Muslima Coaching
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Muslim deen, life, and marriage coaching service for couples, wives, singles, and divorced women.
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Twenty years ago I started my journey to study the fiqh of menstruation.

The first Arabic text I learned was Imam Birgivi's treatise Dhukhr al-Muta’ahhilīn wa al-Nisā.

I still remember how challenging it was for me. I cried so many times, wondering what it would take to master this lost knowledge.

Over the years, I studied the text with multiple scholars, each possessing a unique skill and gift to explain the text.

Never did I ever think that decades later I would translate and explain the text myself to others. I am still surprised at how Allah Most High willed for this to happen.

"The Treasure of Families & Women" is a meticulous translation of Imam Birgivi's treatise with a simplified explanation.

I read through FOUR classical commentaries on this text, like Imām Ibn ʿĀbidīn's Manhāl al-Wāridīn. I also researched through major works in the Hanafi maddhab, like Radd al-Muḥtār, Al-Muḥīṭ al-Burhānī, Al-Baḥr al-Rā’iq, and much more.

I was blessed to double check my understanding and ask questions to the leading scholar Shaykh Hassan al-Hindy in Damasucs. He is renown for his mastery of the Hanafi fiqh texts, as well as other Islamic sciences.

That being said, is this book for everyone? No.

It is an advanced text that is specifically designed for students of knowledge, teachers, and scholars.

I personally wrote and designed three other menstruation books for young girls, beginner learners, and intermediate readers based on Imam Birgivi's text.

I understand that everyone is different, and I want to accommodate each person's level of understanding.

Advanced: The Treasure of Families & Women

Intermediate: A Muslim Woman's Guide to Menstruation Rulings

Beginner: Fiqh of Menstruation Simplified

Girls: Blossom - A Muslim Girl's Period Guide

I pray that Allah Most High accepts all four of these books and that they are a means to helping many families and women.

Learn More ⬇️
Allahumma Barik

We are #1 in New Releases for the categories of Islamic Law and Women in Islam on

Blossom is #4 as a Best Seller too MashaAllah!

Jazak Allah khayran for your support!

The Story of Lady Hajar

Left alone in a barren desert, Lady Hajar relies on the depths of her faith to overcome an unforgettable struggle.

Join us THIS Sunday to hear about Lady Hajar's plight and how you can follow in her footsteps.

🎤Ustadha Naielah Ackbarali

Islamic Studies Teacher, Marriage Coach, & Best-Selling Author

🗓Sunday, June 9

8 PM UK / 3 PM EST

🧕Open to Sisters ONLY (Ages 14+)

📍Online via Zoom

Registration Required. We do NOT release recordings of our events so please attend live if you want to hear.

NEW Answer 👆🏽

Question: I have a weak bladder and use the bathroom often. How do I complete my tawaf?

View ALL of our answers ⬇️

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New Advanced Class!

Learn Imam Birgivi's Treatise NOW!

Study the advanced fiqh of menstruation, lochia, and abnormal bleeding with Ustadha Naielah Ackbarali, the translator of "The Treasure of Families & Women" (Dhukhr al-Muta’ahhilīn wa al-Nisā’).

Learn the advanced fiqh of menstruation with precision and hands-on guidance.
Study with a female teacher who has been solving menstruation problems for over 20 years.
Gain the confidence to teach in your local community.
Become grounded in the advanced problem-solving techniques.
Serve the ummah with the knowledge you learn.
Go beyond the theory and learn the fiqh of menstruation at a practical level.
Gain access to live classes, recordings, student forum, quizzes, and the final exam.

🗓 Starts Wednesday, July 24th
🕗 8 PM UK / 3 PM EST
📍 Online via Zoom

✔️Recordings of the live sessions will be available to students who cannot attend live.

Become a Menstruation Teacher in Your Local Community!

We need more WOMEN to teach WOMEN.

We are opening up our Intermediate Teacher's Training Program in July!

This is great for women who want to teach the essentials to their communities and learn how to answer common questions women ask.

