Muslima Coaching
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Muslim deen, life, and marriage coaching service for couples, wives, singles, and divorced women.
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Want a happy life?

Women often tell me that they want a happy life. Some are tired of the pain they feel. Some are disappointed with their choices. Some are frustrated with their circumstances. What does it take to turn it all around?!

I was recently reading the tafsir to the verse:

"To whoever, male or female, does good deeds and has faith, We shall give a good life and reward them according to the best of their actions." (16:97)

Imam al-Tabari (Allah have mercy on him) mentions that there are three possible meanings for a 'good life.'

1. Allah grants a person halal sustenance, meaning that a believer lives a good life on halal earnings, no matter how small the amount.

2. Allah grants a person contentment, meaning that whatever happens, Allah will create a happiness within the person.

3. Allah gives the person Paradise, the ultimate bliss and true place of happiness.

So let's do the math. That means that there are three possible results from doing good works: good money, a good mindset, or a good ending.

These are the gifts Allah gives us when we do things for His sake. He fills our bodies, minds, and souls with happiness. He leads us to complete and total success - all the way to end.

It is not the fancy job title, the Romeo spouse, the superstar kids, or the luxury vacations that will put a smile on our faces. It is the good that we do in this world for Allah.

That takes sacrifice, maturity, dedication, and purpose. Fortunately, Allah makes the good so easy to do. Even a smile in your fellow Muslim's face is charity!

Don't complicate the equation thinking that you don't have what it takes to make your life good. Allah will transform your affair and facilitate the path if you act for His sake.

How do you do that? It doesn't require much. Just a good intention in your heart and a bismiLlah to start, and off you go...

Muslima Coaching
Stop Comparing Your Marriage To Others! 👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽
Need hope?

Running back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwa, Sayyidatuna Hajar desperately searched for water in an empty, barren desert. It was a matter of life and death for herself and her child.

One can only imagine what thoughts must have raced through her mind. How much longer could she survive without water? How far would she need to go to search for it? What if she found nothing?

But if she focused on those thoughts, would she have been motivated to move?

When we are at our absolute wit's end, we are met at a crossroads with our mindset. We can dwell on the unknown and sink in the impossible, or we can push against all odds and do what it takes to survive.

If we can hang on to even a morsel of hope, the way we speak to ourselves changes. Suddenly the idea of pain is a distant memory. The concept of time is irrelevant. The calculation of effort is unneeded. We must do whatever it takes to live.

Maybe you are stuck between two hills right now. You want to move forward, but the anxiety that comes from the fear of the unknown stiffles you.

The solution is to run towards what you do know: Allah will give you what is best, no matter where you go.

The hope that you have in Him is what will motivate you to do what you never thought you could. And the results He gives from your faith in Him is what you could have never achieved on your own.

Sayyidatuna Hajar was given the well of zamzam - a well that is destined to feed the pilgrims of hajj and umrah until the end of time. How impossible that must have seemed to her at the time! But it just took one step forward with hope that Allah would pave the rest of the way.

Muslima Coaching
Du’a Request

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuhu

AlhamduliLlah I have been working on a menstruation book for women for a long time. InshaAllah we are in the final stages of preparing it for release. I ask for your duas that Allah Most High accepts this work and makes it something that will bring about tremendous good.

Your Sister,
Naielah Ackbarali
InshaAllah we hope to release the menstruation guide at the end of this week. Check out this video for what the book looks like inside. InshaAllah we will send out a notice when it is available along with details of how to get a copy. Duas please!

A Muslim Woman’s Guide To Menstruation Rulings
by Naielah Ackbarali

*By a Woman for Women*
The first of its kind! A modern-day guide about the Islamic rulings related to menstruation, lochia, and abnormal bleeding. Written by a Muslim woman for Muslim women. This intermediate guide is designed to be practical, engaging, and easy to read.

*First Chapter for FREE!*
Read the first chapter for FREE! Access the author’s introduction, full table of contents, and the first chapter at the link below.

*Buy Now!*
Purchase your paperback copy NOW via Amazon at the link below.

*Click this link to access it all NOW!*
I wanted to give up every day. The reality of finishing a comprehensive menstruation guide seemed too distant and farfetched.

Several times I told myself it was impossible - that I should have chosen something easier to do with my time.

But one thing kept me going.


You, my dear sister! You kept me going.

The thought that I could help you...the hope that I could make your experience different from mine. When I thought of you, I became energized to turn a vision into a reality.

You shouldn't have to struggle to learn about something that you experience on a monthly basis for almost 45 years of your life!

I poured my heart into this book. It is based off more than 15 years of dealing with various women's issues with hundreds of women across the globe.

I pray that you benefit, dear sister. I hope that the vision of you reading it and understanding it is a dream come true.

A Muslim Woman's Guide To Menstruation Rulings
by Naielah Ackbarali

* This Book Is Different*
-Inspirational content from verses of the Qur'an and stories of the female Companions.
-Answers to the most popular questions that women ask.
-Relevant medical information.
-Core topics and their related rulings organized into structured chapters.
-Bullet point lists, tables, charts, and picture diagrams.
-Icons that direct and help the reader.
-Blurbs that highlight concepts to remember.
-Review questions at the end of each chapter.
-A glossary of terms for words that are unfamiliar to the reader.
-Based on the Hanafi madhhab.

Access the first chapter and the purchase link NOW.