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My love and thoughts are going out to all my students in Ukraine 🇺🇦💔

💬“I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that, one of these days, governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.”
- Dwight D Eisenhower.

In the long run — в конце концов
Promote peace — содействовать миру
Government — правительство
Get out of the way — отойти в сторону

💬"The executive has no right, in any case, to decide the question, whether there is or is not cause for declaring war."
James Madison.

Executive — руководитель
Cause for — причина для
Declare war — объявлять войну

#Milingo_Vocabulary #Milingo_Reading
Happy International Women’s Day! 🌷

Планирую вернуть регулярный постинг и давать вам больше обучения!
Кстати, Вы знали, что на самом деле означает праздник 8 марта?🤔
Подготовила краткую предысторию. Разбираемся:

International Women's Day, also known as IWD for short, grew out of the labour movement.
The seeds of it were planted in 1908, when 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter working hours, better pay and the right to vote.
/ labour movement — рабочее движение,
/ The seeds were planted — семена были посеяны (начало было положено)

The idea to make the day international came from a woman called Clara Zetkin. She suggested the idea in 1910 at an International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen. There were 100 women there, from 17 countries, and they agreed on her suggestion unanimously.
/ to agree on a suggestion — соглашаться на предложение

The date of celebration wasn't formalised until a war-time strike in 1917 when Russian women demanded "bread and peace" - and four days into the women's strike the Tsar was forced to abdicate and the provisional government granted women the right to vote.
The date when the women's strike (in the Gregorian calendar) was 8 March - and that's when it's celebrated today.
/ forced to abdicate — вынужден отречься от престола
/ granted women the right to vote — предоставило женщинам право голоса

International Women's Day has become a date to celebrate how far women have come in society, in politics and in economics, while the political roots of the day mean strikes and protests are organised to raise awareness of continued inequality.
/ political roots — политические корни (причины)
/ strike — забастовка, бастовать
/ to raise awareness of inequality — привлечь внимание к неравенству

#Milingo_Vocabulary #Milingo_Reading
Из новостей на английском:
Space travel changes astronauts' DNA (Космические путешествия меняют ДНК астронавтов)

Scientists have discovered that our DNA can change when going into space. DNA mutations could increase the risk of space travellers getting cancer. The scientists did research on 14 NASA astronauts who provided blood samples ten days before they went into space and three days after returning to Earth.

Professor David Goukassian said: "Astronauts work in an extreme environment where many factors can result in…mutations." He added: "Space radiation…means there is a risk that…mutations could develop."

Increase the risk — увеличивать риск
Get cancer — заработать рак
Provide — предоставлять
Blood samples — образцы крови
Extreme environment — экстремальные условия
Develop — развиваться

Ставьте реакции, если нужно публиковать новости на английском 😉

#Milingo_Vocabulary #Milingo_Reading
Из мира добрых новостей:
Dogs cry for joy after reuniting with their owners (Собаки плачут от счастья после воссоединения с хозяевами)

People say dogs are man's best friends. Dogs and humans have always been close. Scientists think the bond is very deep. They said dogs cry with joy when they see their owner after being away for a long time. The scientists said when dogs see their owner, they cry. When they see other people they know, they don't cry.

The researchers put paper under the dogs' eyes to see if the dogs cried.
The researchers said when dogs see their owners after five hours of being apart, they cry. A researcher said he had never heard of animals crying tears of joy. He thinks dogs' tears make humans love their dogs more. He said: "It's possible that dogs who show tears…during human interaction would be cared for more."

Close — близкий
Deep bond — глубокая связь
Cry with joy — плакать от счастья
Researcher — исследователь
Tears of joy — слёзы радости
Possible — возможный

Оцените уровень сложности по 5-балльной шкале для вас в комментариях👇🏻

#Milingo_Vocabulary #Milingo_Reading
Ну что, напросились новостей сложнее, получайте теперь..😌

Ultra-processed food linked to cancer risk (12th September, 2022)

Part 1:
Further light has been shed on the possible dangers of eating ultra-processed food. A new study has revealed that consuming food such as sausages, frozen pizza, ready-to-eat meals, sodas and cakes can increase the risk of cancer, heart disease or an earlier death. Ultra-processed food includes products made in factories from ingredients that are largely or entirely made in a laboratory. They are added with things like preservatives, flavour enhancers, colourings, sugar and fats. The research was conducted on over 200,000 people in the USA over a 28-year period. Researcher Dr Fang Fang Zhang said men who ate a lot of ultra-processed food had a 29 per cent higher risk of developing bowel cancer.

