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๐ŸŽฆ Burning The Holy Quran & Caricatures of Ayatollah Khamenei | IP Talk Show

Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.

In this episode we're talking about the recent episode of burning the Holy Quran in Sweden by Swedish citizen and Danish politician Rasmus Paludan on January 21, 2023. We're also discussing why Charlie Hebdo released the offensive caricatures of Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei.

What kind of an individual would burn the holy Quran, a book deeply respected and loved by well over 1.5 billion Muslims all across the world, and many many non-Muslims as well?

And isn't it dangerous for a person to have such kind of extreme hatred in their hearts to the point where they would burn another religion's holy book, and also have a political position in the government?

And who is ultimately behind the burning of the holy Quran, the desecration of religious sanctities, and what are some of their motives?

What are some of the reactions that a person would give in the face of such kinds of inciteful acts of hatred and Islamophobia?

How should we react to these kinds of inciteful and Islamophobic acts of hatred?

Why would an individual want to live in a country where they are considered to be second or even third-class citizens by the governmental establishment, and at times, the overall majority of the population?

What is 'secular intolerance' and 'secular extremism', and why is it so dangerous, especially within the context of 'secular terrorism'?

What is a beautiful verse of the holy Quran that puts all these things into perspective?

Why were some unfortunate cartoons made of Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, an individual respected and revered by countless Muslims and non-Muslims alike?

And can some pitiful cartoons made by a trash and pornographic magazine from a country that is breaking apart at the seams, really bring down the spiritual status of a revered religious leader such as Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei?

What is one of the reasons why the great plot created by the Arrogant Powers and seen in the recent rioting in Iran, failed miserably?

And what does the burning of the holy Quran, and the cartoons of Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, and previously of the Messenger of Allah (S), signal about the current condition of the enemies of Islam?

Has the communist model survived long enough to provide for the worldly welfare of humanity?

And what is the current state of the capitalist model, who also claims to be able to provide for the worldly welfare of humanity?

Finally, what makes Islam different from the above-mentioned man-made failed models?

To answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Shaykh Ali Qomi from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, to sit down with us and speak a little bit about these topics as we speak about the recent events of "Burning The Holy Quran & Caricatures of Ayatollah Khamenei".

#IPTalkShow #IslamicPulse #BurningQuran #QuranBurning #Qom #Qum #Prophet #Muhammad #Muslims #Islam #Wilayate #AhlulBayt #Quran #Protest #Imamate #Wilayah #WilayatAlFaqih #Faqih #Khamenei #JihadeTabyiin #Khomeini #EndOfTimes #Savior #AwaitedOne #Mahdi #TheMahdi #Iran #Media #SoftWar #IslamicRepublic #Revolution #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwareness #CharlieHebdo #Sweden #France #Paludan

Duration: 44:33

Forwarded from Islamic Pulse
๐ŸŽฆ The Islamic Revolution's Principles And Its Enemies' Reactions | IP Talk Show

Congratulations to all the believers and all of humanity on the 44th Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.

In this episode we're talking about the 44th Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

What are some of the divine principles that the Islamic Revolution is based upon?

What is the current condition of the Islamic Revolution after the passing of 44 years?

How does the Islamic Revolution manifest the verse of the Quran found in Chapter 28, Verse Number 5?

And what is the absolute manifestation of the above mentioned verse of the holy Quran?

How is the system of Wilayat al-Faqih manifesting and continuing the Wilayah and authority of Allah upon the earth?

What does the term Islamic Republic stand for?

What role do the people play in the Islamic Republic?

What does the term 'Popular Religious Governance' mean?

Approximately what percentage of the people voted for the Islamic Republic in 1979, and what was this vote based upon?

What role does opposing the oppressor and supporting the oppressed play in the founding principles of the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Revolution, and in what is this concept deeply rooted in?

What are just a few of the reactions that the enemy and the Global Arrogant Front has made, vis-ร -vis the victory and establishment of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic?

On what side of the fence are the divine principles of the Islamic Republic when it comes to the basic principles of the Global Taghuti Powers?

What were some of the things that the Global Taghuti establishment has done to the Islamic Republic internally?

And likewise, what are some of the things that the Global Arrogant Powers has done to the Islamic Republic externally?

What was the 'Den of Espionage' in Tehran, and what was found in it?

What was the 8-year 'Sacred Defense'?

What is a 'Color Revolution' and how does it apply to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and what color was used?

What is the ultimate purpose behind the sanctions of the West against Iran, that always has and is having an effect on the average innocent Iranian, man, woman, or child?

To answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Shaykh Ali Qomi from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, to sit down with us and speak a little bit about these these topics, as we go over "The Islamic Revolution's Principles And Its Enemies' Reactions".

#IPTalkShow #IslamicPulse #Allah #Muslims #Islam #Wilayate #AhlulBayt #Quran #Protest #Imamate #Wilayah #WilayatAlFaqih #Faqih #Khamenei #JihadeTabyiin #Khomeini #EndOfTimes #Savior #AwaitedOne #Mahdi #TheMahdi #Iran #IslamicIran #Media #SoftWar #IslamicRepublic #Revolution #Resistance #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwareness #44thAnniversary #IR44

Duration: 27:32

Forwarded from Pure Stream Media
๐Ÿ“ธ The al-Aqsa Storm

The al-Aqsa Storm with all its ferocity has come down hard upon the Zionist entity and its occupation forces.

The brave Palestinian freedom fighters have shook the already feeble foundations of the illegitimate Zionist regime.

The tables have turned in the West Asian region and the Zionist regime has incurred unrepairable damage.

The Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, speaks about the main things that need to be taken into consideration when fully understanding all that's going on with 'The al-Aqsa Storm', in a speech his eminence gave on the 10th of October 2023.


