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🌻 IPR Bulletin ··· Intuitive Public Music🌻

Tonight playing on Intuitive Public Radio -IPR-, the 2011 beautiful album “Home of the heart” by Megan Elizabeth Morris (yes, our Max! on voice) and Marge Adler on piano.

We start our journey with “Gwynfyd” (Paradise)


#ThingsMaxDoes #InvisibleIllness #InvisibleDisability

Stream full album: https://megandmarge.bandcamp.com/releases

💜 If you liked this music, or if it was useful for you in any way for your life, please consider purchasing this album. All proceeds go directly into Max’s basic survival needs (meds, food, mobility, etc) as well as into supporting the basic infrastructure of the IPR and Associated Media.
··· About Max: Max Morris (@maxmorris) she/her, otherwise previously known as Megan Elizabeth Morris), is working non-stop in circumstances of extreme suffering, hardship, and adversity.
Listen to MaxMoRadio.
Hello to Facebook,

This is Max, writing from Telegram. I know I've been sent messages from people via Facebook; however, my Facebook apps, email, and most other platforms are almost completely inaccessible to me until circumstances of hardship can fully resolve.

If you and I were in a private conversation, I'd be particularly grateful if you could join Telegram to continue it, as Telegram is likely my only means of private conversation with others for the foreseeable future.

Telegram messenger is our network disability aid and my communications aid for severe neurological conditions.

It is only because of the disability aid network we have built that this message can reach Facebook when I cannot put it there myself.

If you've sent me a Facebook message, please send me a Telegram message: https://t.me/maxmorris ❤️

If you have not sent me a Facebook message, please send me a Telegram message: https://t.me/maxmorris 😊

For those of you who can't access Telegram, please ask people you know to join Telegram in order to help connect all of us who are severely disabled between Facebook and Telegram; please widely share the posts published at fb.me/IntuitivePublicRadio; and please copy, paste, and share this message you're reading now to more public platforms.

To all who may assist: We are in immediate need of Facebook-Telegram volunteers to help aid communications and resourcing for many severely disabled core organizers across our community networks.

I miss you all a lot and would like for you to contact me at https://t.me/maxmorris.

Follow my personal channel at https://t.me/s/maxmoradio on the web.

Visit this attached chat in Telegram messenger to find me and more others: https://t.me/joinchat/RUPFq5G_TLpbrjpb

(There are instructions to help you install Telegram at each of those links.)

Here's more information for Telegram volunteers:

Thank you so much to all who recognize the necessity for immediate emergency response and daily community action.

Relevant hashtags include #disabilityinclusion, #inclusivecommunications, #ada, #ada30, #ada30leadon, #warriorsaid, #humanitarianart; please suggest more of your favorite hashtags to spread the word most swiftly when you copy, paste, and repost this text.

Please share widely publicly.

Ask people to help us.

Thank you.

—-Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
https://t.me/maxmorris 🍀

https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/2684 🙏🏼🕊️
Hello to Facebook,

This is Max, writing from Telegram. I know I've been sent messages from people via Facebook; however, my Facebook apps, email, and most other platforms are almost completely inaccessible to me until circumstances of hardship can fully resolve.

If you and I were in a private conversation, I'd be particularly grateful if you could join Telegram to continue it, as Telegram is likely my only means of private conversation with others for the foreseeable future.

Telegram messenger is our network disability aid and my communications aid for severe neurological conditions.

It is only because of the disability aid network we have built that this message can reach Facebook when I cannot put it there myself.

If you've sent me a Facebook message, please send me a Telegram message: https://t.me/maxmorris ❤️

If you have not sent me a Facebook message, please send me a Telegram message: https://t.me/maxmorris 😊

For those of you who can't access Telegram, please ask people you know to join Telegram in order to help connect all of us who are severely disabled between Facebook and Telegram; please widely share the posts published at fb.me/IntuitivePublicRadio; and please copy, paste, and share this message you're reading now to more public platforms.

To all who may assist: We are in immediate need of Facebook-Telegram volunteers to help aid communications and resourcing for many severely disabled core organizers across our community networks.

I miss you all a lot and would like for you to contact me at https://t.me/maxmorris.

Follow my personal channel at https://t.me/s/maxmoradio on the web.

Visit this attached chat in Telegram messenger to find me and more others: https://t.me/joinchat/RUPFq5G_TLpbrjpb

(There are instructions to help you install Telegram at each of those links.)

Here's more information for Telegram volunteers:

Thank you so much to all who recognize the necessity for immediate emergency response and daily community action.

