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' Intuitive Community Coordination

Intuitive Public is coordinating support, safety, and crisis relief for severe experiencers and others undeservedly excluded from community contact.

We are delivering food, supplies, communication aids, trauma information services, the nourishment of belonging, and direct, friendly assistance to people who cannot find help anywhere else.

Our work is only successful because of you, your kindness, and your wishes for stronger, more resilient communities!

Thank you for sharing your needs and insights with us as we work hard each day.

Thank you for helping the members of our growing, survivor-led initiative by donating a few dollars or a few minutes of your time. 💞

To volunteer, email volunteer@intuitive.pub.

Donate to help us change daily emergencies into safe re-emergence:
💸 paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles
💸 patreon.com/GutMedia

And — thank you for tuning into this #IntuitivePublicRadio🌿

Note: To receive your choice of free gift in exchange for your donation, forward your donation receipt to hello@intuitive.social and strike up a friendly conversation. '

✨ Intuitive.pub/community/coordination
✨ Intuitive.social/hello
✨ Intuitive.community

Prev msg: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/3389

This msg: https://t.me/IntuitiveEmergent/1392
You (yes, you) are invited to join us today at April 17th, 2pm Eastern via Zoom to livestream broadcast a real-time Intuitive Public Story Circle for any who wish to participate, especially our community members who can only participate with our shared content.

Thank you to the U.S. Department of Arts & Culture and to the Poor People’s Campaign for supporting communities to participate in the People’s State of the Union (#PSOTU) and our Story Circle content on this #IntuitivePublicRadio.


Make sure to find links to these organizations and support their work by visiting USDAC.us, PoorPeoplesCampaign.org, and today’s broadcast document at Intuitive.pub/text.

Visit actionnetwork.org/events/IntuitivePublicStoryCircle to see our page launch from the end of March. We’re meeting today, April 17, and again May 1st.

Please join us at both gatherings, or either one that suits your calendar. (We will keep updating the page date to keep the page live where you can find it.)

In this morning's completed meditations & broadcast recordings, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi1VXw47Hwo

...we read from:

Close to 2pm Eastern on April 17, 2020, check our live broadcast document (which you can always find at Intuitive.pub/text) for the Zoom meeting link. Click it and join us.

Visit Intuitive.pub/StoryCircle for more.
Survivors of environmental illness, toxic injury, and healthcare inaccessibility: the Americans with Disabilities Act, the ADA, is celebrating its 30th anniversary. #ADA30

What do you need disability rights and human rights communities to know about what the ADA means (or doesn't mean) in your life as a disabled person?

To add your voice to https://anchor.fm/NotesOnRefuge and our resource platforms at https://Intuitive.pub/NotesOnRefuge...

Record an audio message here and send us the link. We will play your message on the radio: https://vocaroo.com/

(Feel free to tell us who to credit and give us a link if you would like others to be able to reach out to you and support you.)

Join this Notes On Refuge Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1418190271582094/?ref=share

Thank you for helping us raise awareness of circumstances of healthcare inaccessibility, environmental illness, and toxic injury.

(Message me @maxmorris or email max@intuitive.pub --- I'm glad to help you participate, or to answer questions. Thank you for reading and sharing!)

#DisabilityInclusion #ADA30LeadOn #IntuitivePublicRadio

More outposts you are invited to join and follow:



What do you make of my Facebook profile when you read (say, the last dozen) posts and comments closely?

Please tell me about your experience, your feelings or uncertainties, what you feel you need, or what you see.

Greater participation this conversation, for me and many others, acutely life-saving.

We are continually coordinating the nonviolent dismantling of sex trafficking networks.

Your help is requested.

Our work safeguards all communities through inclusive activities and resourcing.

We especially center severely affected, multiply marginalized individuals who cannot find help anywhere else.

Our primary efforts are based on Telegram messenger, our safest and most supported community platform.

Telegram messenger is also my communications aide that allows me to participate in further conversation and collaboration, as Facebook platform severely harms & disables me.