Shed a light on - пролить свет на что-то
Processed food - обработанная пища
Cancer - рак
Preservatives - консерванты
Flavour enhancers - усилители вкуса (enhance - улучшать)
Conduct a research - проводить исследование

Вторая часть завтра 🤲🏻

Ultra-processed food linked to cancer risk. Part 2:

Ultra-processed foods make up a growing proportion of the food we eat. The WHO says they account for around two-thirds of calories in the diets of American children and teenagers. Dr Zhang said children who ate ultra-processed food gained weight more quickly than those who ate a more nutritious and well balanced diet. She said: "Americans consume a large percentage of their daily calories from ultra-processed foods." She gave advice on how people can look after their bodies better through their diets. She said: "We should consider substituting ultra-processed foods with unprocessed or minimally processed foods in our diet for cancer prevention and for the prevention of obesity and cardiovascular diseases."

Two-thirds - две трети (ещё примеры: one fourths, three fifths)
Gain weight - набирать вес
Nutritious - питательный
Substitute - заменить
Cancer prevention - предотвращение рака
Obesity - ожирение
Cardiovascular diseases - сердечно-сосудистые заболевания

Пока все активно готовятся к празднованию Нового года, не будем забывать про учебу 🤓🎄

Ниже в диалоге спрятаны 3 идиомы, найдите хотя бы 1 или все 3 и напишите их в комментариях. Позже разберём диалог и сами идиомы!

Kate: So how are you going to ring in the new year Mike?
Mike: My family and I are going out on a boat to watch the fireworks from the sea. I'm so excited!
Kate: Wow, sounds amazing. My boyfriend and I plan to go on camping. I'm so exhausted so I hope to get away from it all.
Mike: Have you thought of any New Year’s resolutions?
Kate: Well, we chatted about that. I’ve got lots of habits I want to kick. I want to stop eating junk food and wasting my money on clothes. So, I’m thinking I’m going to turn over a new leaf for this year. A whole new diet and budget plan. How about you?

📌 Итак, задание: запишите в комментариях 3 найденные из диалога идиомы!

#Milingo_Vocabulary #Milingo_Reading
Из мира новостей: Drinking water often helps us to live longer (5th January 2023)

Part 1:
We all know that water is the source of life on Earth. No plant, insect, animal or human can survive without it. A new study highlights how important it is to our health and to living longer. The study is from the National Institutes of Health in the USA. Researchers found that people who drank a lot of water every day were healthier and lived longer than those who didn't. The research team said people who stay well hydrated developed fewer serious health problems and age-related illnesses, like heart and lung disease. They added that adults who did not drink enough water were more likely to die at a younger age. These adults were also more likely to show signs of ageing.

Source of life — источник жизни
Insect — насекомое
Survive — выживать
Highlight — подчеркнуть, выделить
Researchers — исследователи
Stay hydrated — избегать обезвоживания
Age-related illness — возрастное заболевание
Lung disease — заболевание легких
Signs of ageing — признаки старения

How much water do you drink per day? 🫡

What a blissful day! Привет, ребята, возвращаюсь с постингом! 🔥

Напоминаю, что через теги (#) вы можете перемещаться по постам канала и изучать то, что вам нужно. Например:

Кликнув на #Milingo_Grammar, вы перейдете к постам, где я легко и непринужденно рассказываю о больных темам по грамматике, попробуйте!
Еще теги:
#Milingo_Vocabulary — Здесь разбираем идиомы, разговорные фразы и просто слова по теме, встречаются и видео примеры.
#Milingo_Reading — Разбираем небольшие отрывки текстов на новые слова, тут новости, цитаты и книги.
#Milingo_Listening — На примерах видео слушаем речь и разбираем слова.
#Milingo_Video — пока небольшая рубрика, где мы разбираем полноценные отрывки из фильмов / сериалов и интервью.
Чтение по новостям 🗞

Tip (совет):
прочтите текст полностью, затем изучите непонятные в нем слова, позже вечером вернитесь к новым словам и составьте с ними предложения, чтобы запомнить.

