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If you cannot emphasize with her, how will you write copy and how will you persuade?

That is why you need to focus on the Ideal Customer Persona instead of the entire target audience.

And your Ideal Customer Persona is none but the Past version of YOU.

You cannot empathize with anyone deeply except those who are stuck in the past versions of You.

But before I explain to you in detail about the Ideal Customer Persona (ICP), you should know who is an Ideal customer first.

🧕Who is your Ideal Customer / Dream Buyer ?

An Ideal customer is the one who you ideally want to do business with.

It is this person to whom you can sell your product happily and at the same time the customer is happy buying from you.

It is this relationship that will help you make more money 💵 without unnecessary problems.

Would you be happy selling to a person who 😤 negotiates your product for a less price or wants to have it for FREE reaping the benefits but crying poor?

or you would want to do business with a person who buys from you 😍 happily, feels the product is worth the price and is ready to buy more💰 from you in the future?

Would you be happy doing business with a person who doesn't understand your product, yet purchases it and leaves a negative review👎 in the app store?

or you want to sell to a customer who has the knowledge of it, its benefits and knows your product is solving her problem and leaves a 5 🌟 review in the app store?

The answer is obvious.
Think of the dream buyer or ideal customer creation as finding a spouse for marriage💞.

Your dream spouse would be someone who is happy with you, gives love and is proud to have you as a partner.

The relationship with your customer in your business should be as such.

Knowing your Ideal customer or dream buyer changes everything –

- your product and service offering,
- your marketing strategy,
- value proposition,
- pricing,
- tone of your copy,
- what channels you advertise on,

and more.

The purpose of going after a dream buyer is to focus your message and marketing budget on whichever market is most likely to buy your products, as well as those prospects who would be your dream customers.

Advertising channels change.

Landing page builders change.

Algorithms change.

Tactics change.

But the fundamentals of learning what people want ❤️, understanding exactly where you can help them 🎁, and then telling 🗣️ the right people about it in the most persuasive way are timeless strategies that worked 100 years ago and will work 1,000 years from now.
🧕📄 Who is the Ideal Customer Persona (ICP):

This is a detailed profile of a hypothetical person who represents the dream buyer or ideal customer for your business.

Example: My ICP is a detailed persona that represents the Past Version of ME.

A single Muslim Mum who has the same exact same problems that I had in my past looking for a solution for her ‘hair on fire’ problem.

ICP is created based on market research and validated real data about your existing customers, including their behavior, how they use your product, and why they buy it.
🪞 Why should your ICP be the Past version of You?

The Best ideal customer persona for your business is the past version of YOU.

Rewind your life 10 years back and see where you were struck, the desperate help you needed from someone to get you out of your mess.

The 😣problems, pains, dreams, hopes, fears you had back then but were unsolved.

Slowly, you solved many problems in your life either by yourself or through others.

Your business goal now should be to help those that are stuck in the past versions of you.

You help them reach their destination ⚡️faster, 😊easier and by avoiding your 🤕scars.

Remember, You cannot empathize with others as much as you can with yourself and hence the best ICP is the ‘PAST YOU’
🧕Sisters who are in the channel, you are missing out on a lot of things by not joining the group.

Group is where am giving feedback and answering your questions on the current copywriting course + workshop.

To join the group, send me a 🗣voice message (with your name and where you are from) to @Fathima_Muslimumpreneur and I will add you to the group InshaAllah.
Here’s Why having the ICP who is the past version of YOU is highly effective:

- Relatability:

Your personal journey can resonate deeply with potential customers who are in a similar situation now.

This relatability can build trust and a strong emotional connection.

- Insight:

Having been in their shoes, you have valuable insight into their specific needs, struggles, and desires, which can inform your services and marketing approach.

- Authenticity:

Sharing your story adds authenticity to your brand, showing that you genuinely understand and care about your customers’ success.

- Tailored Solutions:

You can create solutions that you know would have helped you, thus directly addressing the pain points of your customers.
To summarize:

- Target Market is the general pool of potential customers.

- Target Audience is the more specific group you communicate with through particular marketing efforts.

- Ideal customer is the one who you ideally want to do business with.

- Ideal Customer Persona is the detailed persona you create based on the characteristics of your best potential customer.
👷‍♀️Okay time for you do your first exercise:

Get this ICP template. Its $10 but giving for FREE as part of this workshop for a limited time.

Duplicate this template into your Notion workspace and start filling it.

All you have to do is just rewind yourself 5 or 10 years back when you had major problems and start noting them down.

This ICP template is about filling about your ownself so its very easy.

In the same template you can find my own ICP (Maryam) as an example.

Max time to finish this is next 24 hours.

Within Tomorrow 5 PM, I need all your ICP's to be submitted.
🔥 What is a Hair on Fire Problem?

A "🔥hair on fire" problem refers to a problem that is so urgent and critical that it demands immediate attention and solution.

If your friend was standing next to you and her hair was on fire, that fire would be the only thing she really cared about in this world.

It wouldn’t matter if she was hungry, just suffered a bad breakup, or was running late to a meeting— She would prioritize putting the fire out.

If you handed her a hose—the perfect product/solution—she would put the fire out immediately and go on her way.