Relevant hashtags include #disabilityinclusion, #inclusivecommunications, #ada, #ada30, #ada30leadon, #warriorsaid, #humanitarianart; please suggest more of your favorite hashtags to spread the word most swiftly when you copy, paste, and repost this text.

Please share widely publicly.

Ask people to help us.

Thank you.

—-Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
https://t.me/maxmorris 🍀

https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/2684 🙏🏼🕊️
Hello to Facebook,

This is Max, writing from Telegram. I know I've been sent messages from people via Facebook; however, my Facebook apps, email, and most other platforms are almost completely inaccessible to me until circumstances of hardship can fully resolve.

If you and I were in a private conversation, I'd be particularly grateful if you could join Telegram to continue it, as Telegram is likely my only means of private conversation with others for the foreseeable future.

Telegram messenger is our network disability aid and my communications aid for severe neurological conditions.

It is only because of the disability aid network we have built that this message can reach Facebook when I cannot put it there myself.

If you've sent me a Facebook message, please send me a Telegram message: https://t.me/maxmorris ❤️

If you have not sent me a Facebook message, please send me a Telegram message: https://t.me/maxmorris 😊

For those of you who can't access Telegram, please ask people you know to join Telegram in order to help connect all of us who are severely disabled between Facebook and Telegram; please widely share the posts published at fb.me/IntuitivePublicRadio; and please copy, paste, and share this message you're reading now to more public platforms.

To all who may assist: We are in immediate need of Facebook-Telegram volunteers to help aid communications and resourcing for many severely disabled core organizers across our community networks.

I miss you all a lot and would like for you to contact me at https://t.me/maxmorris.

Follow my personal channel at https://t.me/s/maxmoradio on the web.

Visit this attached chat in Telegram messenger to find me and more others: https://t.me/joinchat/RUPFq5G_TLpbrjpb

(There are instructions to help you install Telegram at each of those links.)

Here's more information for Telegram volunteers:

Thank you so much to all who recognize the necessity for immediate emergency response and daily community action.

Relevant hashtags include #disabilityinclusion, #inclusivecommunications, #ada, #ada30, #ada30leadon, #warriorsaid, #humanitarianart; please suggest more of your favorite hashtags to spread the word most swiftly when you copy, paste, and repost this text.

Please share widely publicly.

Ask people to help us.

Thank you.