Italy's government may punish the use of English. Уровень (A2-B1)

Italy may introduce a law to stop people using English words in Italian. People could get a fine for using non-Italian words in official communications. Government member Fabio Rampelli is worried about the growing number of English words in Italian. He called it "Anglomania". He wrote: "We continue our battle for the use of Italian instead of English. He said English was damaging the Italian language. He wants people to get fined for using English words. The fines could be up to €100,000.

English has been growing around the world for a century. The Internet and social media have increased its use. English words are in most languages. People are worried this will harm their native language. Not all Italians agree with fines for the use of English. A linguistics society said it disagreed with the idea. Other people support the fines. They are worried about the number of English words in Italian. Since the year 2000, the number of English words used in the Italian language has increased by an amazing 773 per cent. There are no signs it will stop increasing.

Government — правительство
Punish — наказывать
Introduce a law — представить закон
Fine — штраф
Growing number — растущее число
Instead of — вместо
Get fined for — быть оштрафованным за
Century — век
Social media — социальные сети
Increase — увеличиться
Harm — вредить
Disagree with — не согласен с
Sign — знак, признак

#Milingo_Reading #Milingo_Vocabulary
Чтение по новостям 🗞
Canada to put health warnings on individual cigarettes (Канада планирует разместить предупреждения о вреде для здоровья на каждой сигарете)

Уровень: intermediate
Цель: не угадать буквальный перевод, а уловить СУТЬ написанного, чтобы это не мешало чтению.

Canada is introducing measures to discourage smoking. From August, every cigarette sold will have a warning message printed on it. Canada is the first country to do this. Messages will include: "Cigarettes cause cancer" and "Poison in every puff." The government said this would "make health warning messages virtually unavoidable." A cancer society hailed the action as "a world precedent-setting measure."

Canada announced its plan on World No Tobacco Day. It has unveiled other anti-smoking measures to deter people from smoking. Cigarette packs will have graphic pictures highlighting the health consequences of smoking on the body's organs. In addition, warning labels will take up a minimum of 75 per cent of the display area of cigarette packs. Health Canada said these steps would help to get its message across.

introduce measures — принять меры
discourage — препятствовать
warning message — предупредительное сообщение
include — включать
cause (cancer) — вызывать (рак / проблему), быть причиной
poison — яд
puff — затяжка
virtually unavoidable — практически неизбежный
hail the action — приветствовать действие / шаги
precedent-setting measure — прецедентная мера
announce — объявлять
unveil — раскрыть, представить
deter from — сдерживать от / препятствовать
highlight — подчеркнуть, подметить
health consequences — последствия для здоровья
take up — занять
get a message across — донести мысль / сообщение

Чтение по новостям 🗞
Your soup might mean mosquitoes bite you more (Ваше мыло может быть причиной того, что вас чаще кусают комары)

Уровень: pre-intermediate
Mosquitoes like some people more than others. Scientists in the USA found that different body smells attract mosquitoes. This includes our natural body odour and smells from soaps. Some of these smells could reduce the number of bites we get in the summer. The researchers said mosquitoes preferred soap with a flowery smell. More than 60 per cent of the smells coming from our body come from soap. Changing the soap we use could stop us being attractive to mosquitoes. Soap with no smell could make us less tasty to mosquitoes.

The researchers tested four popular brands of soap on mosquitoes. They also tested the smell of people when they did not wash themselves. The researchers put the soapy and unwashed smells in two different cups in a cage full of mosquitoes. The insects preferred the soapy smells. Mosquitoes are like humans because they like flowery and fruity smells. One researcher said coconut-scented soap is best to keep mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes are the world's deadliest creatures. The diseases they carry kill 725,000 people a year.

smells attract — запахи привлекают
include — включать в себя
reduce — уменьшить
bites — укусы
researchers — исследователи
attractive — привлекательный
cage full of mosquitoes — клетка полная комаров
coconut-scented soap — мыло с ароматом кокоса
deadliest creatures — самые смертоносные создания
disease — заболевание
