علم اللغة النفسي
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الحمد لله أولاً وأخيراً..... تم الانتهاء من التسجيل الصوتي لتبويب علم اللغة النفسي
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🔴 Descriptive grammar 🔴
Me and Mary
Mary and Me

🔴 Prescriptive grammar 🔴
Mary and I
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🔴للتفريق بين ادراك الكلام و انتاج الكلام 🔴

🔵 Speech perception 🔵
1- Auditory system
1- phonological representations
2- lexical selection
3- Syntactic representation

🔵 Speech production 🔵
1- lexical selection
2- Syntactic representation
3- phonological representations
4- Articulatory system

بالتوفيق للجميع ..
مجرد عآبر ..
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🔴 تنبيه مهم 🔴

📍if someone wants to say " speak " but says' sneak” instead. That is:

A. An error at the phonological representation stage
B. An error at the syntactic representation stage
C. An error at the lexical access stage
D. An error the morphological stage

📍What kind of phonological error is the following saying "Steak and sake" instead of" steak and shake "
A. Perseveration error
B. Segment exchange error
C. Anticipation error
D. Word exchange error

الفرق بين المثال الاول والمثال الثاني :

ان المثال الاول يختص بالوصول المعجمي ( الصوت ) للكلمة
أي ان اذا وجد بالسؤال كلمتين متشابهتين بالصوت فتعتبر lexical error

المثال الثاني :
جملة كاملة فيها متغير
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🔴 اهم النقاط بالمحاضرة الخامسة 🔴

🔵 Sensitivity to language 🔵
- Before birth

🔵 Hearing develop 🔵
- second trimester, 18 weeks

🔵 Respond Auditory stimulation 🔵
- beginning of third trimester

🔵 preference mother voice 🔵
- 38 weeks , 8 months

🔵 recognize mother language 🔵
- after birth

🔵 starting Coos and gurgle 🔵
- first half of first year

🔵 starting true babbling 🔵
- second half of first year

🔵 produce first word 🔵
- between 12-18 months

🔵 6 years old 🔵
- Know 8000-14000 words

🔵 around the age 3 🔵
- Produce complex sentence

🔵 around the age 3-4 🔵
- Produce relative clauses

🔵 around the age 7-8-9 🔵
- produce word with derivational morpheme

بالتوفيق للجميع ..
مجرد عآبر ..
Forwarded from علم اللغة النفسي ..
🔴 تنبيه 🔴

ركزوا بهالاسئلة ..

📍When a bilingual speaker is speaking in a monolingual mode :

A- access to two grammar is possible
B- Access to one grammar is possible
C- No access to other grammar
D- Access to lexicon is possible without access to grammar

📍When a bilingual speaker is speaking in a bilingual mode :

A- access to two grammar is possible
B- Access to one grammar is possible
C- No access to other grammar
D- Access to lexicon is possible without access to grammar

📍When a bilingual speaker is speaking in a unilingual mode :

A- access to two grammar is possible
B-Access to one grammar is possible
C- No access to other grammar
D- Access to lexicon is possible without access to grammar

بالتوفيق للجميع ..
مجرد عآبر ..
راح يتم شرح هذه بالصوت بالمراجعة باذن الله
مهم جدا جدا جدا هذا الملف