Be directly involved by contacting me via Telegram messenger at @maxmorris, chat attached to https://t.me/s/maxmoradio, or add'l options at https://intuitive.social/hello/max.

Thank you for your responses and for reaching out to me.

#beneficial #lifesaving #reflection #mutualaid #survivorledsolutions #nonviolence #humanrights #believesurvivors #IHTSJC2020 #TelegramMessenger #incomeinclusion #intuitiveinclusiveincomeincubationincommunity #intuitivepublicmobility #intuitivecommunityknowledgebase #intuitivepublicmedia #humantraffickingprevention #preventhumantrafficking #preventsextrafficking #stophumantrafficking #stopsextrafficking #suicideprevention #preventsuicide #mediaprivilege #ada30 #disabilityinclusion #inclusivecommunications #severedisabilities #survivorsofseverity #intuitivecommunity #intuitivepublicradio @intuitivepublicradio
Contribute music, art, content, commentary, & what moves you for Intuitive Editorial and this Intuitive Public Radio.
   Upcoming Live Broadcasts:
     26 November 2022, 4 Kej
Subject: How to set up a successful necessary but uncommon conversation
   Please send your contribution by Telegram as early as possible to help us get your media into the public program. 2 days before the broadcast day is best. 1 day before the broadcast day might even still make it in. The last remnants of potentiatable predictability have fainting spells after that :-)
    Comment on the public post at t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/87 with links to your contributions, or whatever questions you may like to ask.
   Invite community members to these public Telegram spaces so that we can all browse through one another's contributions.
    However many contributions we will be able to compile for official episode releases, all are welcome to browse through everyone's contributions here.
     From this public chat space, items can be promoted to other community spaces on Telegram. If you can provide a link to your public content elsewhere, people will be able to find you and learn more about what you create. Yes, share joyfully what you would like to share for public discourse and collective nourishment.
   Leading up to each live broadcast, we will highlight the time of broadcast as it is scheduled within 24 to 48 hours before broadcast day. (It might happen with less lead time than that. Or more.)
   Some broadcasts will be publicly archived where all can rewatch freely.
   Some broadcasts will be privately archived for our community network and those who reach out to us with support or requests.
   Ask for help getting connected.
   Make generous donations here to fuel and inspire us: paypal.me/intuitiveinvisibles
   All live event timespace datestamps may be broad enough to occur in days before or days after the date listed, due to the ever-changing, strength-activating landscapes we simultaneously navigate. We do however continue to strive to aim ourselves to a narrower timespace broadcast target :-)
    Thank you for your patience with the rebuilding of our neurological processes and for your excitement and courage actuating these meaningful endeavors.
   Next, get ready to contribute to more of our scheduled Special Broadcast Programs, these dates coming soon:
     17 December 2022, 12 Lamat
     30 December 2022, 8 Weaver
     6 January 2023, 6 Lamat
     26 January 2023, 13 Lamat
    #WAHA • #WarriorSaid • #HumanitarianArt • #IntuitivePublicRadio • #RadioPublicaIntuitiva • #RPI •••
     Previously: t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69
Contribuya con música, arte, contenido, comentarios y lo que lo emocione para Intuitive Editorial y esta Intuitive Public Radio.
Próximas transmisiones en vivo:
16 de diciembre de 2022, 11 Ciervos - Conversaciones exitosas necesarias poco comunes (compilación en proceso: ¡agregue su voz!)
17 de diciembre de 2022, 12 Lamat - Presentación del tema secreto (¿Cuál es tu tema secreto favorito?)
30 de diciembre de 2022, 8 Weaver: selecciones fuertes y valientes (Compilación en proceso; únase a nuestra consulta comunitaria de elaboración de selecciones).
Esté atento a más fechas de transmisión en vivo en nuestro espacio de chat en t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/100.
Envíe su contribución por Telegram lo antes posible para ayudarnos a que sus medios ingresen al programa público. 2 días antes del día de la transmisión es lo mejor. 1 día antes del día de la transmisión, incluso podría llegar. Los últimos remanentes de previsibilidad potenciable tienen desmayos después de eso :-)
Comenta la publicación pública en t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/100 con enlaces a tus contribuciones o cualquier pregunta que desees hacer.
Invite a los miembros de la comunidad a estos espacios públicos de Telegram para que todos podamos examinar las contribuciones de los demás.
Independientemente de la cantidad de contribuciones que podamos compilar para los lanzamientos de episodios oficiales, todos son bienvenidos a navegar a través de las contribuciones de todos aquí.
Desde este espacio de chat público, los elementos se pueden promocionar a otros espacios comunitarios en Telegram. Si puede proporcionar un enlace a su contenido público en otro lugar, las personas podrán encontrarlo y obtener más información sobre lo que crea. Sí, comparte con alegría lo que te gustaría compartir para el discurso público y el alimento colectivo.
Antes de cada transmisión en vivo, destacaremos la hora de la transmisión, ya que está programada entre 24 y 48 horas antes del día de la transmisión. (Podría suceder con menos tiempo de anticipación que eso. O más).
Algunas transmisiones se archivarán públicamente donde todos podrán volver a verlas libremente.
Algunas transmisiones se archivarán de forma privada para nuestra red comunitaria y aquellos que se comuniquen con nosotros con apoyo o solicitudes.
Pida ayuda para conectarse.
Haga generosas donaciones aquí para alimentarnos e inspirarnos: paypal.me/intuitiveinvisibles, Intuitive.community/support
Todas las marcas de fechas de tiempo y espacio de eventos en vivo pueden ser lo suficientemente amplias como para ocurrir en días anteriores o posteriores a la fecha indicada, debido a los paisajes siempre cambiantes y que activan la fuerza en los que navegamos simultáneamente. Sin embargo, continuamos esforzándonos por apuntar a un objetivo de transmisión de espacio temporal más estrecho :-)
Gracias por su paciencia con la reconstrucción de nuestros procesos neurológicos y por su entusiasmo y coraje al realizar estos esfuerzos significativos.
A continuación, prepárese para contribuir a más de nuestros Programas de transmisión especiales programados, estas fechas próximamente:
6 de enero de 2023, 6 Lamat
26 enero 2023, 13 Lamat
6 de abril de 2023, 5 Obsidiana
#WAHA • #WarriorSaid • #HumanitarianArt • #IntuitivePublicRadio • #RadioPublicaIntuitiva • #RPI •••
Anteriormente: t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69, t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/87, t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/93
23 September 2020:

