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Save the Republic: Intel and geopol analysis by veteran consultant XF

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💢 I have my own analysis of Reich, but this introduces important concepts even if somethings are turned around
Media is too big
💢 Serbian wedding (my kuma in white) in early stages. Expect major delays

💢 Gramsci as much as Reich were extremely influenced by the bolshevik revolution in russia, but remained much more flexible or fluid thinkers than official marxism-leninism in the ussr could account or allow for

The idea of mass psychology (reich) and the related hegemony (gramsci) both pointed to a single conclusion;

The bolshevik revolution showed to them that under certain conditions, the working class can organise and rise up against the capitalist class in power.

But look at Italy, or Austria/Germany

Workers uprisings were insufficiently supported by the workers and broader society.

The reasons must be psychological at some level, they reckoned, since they believed that the capitalist system was ending around the year 1900.

If workers and society didn't understand that capitalism was moribund, then this was proof that cultural and psychological factors trumped the base economic reality.

As an aside, the need for such an approach entirely supercedes marx even if the approach gets couched in marxian terminology.


💢 The left around this time (the failed German and Austro-Hungarian uprisings) began to be confronted with the fact that the dynamism of capitalism still had another century of potential. They refused to acknowledge, so they studied culture .

The idea that capitalism could transform the world into the developed world we see today, was an alien idea to the radical marxists of the day (not all marxists were so radical)

They were fixated on figuring out why the Russian revolution could not be replicated in Italy or the germanies.

The only marxist leader who saw that Europe still had another century of capitalist development until political socialisation of the productive forces was possible, was Mussolini

As a consequence, he pushed fascism as a century long solution to the class struggle

💢 The word "capitalism" has a very different definition for Marx than the same word does for von Hayek

This is important to understand if you want to understand each other


💢 The marxists view capitalism as essentially creating an unjust hierarchy. Not that hierarchy is itself the problem. That's true even in their iteration of anarchy.

While having many anarchist sympathisers in the 1st International, etc, the Marxists do not oppose hierarchy or authority in principle. See Engels On Authority.

What they are talking about is unjust or undeserved hierarchies.

And what is this talk about being for or against "anything"?

Typically marxists do not advocate, they merely explain and predict.

Lenin changed this 180 degrees, and introduced voluntarism.

Mao took this further and what we see in the left today is therefore about ostensible virtues, but false ones



💢 Poland will transfer 60 modernized Soviet tanks to Kyiv in addition to 14 Leopard tanks.

“Now we are ready to send 60 of our modernized tanks (Soviet type), including 30 RT-91 tanks,” said Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

He did not specify what other combat vehicles he was talking about.

“If we do not want Ukraine to lose, we must be very open and persistent in our support,” the politician stressed.

The RT-91 Twardy is an upgraded version of the Soviet T-72 tank with a more powerful engine and fire guidance system.

💢 Clean up of dead accounts brings us close to being under 29k subs.

Thanks team and friends and yes also not so much friends, for making this channel not related to influencing and influencers


The Majority of Tim Kirby Hardcore Subscribers?
💢 Nord Stream AG has answered the question of who blew up NSP2 (spoiler alert - not Russia)

"Russians? No," Matthias Warning, executive director of Nord Stream 2, told Die Zeit.

"- Who then? A NATO country?
- *Silently nods.
- England?
- It's all speculation. But think about it."

Forwarded from Inessa S ️️
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European Championships of Figure Skating, 2023 opening ceremony with transgender Finnish skater Minna-Maaria Antikainen.

It appears that it's no longer what gender you identify - its that you identify that you can skate, and no qualifying judge can dispute that ....😅
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💢Brazil Refuses To Sell Tank Ammunition To Ukraine — Media

Brazilian President Lula da Silva shot down an offer to sell tank ammunition to Germany for use in Ukraine, Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo reported on Friday. A vocal critic of the West’s policy toward Ukraine, Lula has striven to remain neutral on its conflict with Russia.

The president rejected the request at a meeting with Brazilian defense chiefs and Defense Minister Jose Mucio last week. According to the paper’s sources, since-dismissed army commander Julio Cesar de Arruda told Lula that Germany wished to purchase just under $5 million worth of shells for its Leopard 1 tanks.

