NWCampCon Announcements
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The latest news about NWCampCon
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Good Afternoon Campers!

We are so excited for CampCon 2018!!! It's just about a week away, we have been working our tails off getting everything ready, and the weather is looking great for our weekend!

Those who are registered should have recieved an email a week ago with important information outlining some details, such as the location, potluck BBQ info, etc. Be sure to check that, and if you have any questions contact us!

Just as a reminder, the event is a registered only participation event. We do have a cap this year, anyone that is not registered that is found within the camp area will be turned away. There will be no same day, at camp registration. There are no exceptions for this rule.

We have tons of awesome fun planned and can't wait to see all of our 2018 campers!
We are pleased to announce that NWCampCon 2019 will be held June 28-30!

Registration will open April 1st.
NWCC has always been about providing the best furry camping experience that we possibly can, and we feel that changes to the registration process are necessary to achieve that going forward. We really do wish that we could accept you all, but unfortunately the space we occupy can only support a finite amount of people and our goal as always is to leave the land in better shape than when we arrive. With that said, we have decided the best way to achieve this is to make registration application based for 2019.

NWCC will begin accepting applications for registration April 1st at 8pm PDT and these will remain open for two full weeks through April 15th at 8PM. This year registration is not first come first serve; No priority will be given to those that register immediately.

After applying for registration, you can expect to receive an email on April 22nd letting you know if you have been selected to attend. Registrations will be approved based on previous years social contributions, prior attendance and overall camp etiquette, with the remaining spots allocated to new applicants as possible.

Please check back after registration opens when this section will open for submissions.
Channel name was changed to «NWCampCon Announcements»
NWCampCon registration is now open!

Please be sure to read the info on our new application based registration system this year.

Get your fuzzy butt over to www.nwcampcon.com for details.
Side note- it seems the link opening through telegram is causing some odd cached errors. If you experience this try opening it directly from a browser.
A quick important annoucement!

If you are registering for campcon, each registration is good only for one person each. Every individual must register themselves for the event separately. We have had a number of people register multiple people in one submission. This makes things difficult for us on the back side.

If you had filled out your registration submission this way, it will not be counted. Please return to the site and properly register each individual.

Thanks :)
Applications for NWCC registration close in just a few days on April 15th at 8pm. Successful applications should have received an email from nwcampcon@gmail.com upon submission (Check your spam folder if you can’t find it!) as well as seen an Application Submitted page.

If you wish to confirm your submission please contact @AkariHusky and he can double check for you!
One final reminder: Registration closes tonight at 8PM Pacific. If you haven't submitted your application for 2019 reg, please do so at www.nwcampcon.com
Hi Campers!

We are happy to announce that NWCampCon 2020 will be held June 26th to 28th this year!

Registration will open April 1st like last year and run for two weeks.

Thank you and see you camping!
Hello Campers!

At this time when the news is dominated by the COVID-19 virus, we wanted to reach out and let you know the current status of NWCampCon 2020.

We have been actively planning for an awesome 2020 camp, and as things have progressed with the COVID-19 virus we have been closely monitoring the situation, taking the guidance of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and the Washington State Department of Health. As always, we work closely with the USFS on our permitting process, and given the current situation, the USFS has suspended all non-commercial group use permits. The exact extent of this suspension is currently unknown.

At NWCampCon, our focus is to ensure we are doing our part to keep you, our attendees, and our communities safe. That is why we regret to inform you, that we will not be holding NWCampCon for our 2020 year. We understand that this is an unfortunate situation, and we would love to see each and every one of you, but the health of our attendees and communities is of greater importance.

Stay safe, stay healthy. We hope to see you in 2021.

-NWCampCon 2020 Staff
Hello campers.

We regret to announce that we will not be hosting a 2021 NWCampCon. We have been evaluating the situation and in the interest of the health and safety of our attendees we have decided to wait, and will be planning to see you all in 2022.

Stay safe!
Hello campers!

After tons of effort, dealing with the complications and restrictions due to covid, we have come to the conclusion......

That NWCampCon 2022 is a GO!

We pulled a hail

We are very happy to announce NWCampCon will take place from June 24th-26th 2022!

We are working hard planning. Keep an eye on our social media, registration will open on April 18th.

More details to come. Stay tuned!!!
Hello out furry friends!!!

NWCampCon registration is now open!

Applications are open from April 18 until May 2. We will notify accepted applicants via email around May 6.

Get your fuzzy butt over to www.nwcampcon.com to register.
Hey fuzzies!

Just letting you know that we are working going through the applications, it's taking us a bit longer than expected due to the volume received. We should have responses out to you soon!
For those who applied for NWCC this year, check your inbox (or possibly spam folder) for important news!
Just another reminder, if you applied for NWCC to check your inbox!!! We sent out responses yesterday. If you don't see it please check your spam folder as well, as we have had reports of the emails being tagged as spam.
Hello campers!

After much deliberation, we have decided to not hold NWCampCon in 2023.

We are sorry for the delay in the decision, as it was a difficult one to make. This decision was not taken lightly, but the combination of logistical issues of our event being held on public lands and issues we faced last year with non-attenndees, we have sought out a new venue.

We have a very likely potential location, but due to the short amount of time we would have to plan for a new location, we feel the event would be better served if we utilize this year to plan and come back in 2024.

We are sorry the event will not be happening this year, but at this cost we will be able to hold an even better NWCampCon 2024 and for future years to come.
Hello Campers!

We wanted to give a quick PSA. We are aware that there is a group publically planning to hold a "smaller version" [of NWCampCon] in our historic location in which we typically hold NWCampCon.

We want to officially state that we are in no way affiliated with this group. They have also publically stated they planned to be the "unofficial security" of our event. We in no way endorse this behavior or attitude toward the event.

We have spent countless hours curating this event for over a decade, and have done so to allow our attendees to have a fun and safe time.

Our planning takes into account a ton of logistics, including a USFS forest service permit tediously coordinated with the Rangers. This coordination for the event includes plans for sanitation, noise amplification, environmental impact, etc.

The USFS is fully aware that NWCampCon will NOT be holding the event this year, and that this alternative event has chosen to plan their own event.

We encourage everyone to remember if you so choose to attend this alternative event, it is not affiliated in any way whatsoever with NWCampCon.

Please keep this important information in mind as we are continuing to plan for our 2024 year.

Stay safe, stay Fuzzy!
Hello campers!

While we have been anticipating holding camp on 2024, our lives have gotten the best of us and Campcon will not be occurring this year. We will be regrouping throughout the year and into next year, with plans to return for 2025.

We are sorry for the disappointment, and hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable camping season for 2024.