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It looks like Tucker is hitting a nerve with his reporting on the biolabs. Twitter is in panic mode sending out it's fact-checking propaganda.

Oh, but Twitter isn't a publisher, remember?

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
Testimony from Ukraine citizens: They were being forced to stay in their houses...were being used as human shields in Mariupol. I looked up who controlled Mariupol and you guessed it: It's none other than the Nazi Azov Battalion. We have nazis using innocent…
Twitter is concerned (ahem, panicked) you might believe the testimonies of Ukranian citizens, so they are making sure you understand via their propaganda trends.

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
New World Order is trending on twitter based on Biden speech: "60 million people died between and 1900-1946. Since then we established a liberal world order"... "There's going to be a new world order out there and we've got to lead it". https://twitt…
Because NWO was trending on twitter with Joe's video yesterday, Twitter decided it was time to step in with some clarification just in case Joe was waking some folks up.

UnFoUnDEd cONsPirAcY ThEoRy

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
Now that a flood of people are getting into Truth Social, Twitter is in a panic. Let the propaganda begin.

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda

H/T: Devin on Truth
I think they are afraid people will use Ivermectin and be cured of not just Covid, but all kids of exciting things like parasites and cancer?

Twitter is on a roll today with propaganda.

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
I'm doing moar Twitter trolling. They trended this. Compare it to the tweet they reference:

J.D. Vance: "I have a buddy in France, and they just had an election there. Polls closed a few hours ago and they already know who the winners are. Must be nice to live in a first world country."

NOTE: JD was talking about the shenanigans around the rigged election. The propaganda push was to call for removing the electoral college. Their desperation is too obvious.

#ttpp (twitter trends panic propaganda)
I thought I was done with the Twitter trends panic propaganda, but nope.

This was in the Twitter trends back on March 31st and is back at the top of "What's Happening" today.

Clicking the link, it takes you back to the March posts about it yet says it was trending yesterday, kek



The left has been complaining that a billionaire is taking over the town square (twitter).

Patriots have pushed back saying "why complain about Twitter when Bill Gates is buying up farmland and big investors like Vanguard/BlackRock/Blackstone are buying up single family homes?"

Apparently this messaging from patriots is having an impact—Twitter feels a need to "fact check" this. They highlight a fact-check in their trends. Their fact check is weak and tries to minimize the impact of investors buying up land and homes. They say its less than 1% of farmland and 20% of homes.

That a lot and it's something for us to fight against and try to stop. In some states, it's more than 20% of homes—Florida is 30%. And they are all still buying things up. Where will it be next year or in five years?

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda


Twitter is in full panic mode over the 2,000 Mules film. They've unleashed their fake fact checkers to put out propaganda.

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
What do you think frens? Will SCOTUS fast-track the decision or ignore the leak and continue on the usual timeline?
Twitter is pushing moar propaganda today from NPR. They want to shut down any debate by placing muh fact-check in their "trending" box. Too bad the Elon takeover will take months.

The debate on this must be having an impact for Twatter to have to highlight skewed fact-checks on it.


#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
Look here, not there... Twitter thought police.

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
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With a SCOTUS decision expected any day now (decisions are usually published on Mondays), Titter-Twatter is getting normies prepared with their panic propaganda. Oh, and so is Kamala.

This isn't coordinated at all.

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
Vaccine Injuries is trending on Twitter. When you go to see the latest tweets on it, this is what's at the top.

They panic and put out propaganda in response to their panic.


#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
Twitter is worried they are making headway, so they try so desperate to get ahead of the story

Biden announces student loan forgiveness and right on queue, Twitter starts pushing propaganda as critics start to have an impact.

PS - I believe this will require an act of congress because it's taxpayer money and the U.S. House of Representatives controls the purse strings. Let's see how this plays out.

Sidenote: "Trending with Dark Brandon" kek

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
I just went to check out Titter and this was under the "What's happening" trending box. They are still panicked about election shenanigans being exposed. Why this today?

They are worried big time folks:

"There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, according to fact-checkers and cybersecurity officials
There is no evidence of systemic voter fraud in any US state during the 2020 presidential election, fact-checkers, US cybersecurity officials and political scientists say." 😂

#ttpp - twitter trends panic propaganda
Twitter seems to be panicking about some news that's coming, because I see nobody talking about this 2-year old "legalizing pedophilia" story right now, do you? What are they panicked about?

PS - When is the Elon deal going through? I hope this is my last twitter propaganda post 😂

#ttpp - twitter trends, panic propaganda
Twitter says you should watch out for misleading memes ahead of the election 😂

I thought I was done with these, but moderation and propaganda is still happening on Twitter until Elon's team makes some updates.

#ttpp (twitter trends panic propaganda)