🗓 Starts Tuesday, July 16th
🕗 2 PM UK / 9 AM EST
📍 Online via Zoom

✔️Serve the ummah with the knowledge you learn.
✔️Go beyond the theory and learn the fiqh of menstruation at a practical level.
✔️Gain access to live classes, recordings, student forum, quizzes, and the final exam.
✔️Recordings of the live sessions will be available to students who cannot attend live.
✔️Get approved to teach
Ustadha Naielah's "Fiqh of Menstruation Simplified" and "Blossom: A Muslim Girl's Period Guide."

Today is the Day of Arafat. The day Allah Most High said He perfected our deen for us. (5:3)

Let us honor that blessing by striving to be better believers.

Now is the time to make tawba and ask for Allah to guide your heart and limbs to do what is pleasing to Him.

Use this day to beg Allah from His mercy to grant you good health, ease, and success in this Life and the Next.

May your prayers be answered and your worship accepted.

Muslima Coaching
*Last Chance to Sign Up!*

Become a Menstruation Teacher in Your Local Community!

We need more WOMEN to teach WOMEN.

We are opening up our Intermediate Teacher's Training Program in July!

This is great for women who want to teach the essentials to their communities and learn how to answer common questions women ask.

🗓 Starts Monday, July 1
🕗 8 PM UK / 3 PM EST
📍 Online via Zoom

✔️Serve the ummah with the knowledge you learn.
✔️Go beyond the theory and learn the fiqh of menstruation at a practical level.
✔️Gain access to live classes, recordings, student forum, quizzes, and the final exam.
✔️Recordings of the live sessions will be available to students who cannot attend live.
✔️Get approved to teach Ustadha Naielah's "Fiqh of Menstruation Simplified" and "Blossom: A Muslim Girl's Period Guide."

*Dealing with Unexpected Hardship*

My husband ruptured his achilles tendon a few weeks ago. He was playing tennis and then he heard a loud snap. Bam! Suddenly, he was on the floor.

He was taken home by his playmate. Once he arrived, he yelled up the stairs that he needed to go to the emergency room. This was the beginning of a very hectic journey for both of us.

He couldn't walk. All the things he used to do, I would now have to do. I became the car mechanic, the garbage woman, the wudu foot washer, the chauffeur, and so much more within a matter of moments.

The first three days were the hardest. We spent most of our time in the hospital waiting to be seen. The healthcare system is free in the UK but it is overloaded with many patients.

When we were told that he would potentially take 3 months to heal, I sat in silence wondering how we were going to get through this together. I was still healing from my knee injury from the previous week!

My mind frantically started searching for ways to manage my business, classes, and house duties. How was I going to do it all?! The thoughts became overwhelming.

The only thing that comforted me was knowing Allah Most High would take care of me. I truly believed He willed this because it was best for both of us.

Where is my evidence? My life history.

With every down, Allah Most High brought an up. It may not happen immediately or in the way I expected it, but it does happen. You just need to be on the lookout for the good that He constantly brings to your life AlhamduliLlah.

If you are struggling with a test that Allah has suddenly sent you, try these tips:

1. Accept what happened. You cannot change what has already passed. All you can do is deal with your current circumstances. Getting angry over what occurred will drain your energy, and you need all the energy you can source to move forward.

2. Adapt to the changes. Allah has given the human mind and body unique abilities to cope with hardship. Trying times will test your ability to tap into that area of your brain. Allow yourself to experiment with different solutions of how to manage your time and responsibilities. Avoid wasting your time with complaining. It feeds negative vibes, which pulls you down.

3. Take a small break every day. Even if you are only able to take 15 minutes to sit and enjoy a cup of tea, it is worth it. You aren't a robot. Everyone needs time to reboot their system.

It is easy to forget about your own needs during hard times, but try your best to comfort yourself in little ways so that you are able to give back more inshaAllah.

Check out this article on self-care that I wrote several years ago.

Please keep us in your duas.

Muslima Coaching
Last night we had our first live session for our Intermediate Teacher's Training course.

Check out this Sneak Peek Clip!

It is not too late to register.

⬇️ Learn more about our menstruation teacher training courses.