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How Zelenskyy's Security Service Silences Peaceful Voices & the Ignorance of the Western Media | acTVism Munich

In this episode of The Source, we speak with Yurii Sheliazhenko, Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, about why Ukrainian intelligence under President Volodymyr Zelenskyy raided his home and accused him of "justifying Russian aggression," even though Yurii believes the Russian war against Ukraine is a crime against humanity. Yurii is currently under house arrest and facing the possibility of 5 years in prison. We also examine the state of the peace movement and media in Ukraine and whether voices advocating for a ceasefire and de-escalation are given a platform. We also inquire about how the Ukrainian population is reacting to the martial law imposed by Zelenskyy, which prohibits men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country.

#Ukraine #Zelenskyy
Maui Residents ERUPT IN RAGE
| JimmyDoreShow

Maui residents, especially those directly affected by the recent fires, are livid over the federal government’s response, or lack thereof, and have voiced their discontent in countless social media posts. It’s not lost on many Hawaiians how little federal assistance the island has received compared with the seemingly endless billions of dollars that are regularly shipped over to Ukraine.

#Lahaina #Maui #Hawaii #Ukraine
Britain’s Prince Andrew accused of sexual abuse during visit to Ukraine

Britain’s Prince Andrew is once again facing serious allegations of child abuse. His relationship with controversies seems to be unending. The fresh allegations against the Prince were made during his visit to Ukraine amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. He visited Ukraine in June. 

#PrinceAndrew #Ukraine #pedophile #UK
Ukraine Hits Crimea With US Targeting And British Missiles
| Ron Paul Liberty Report Video

Yesterday, #Ukraine hit targets in #Crimea, damaging or destroying one kilo-class Russian sub and one landing ship. The missiles used were #StormShadows from the #UK and the targeting was from the US Pentagon. How soon until Russia strikes back at increasingly direct #NATO/US involvement in the war? Also today: too little too late - the #Pentagon suddenly develops an interest in where the money to Ukraine is going. Finally - #AgentOrange 2.0? US to "defoliate" Asian jungles to prepare for war with #China.
U.S. Aids Pakistan IMF Bailout With Secret Ukraine Arms Deal – | TheIntercept

The U.S.-brokered loan let Pakistan’s military postpone elections, deepen a brutal crackdown, and jail former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

SECRET PAKISTANI ARMS sales to the U.S. helped to facilitate a controversial bailout from the International Monetary Fund earlier this year, according to two sources with knowledge of the arrangement, with confirmation from internal Pakistani and American government documents.

The arms sales were made for the purpose of supplying the Ukrainian military — marking Pakistani involvement in a conflict it had faced U.S. pressure to take sides on.The revelation is a window into the kind of behind-the-scenes maneuvering between financial and political elites that rarely is exposed to the public, even as the public pays the price.

#ImranKhan #IMF #Arms #Pakistan #US #Ukraine
Biden’s phase’ of Ukraine war is beginning | Indian Punchline –

The ground war in Ukraine has run its course, a new phase is beginning. Even diehard supporters of Ukraine in the western media and think tanks are admitting that a military victory over Russia is impossible and a vacation of the territory under Russian control is way beyond Kiev’s capability.

Hence the ingenuity of the Biden Administration to explore Plan B counselling Kiev to be realistic about loss of territory and pragmatically seek dialogue with Moscow. This was the bitter message that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken transmitted to Kiev recently in person. 

#Ukraine #US #Nato #Biden #EU #Blinken #Russia
Zelensky Pesters Poles For More Funds In Viral New TikTok Trend

Trending on Polish TikTok, a virtual Ukrainian President Zelensky repeatedly harasses ordinary Poles for more aid.

“Daj, daj, daj,” Zelensky can be heard saying, which translates to “Give, give, give.” At that point, the phone user has to swat the leader away in a game-like fashion physically.

👉 @RTnews_unc3 RT

#Ukraine #Poland #Zelensky
Since February 2022, the West has given Kiev $323 billion, including $107 billion from the USA, $23 billion from Germany, $15 billion from the UK and $2 billion from France. The European politburo has also given $85 billion, part of which has been taken from French citizens.

#ArmsPipeline #US #Nato #EU #Ukraine