' What do you make of my Facebook profile when you read (say, the last dozen) posts and comments closely?

Please tell me about your experience, your feelings or uncertainties, what you feel you need, or what you see.

Greater participation this conversation, for me and many others, acutely life-saving.

We are continually coordinating the nonviolent dismantling of sex trafficking networks.

Your help is requested.

Our work safeguards all communities through inclusive activities and resourcing.

We especially center severely affected, multiply marginalized individuals who cannot find help anywhere else.

Our primary efforts are based on Telegram messenger, our safest and most supported community platform.

Telegram messenger is also my communications aide that allows me to participate in further conversation and collaboration, as Facebook platform severely harms & disables me.

Be directly involved by contacting me via Telegram messenger at https://t.me/maxmorris, chat attached to https://t.me/s/maxmoradio, or add'l options at https://intuitive.social/hello/max.

Thank you for your responses and for reaching out to me. '

#beneficial #lifesaving #reflection #mutualaid #survivorledsolutions #nonviolence #humanrights #believesurvivors #IHTSJC2020 #TelegramMessenger #incomeinclusion #intuitiveinclusiveincomeincubationincommunity #intuitivepublicmobility #intuitivecommunityknowledgebase #intuitivepublicmedia #humantraffickingprevention #preventhumantrafficking #preventsextrafficking #stophumantrafficking #stopsextrafficking #suicideprevention #preventsuicide #mediaprivilege #ada30 #disabilityinclusion #inclusivecommunications #severedisabilities #survivorsofseverity #intuitivecommunity #intuitivepublicradio @IntuitivePublicRadio