If you handed her a brick she would still grab it and try to hit herself on the head to put out the fire.

You can find if the problem is a Hair on fire by checking these four attributes:

😣 Unworkable: The problem is so severe that the customer is unable to complete their business or personal process, and the consequences of this are significant enough to cause the customer to seek a solution.

😣 Unavoidable: The problem is often triggered by an event outside of the customer's control.

😣 Urgent: The problem is so pressing that it needs to be addressed immediately.

😣Underserved: There are not enough solutions available in the market to address the problem.

You need to find problems so dire that users are willing to try even half-baked, imperfect solutions.
Example: The Hair on Fire problem my Ideal Customer is ‘💵 earning money’ to run her home and take care of the kids as there is no one to provide for her.

She doesn’t care how she earns it, because she doesn’t have 🥪bread, her kids are hungry and she has to pay her rent and bills.

Her priority now is to earn money and put all these dire needs to rest.

This is exactly what the Capitalists understand, and Muslims don't.

Capitalists offer a solution- a 9-5 job (a brick).

A job that can pay you to put your fire out every month in exchange for:

🤡 leaving your feminine fitrah,

🤡 your motherly responsibilities,

🤡 displeasing Allah by free mixing,

🤡 sacrificing hijab,

🤡 taking forced Riba insurances,

🤡 paying taxes so they can bomb Palestinians with your money and the best part,

🤡 being broke after retirement. 🤷‍♀️

Women think of a 9-5 as a 🚰 water hose but it actually is a 🧱brick.

The job of persuading women to think a brick as a water hose is what the feminists do for capitalists.

That’s how the Zionist capitalists and feminists laugh when they tricked the woman of the house into paying taxes. 👇(gif)

I have written more about, how a 9-5 is a bad solution (infact a scam) for woman especially for a righteous muslimah in the ‘Life Design’ book.

If you haven’t read it yet, DM me and I will send you.

My goal is to help these ‘hair on fire’ problem single Muslim mums put out the fire with the real water hose, ie Earning money from home through entrepreneurship being in line with feminine fitrah and not transgressing Allah’s limits.
Now find out correctly what the Hair on fire problem for your ICP is so you can save her like this😅.

Again see your past life and find out what the problem is
After filling your ICP with the past version of YOU, Now you need to Validate and see how many sisters actually exist that are stuck in the past version of you.

The lesser the sisters, the chances of you selling are also lesser.

Hence it’s also important to recognize that not all sisters will have the same exact experiences or needs as you did. It’s crucial to:

- ☑️Gather Feedback and validate:

Continuously seek feedback from your current customers to ensure your solutions remain relevant and effective for your audience.

- ℹ️Stay Informed:

Keep up with trends and changes in the market to adapt your products/services as necessary.

- Example: You might have stuck at writing an year ago before ChatGPT and your solution to the writing would have been different back then.

- You cannot give the same old solutions to your audience now when there are better solutions (AI) available today.

- 👥Diversify:

Consider creating multiple personas to represent different segments within your target market for a more inclusive approach.

In summary, using your past self as an ICP can be powerful, but it should be balanced with ongoing market research and customer feedback to ensure your business meets the evolving needs of your target audience seeking help.
☑️ How to validate your ICP?

1. It’s time for you to go out and find your ICP in real life.

2. Open all social media platforms.

3. First begin with Groups / communities you added in the first step of the persona.

4. Copy and paste the customer problems, fears, dreams, and all emotions from your icp template one by one in the platform.

Eg: if your icp is in facebook groups, copy and paste the first problem in the search bar of that group. You will find posts by sisters who have complained about it.

5. Copy and paste that post (potential customer sharing her problem) link near your customer problem / fear database in notion.

🚨 This step is very important as in the future you will message these sisters and ask them about their problem, so you need their profiles to contact.

6. Likewise copy and paste all the problems and emotions in every group you are currently part of.

We do this to find the intensity of the problem, is it just you who has the problem or many other sisters also have the same problem as you do. If they do, how many have this problem- few or many?

7. After you finish researching in the groups and platforms you are currently part of, now you should go to all other social media platforms that you are not part of as well.

Don’t leave a single one- research in all platforms

8. Go in this order.


facebook groups,




Youtube comments,

Telegram groups

Linkedin (Don’t skip, here is where 💰 is)
😡 Who is a Negative Customer?

A negative customer is the opposite of the ideal customer.

This is the customer you DONT WANT to do business with.

Some traits of a negative customer are:

- They don’t have a problem which your product solves.
- Their problem is not a ‘Hair on Fire Problem’.
- They don’t have money.
- They are Bullies.
- They always move the Goalposts.
- They expect you to be a Vendor, Not a Partner.
- They don’t know what they want.

If you try to sell to a negative customer, they will suck your time and energy dry.

You should be using this time and energy to serve your ideal customer and make money.
Now that you have validated your ideal customer and her pain points, Let's now move on to Module 3. Now its time for you start writing.

P.S Without filling the ICP properly you will struggle in every step moving forward.

And without understanding what is 'Hair on fire problem' you will get stuck when writing copy.
Eid Al Adha Mubarak to those celebrating today. 🎊