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Forwarded from Worth Fighting For
Forwarded from JACK'D UK (Nicholas Cotton)
Shakespeare was Hamas.
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Tucker Carlson, one of the most insightful pundits of our time, can also be one of the most stupid and dangerous.

Here he is at his giggly, idiotic worst: Promoting the Noahide Laws without mentioning the incy-wincy problem that the prohibition on the worship of idols means that all the people of the Cross ✝️ are condemned to death by beheading.

The Noahide laws not only codify a bizarre and revolting racial supremacism, they also demand the destruction of Christianity.

As for the Talmud.......

So what do you think - is Tucker simply spectacularly ill-informed, or has he pocketed 30 pieces of silver or a cache of bitcoin?
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To everyone on Telegram whining about the Muslims protesting outside North western police stations over the police violence at Manchester Airport:

Back in the day, the BNP protested outside various cop shops to draw attention to their disgusting lack of action over the racist grooming of English girls and violence against English boys.

The problem here isn't Muslims protesting against police wrong-doing (and kicking a man who has already been subdued on the floor is wrong, whoever he his. Not least because, if they can do them, they'll certainly do it to you).

The problem is that OUR people don't respond to perceived injustice in the same way, but let the police - WHO ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS - do whatever they want.

This trouble started because someone insulted the pair's mother. Imagine what would have happened if a gang from another group had gang-raped their sister.

Now tell me who's wrong and should be condemned: Them, or our pussified, atomised, cowardly, deracinated excuses for 'men'?
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Opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. The Russians are very lucky to be barred from attending, and thus deprived of the opportunity of thinking it might be about skill, strength and sportsmanship, rather than sodomy, subversion and Satanism.
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In case you still don't understand that - for all their various faults - Putin and Russia lead the worldwide Party of God, while the West has become the global Army of Satan.

These two contrasting Olympic opening ceremonies illustrate it better than any high-brow essay ever could.

‼️🇫🇷🇪🇺✡️ Death on a pale horse with the wings of Lucifer on the 33rd olympics📣 ‼️🪱👻

Quite possibly the most symbolic scene of the entire opening ceremony was a faceless rider on a pale horse.

And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed after him, and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with beasts of the earth.

Revelation 6:8

👉 Continues HERE

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As is often the case, Nick Cotton hits the nail on the head with his assessment of the Incel 'movement' and its various collaborators.

The entire Incel thing - from the full-on pederast groomers through to the sour grapes, porn & tissues brigade - is a sordid farce.

For nationalists to give any credence or platform to this toxic mixture of childishness, insecurity and homosexuality is a disgrace.

Sooner the Muslim brothers going OTT in defence of their mother than self-professed heroes of the White race who hate and sneer at the women on whom the entire future of our people depends.
Forwarded from JACK'D UK (Nicholas Cotton)

Since 2019 since I started my channel, I have been explicit that the groypers attacks on Turning Point served as my primary inspiration for all the trolling I’ve done against the controlled Jewish media over the past 5 years. When it comes to Zionism, Fuentes is flawless.

I have also, always been explicit that something is severely wrong in the sex department. Nick Fuentes created a climate where expressing sexual attraction towards women was called ‘gay’. True undateables, indefensible.

It turns out that Nick Fuentes has been turning a blind eye to not one rapist paedophile, but two (Donald Trump and Ali Alexander).

Nick Fuentes would rather protect an immigrant rapist than a white woman. As far as I know the only woman he’s actually complimented publicly is the genocidal demon Laura Loomer.
The blasphemous and repulsive Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony has now been deleted from the official website, but Ryan Garcia's octopus moment will dog the rest of his career, even if he does start to box again.
Good morning from the English/Welsh border! A reminder that our country, despite everything generations of elites have done to despoil and appropriate it, remains both beautiful and ours.

Set to be the hottest day of the year so far. Which isn't 'global warming', it's just summer.
Racist Muslim grooming gangs need exposing, criticising and stopping. But they're not the only - or the worst - groomers. Not by a long chalk.

Anyone who complains about 'Muslim groomers' without ALSO criticising the globalist/LGBTQ grooming and child mutilation is either extremely stupid, deeply cowardly or working to a different agenda.
This is a tad difficult for those who claim to be Christians but "stand by (Christ-hating) Israel".

The creator of the Olympic obscenity and grooming promotion is not a Muslim. Nor are the owners of the medical, media or advertising corporations which are pushing the trans agenda and child sexual mutilation.
Forwarded from éire,s sovereign soloutions foroum (Song B.)
"We will fight to the last they/them".

This really is aSwedish Army recruitment poster. Note the lack of the Swedish flag - presumably its cross is unacceptable.

When I say that NATO is the military wing of the Satanic global gay disco, I'm not exaggerating.

Do you think perhaps Lenin had a point when he advised "Turn the war into civil war"?

Even if you don't, you need to understand that the liberal elite are waging war and hybrid conflict not just against Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Palestine, but also Bible-true Christianity, traditional Islam and national Communist China.

They're also at war with God, nature, normality and YOU. The first appropriate response is a personal vow NEVER to serve in any sorry, NATO-linked excuse for a military.

Let the liberal elite fight their own disgusting wars.
Media is too big
Something strange about thie Stockport stabbing story. It could easily be an insane recent enricher, of course, but the Taylor Swift concert and sudden media interest in getting a quote from me means it could be some white incel freak.

Tread carefully, folks, and remember: it doesn't matter who or what the killer is. Black, brown, white; Muslim, Christian, godless; trans, queer, straight; liberal, Marxist, nationalis t- he should be hung from the neck, cremated and flushed down the drain.