#GlobalArrogance #IslamicRevolution #IslamicResistance #ImamKhamenei #MassMedia #ArrogantPowers #IslamicResistance #FreePalestine #Gaza #SavePalestine #FreedomFighter #Palestine #AlQuds #AlAqsaStorm #Freedom #Zionism #israel #JihadeTabyiin #Media #SoftWar #IslamicAwareness | shiatv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
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๐ŸŽฆ A Quick Analysis of the AL-AQSA STORM | IP Talk Show

Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.

In this episode we're answering some fundamental questions as we do "A Quick Analysis of the al-Aqsa Storm".

What are some of the various intricacies of the "al-Aqsa Storm"?

And based upon the 'al-Aqsa Storm', what condition is the current illegitimate Zionist regime in?

What is the reality of the israeli people who live in occupied Palestine? Are there any innocent civilians in the occupied Palestine?

What does the current 'al-Aqsa Storm' say about the intelligence apparatus of Zionist israel?

Is Iran behind this mobilization called the 'al-Aqsa Storm'; and if not, why does the mass
media keep bringing the name of Iran up as being behind the 'al-Aqsa Storm'?

Is what the world currently seeing in Palestine a religious war between Muslims and Jews?

What is our responsibility when it comes to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian movement for liberation against the Zionist occupiers?

And finally, what does Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei and Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Sistani say about the current 'al-Aqsa Storm'?

We invited Shaykh Ali Qomi to help us answer these questions and more, and give us "A Quick Analysis of the al-Aqsa Storm".

Long Live Palestine!

#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #GlobalArrogance #IslamicRevolution #Revolution #Resistance #MassMedia #ArrogantPowers #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #Media #FreePalestine #Gaza #HelpGaza #SavePalestine #FreedomFighter #Palestine #AlQuds #AlAqsaStorm #Freedom #Slavery #Zionism #israel #JihadeTabyiin #SoftWar #IslamicAwareness

Duration: 52:36 | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
Forwarded from Rybar in English
๐Ÿ–‡๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ Do you remember the false news from October 10, which claimed that 40 Israeli babies were beheaded and which the world media was spreading?

The Israeli media has already determined the average age of the children killed in attacks by Hamas and Islamic Jihad. None of the victims were babies. In total, 16 children between the ages of 4 and 17 lost their lives.

There are still 248 individuals whose age could not be determined, but they belong to the older generation.

This serves as a clear demonstration of how the media, fueled by emotions, are willing to amplify any information about deceased children in order to vilify the enemy as much as possible. This applies not only to Israelis, but also to Palestinians. However, no one can deny the fact that the number of children killed in Gaza is significantly higher: there is ample footage available on the Internet.
#Israel #media technology #Palestine

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๐ŸŽฆ Yemen's Defense of Palestine | IP Talk Show

Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show.

In this episode, we're talking about "Yemen's Defense of Palestine".

What are two camps that have been formed across the world in the present-day and what does Palestine have to do with them?

Who all makes up each one of these two camps that span across the world?

What role does the United States of America have in perpetuating the crisis and genocide in Palestine?

What is a clear difference that must be made between the peoples of Muslim nations and their respective governments?

How have the Yemeni people defended the Palestinian people?

And what is an interesting addition to the 'factions' that are supporting Palestine and the Palestinian cause?

What role does faith in God play when it comes to defending the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause?

What role does the United Nations Organization play in our discussion regarding Palestine and Yemen?

And finally, how are the actions of the Yemeni people in their defense of Palestine both rational and logical?

In order to answer these questions and more, we humbly invited Shaykh Ali Qomi to come and speak to us about "Yemen's Defense of Palestine".

Our salutations and prayers to all the brave people in Yemen standing up and defending the Palestinian people.

#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #GlobalArrogance #IslamicRevolution #Revolution #Resistance #MassMedia #ArrogantPowers #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #Media #Yemen #SaveYemen #Houthi #FreePalestine #Gaza #HelpGaza #SavePalestine #FreedomFighter #Palestine #AlQuds #GazaMassacre #GazaGenocide #AlAqsaStorm #Freedom #Slavery #Zionism #israel #JihadeTabyiin #SoftWar #IslamicAwareness

Duration: 49:58 | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
Forwarded from Pure Stream Media
๐Ÿ“ธ Hajj Message 2024

Congratulations to all the believers across the world upon the great and auspicious event of the Hajj.

The Hajj pilgrimage is an annual religious socio-political spiritual pilgrimage to the House of Allah, the holy Kaaba, in the holy city of Mecca.

Millions of Muslims from all over the world attend this great Abrahamic unifying gathering of believers, visiting the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

In honor of the Hajj pilgrimage 2024, we release images of the Hajj Message of the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, where his eminence speaks about the various aspects of the Hajj pilgrimage, which is of utmost importance as the tides are turning.

May Allah accept the worship and prayers of all the Hajj pilgrims. And may Allah give those who could not attend the Hajj this year, the grace to attend the Hajj pilgrimage in the years to come.

May Allah grant our Palestinian brothers and sisters a swift victory.

Written on: 11 June 2024
Published on: 15 June 2024


#HajjMessage2024 #HajjMessage #ImamKhamenei #AyatollahKhamenei #Hajj2024 #Hajj1445 #Hajj #IslamicRevolution #Islam #Pilgrim #Mecca #Medina #Allah #Kaaba #Masjid #Muslim #Unity #America #Zionism #israel #D2A #D2i #Qods #Quds #Palestine #Arrogant #Soft_War #Media_War #Resistance #Resistance_Front #Quran #Wilayate #Imam #Imamate #IslamicRepublic #MustWatch #MustShare | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp