Please look for "audio tracks" in your desktop video player.

#video #CCC #36c3 #KGB #hacking
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Hacking health

About hacking wheelchairs, building custom bicycles, adapters to use e-scooters as outboard motors: Empowering people with disablitities or healthcare needs through Open Hardware. Presentation on experiences and lessons learned in collecting and co-creating open personalized DIY healthcare solutions for replicability and adaptability in Makerspace worldwide.

#CCC #36C3 #hacking #health #wheelchairs #video