Lula reportedly considered asking Berlin to guarantee that it would not send the ammunition to Ukraine. Still, she ultimately declined the offer, “arguing that it was not worth provoking the Russians,” as Folha de Sao Paulo put it.

💢 Write me 🚨 FindMeFlores@gmail.com if you've just rechecked your google drive access to the livestream archive and still can't get in.

I just did about 25 requests that backed up from mid January forward

Oh! If you don't mind, - Best to use the email address you want access assigned to - this way I don't have to write back and double check your email

Forwarded from Martin Hughes
I think of Marx as being very enthusiastic about the way that capitalism had unleashed the human potential. He was not ‘anti-capitalist’ in any sense that people are today. I think a better way of thinking about his view of capitalism is to say that he was a post-capitalist.

This entailed in some form or other the extension of human agency over the realm that we call ‘the market’, which would in turn unleash to the fullest the human creative potential that capitalism had bought about but couldn’t realise in a fully human form.

So this would have meant not merely the unleashing of productive potential but of the human potential along with it. The productive potential would thus not have been in the service of unbridled consumerism and avarice, but human wisdom. Obviously that’s a charitable reading.

The main way capitalism stumbled over itself, for him, was in the tendency of the rate of profit to decline. All the other stuff is secondary to this basic dynamic. Obviously for this theory of crisis to be true it requires that the labour theory of value is true. I guess this could be open to contestation as AI and robots come more into the picture. Here the labour invested in something becomes so vanishingly small - potentially - that it may seem persnickety to even consider it at all.
Forwarded from LifeTraveler 3
There is a movement started in Germany post WWI by a group of intellectuals who were orthodox Marxists. After WWI they tried to figure out why Marxist ideas did not play out like Marx predicted. They still call themselves Marxists or neo-Marxist. They have the same goals as Orthodox communism. They altered the method to get to those outcomes. Typically they hate Stalin for his manipulation of Marxist ideology however they remain dedicated to methods of collective control to reach utopia. They consider themselves Marxists who have refined Marx's ideology to make it practical.

They started in 1923 Frankfurt Germany but moved to the US Colombia University in 1933.

Herbert Marcuse wrote Eros and Civilization and One Diminsional Man in the 50s and 60s as well as several other books. He lays out the plan for most of what is taking place in the West now related to Critical Theory, neo-Marxism, and related goals. He firmly considered himself Marxist.

To be precise here are a few Frankfurt School early advocates. They started in sociology and psychology then spread their ideas to many universities across the West by developing curriculum.
Max Horkheimer (1895-1973),
Theodor Adorno (1903-1969),
Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979),
Walter Benjamin (1892-1940),
Friedrich Pollock (1894-1970),
Leo Lowenthal (1900-1993), and
Eric Fromm (1900-1980).

Since the 1970s, a second generation began with Jürgen Habermas. There are new generations now, Andrew Feenberg, who was a student of Marcuse,

Before 1923 the writings of Italian Gramsci had a great influence on these thinkers.

So there is a long line of these thinkers who were and are very influential. Strictly speaking they are not Orthodox communists. Nevertheless they consider themselves Marxist and draw inspiration from Marx.
Forwarded from Mark Stoneweapon
In my view, arguing about communism Vs capitalism ideologies, in part, is what’s preventing the revolution from happening within.
💢 US provided ‘cover’ for Scholz on tanks – WaPo

The White House reportedly agreed to deliver the Abrams to Ukraine to shield the German chancellor

Relying on sources “on both sides of the Atlantic,” the report details how the White House struggled to win over Scholz who initially resisted delivering the Leopard 2 tanks to fight Russian forces in Ukraine unless the US agreed to commit the Abrams. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and the Pentagon reportedly were against sending American main battle tanks that they believed would be too difficult for Ukrainians to operate and maintain.

According to the Post, it was Secretary of State Antony Blinken who proposed announcing a commitment to supply the tanks to Kiev, but at some point in the future, as part of “‘long term’ needs in a war that might go on for years.”

💢 You don't have to be far away to mistake Finland's first transgender figure skater for Chuck Schumer's wife.

Even up close - it's the same energy!