—-Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
https://t.me/maxmorris 🍀

https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/2684 🙏🏼🕊️
Contribute music, art, content, commentary, & what moves you for Intuitive Editorial and this Intuitive Public Radio.
   Upcoming Live Broadcasts:
     26 November 2022, 4 Kej
Subject: How to set up a successful necessary but uncommon conversation
   Please send your contribution by Telegram as early as possible to help us get your media into the public program. 2 days before the broadcast day is best. 1 day before the broadcast day might even still make it in. The last remnants of potentiatable predictability have fainting spells after that :-)
    Comment on the public post at t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/87 with links to your contributions, or whatever questions you may like to ask.
   Invite community members to these public Telegram spaces so that we can all browse through one another's contributions.
    However many contributions we will be able to compile for official episode releases, all are welcome to browse through everyone's contributions here.
     From this public chat space, items can be promoted to other community spaces on Telegram. If you can provide a link to your public content elsewhere, people will be able to find you and learn more about what you create. Yes, share joyfully what you would like to share for public discourse and collective nourishment.
   Leading up to each live broadcast, we will highlight the time of broadcast as it is scheduled within 24 to 48 hours before broadcast day. (It might happen with less lead time than that. Or more.)
   Some broadcasts will be publicly archived where all can rewatch freely.
   Some broadcasts will be privately archived for our community network and those who reach out to us with support or requests.
   Ask for help getting connected.
   Make generous donations here to fuel and inspire us: paypal.me/intuitiveinvisibles
   All live event timespace datestamps may be broad enough to occur in days before or days after the date listed, due to the ever-changing, strength-activating landscapes we simultaneously navigate. We do however continue to strive to aim ourselves to a narrower timespace broadcast target :-)
    Thank you for your patience with the rebuilding of our neurological processes and for your excitement and courage actuating these meaningful endeavors.
   Next, get ready to contribute to more of our scheduled Special Broadcast Programs, these dates coming soon:
     17 December 2022, 12 Lamat
     30 December 2022, 8 Weaver
     6 January 2023, 6 Lamat
     26 January 2023, 13 Lamat
    #WAHA#WarriorSaid#HumanitarianArt#IntuitivePublicRadio#RadioPublicaIntuitiva#RPI •••
     Previously: t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69
Contribuya con música, arte, contenido, comentarios y lo que lo emocione para Intuitive Editorial y esta Intuitive Public Radio.
Próximas transmisiones en vivo:
16 de diciembre de 2022, 11 Ciervos - Conversaciones exitosas necesarias poco comunes (compilación en proceso: ¡agregue su voz!)
17 de diciembre de 2022, 12 Lamat - Presentación del tema secreto (¿Cuál es tu tema secreto favorito?)
30 de diciembre de 2022, 8 Weaver: selecciones fuertes y valientes (Compilación en proceso; únase a nuestra consulta comunitaria de elaboración de selecciones).
Esté atento a más fechas de transmisión en vivo en nuestro espacio de chat en t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/100.
Envíe su contribución por Telegram lo antes posible para ayudarnos a que sus medios ingresen al programa público. 2 días antes del día de la transmisión es lo mejor. 1 día antes del día de la transmisión, incluso podría llegar. Los últimos remanentes de previsibilidad potenciable tienen desmayos después de eso :-)
Comenta la publicación pública en t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/100 con enlaces a tus contribuciones o cualquier pregunta que desees hacer.
Invite a los miembros de la comunidad a estos espacios públicos de Telegram para que todos podamos examinar las contribuciones de los demás.
Independientemente de la cantidad de contribuciones que podamos compilar para los lanzamientos de episodios oficiales, todos son bienvenidos a navegar a través de las contribuciones de todos aquí.
Desde este espacio de chat público, los elementos se pueden promocionar a otros espacios comunitarios en Telegram. Si puede proporcionar un enlace a su contenido público en otro lugar, las personas podrán encontrarlo y obtener más información sobre lo que crea. Sí, comparte con alegría lo que te gustaría compartir para el discurso público y el alimento colectivo.
Antes de cada transmisión en vivo, destacaremos la hora de la transmisión, ya que está programada entre 24 y 48 horas antes del día de la transmisión. (Podría suceder con menos tiempo de anticipación que eso. O más).
Algunas transmisiones se archivarán públicamente donde todos podrán volver a verlas libremente.
Algunas transmisiones se archivarán de forma privada para nuestra red comunitaria y aquellos que se comuniquen con nosotros con apoyo o solicitudes.
Pida ayuda para conectarse.
Haga generosas donaciones aquí para alimentarnos e inspirarnos: paypal.me/intuitiveinvisibles, Intuitive.community/support
Todas las marcas de fechas de tiempo y espacio de eventos en vivo pueden ser lo suficientemente amplias como para ocurrir en días anteriores o posteriores a la fecha indicada, debido a los paisajes siempre cambiantes y que activan la fuerza en los que navegamos simultáneamente. Sin embargo, continuamos esforzándonos por apuntar a un objetivo de transmisión de espacio temporal más estrecho :-)
Gracias por su paciencia con la reconstrucción de nuestros procesos neurológicos y por su entusiasmo y coraje al realizar estos esfuerzos significativos.
A continuación, prepárese para contribuir a más de nuestros Programas de transmisión especiales programados, estas fechas próximamente:
6 de enero de 2023, 6 Lamat
26 enero 2023, 13 Lamat
6 de abril de 2023, 5 Obsidiana
#WAHA#WarriorSaid#HumanitarianArt#IntuitivePublicRadio#RadioPublicaIntuitiva#RPI •••
Anteriormente: t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69, t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/87, t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/93
Who's got compost! Sun's shining.


The more I stumble on bits of trauma from my past, the prouder I am of her -- of the young woman who went through those things, of myself who contains parts of her.

I did not realize at the time how bad the conditions I was navigating were, while I was in the midst of them. When I stumble back on references and notes from that time, I am staggered by what she was going through, memories that are still slowly stitching themselves back together as neuroplasticity improves and neurological function finds ways to better regulate.

I know that I am facing a future potentially full of assholes telling me what I've done wrong... while ignoring the psychosocial environments that produced those mistakes... their own participations... and the impossibly severe physical and sexual traumas in play.

There are a lot of people who, when they are asked to acknowledge how they have hurt someone else, move immediately and incontrovertibly into denial -- squashing marginalized voices as they go, because many of those voices will not have the power to stand up for themselves.

And yet I have now learned enough and gathered strength of resources around me to feel that I know what I will say to them.

It will take into consideration our common humanity, but it will not allow them to hurt me and others without accountability.

I am imperfect.

I am not unlike the assholes who would say the sorts of things that I myself allowed and supported when people who said such things were friends and family to me.

I have not entirely come to terms yet with the person I was when that was my chosen life, not understanding that better choices were available, not recognizing the world of hurt being created for those whose voices are put down, and how even my seemingly meager lifestyle at the time contributed heavily to that hurting.

An asshole delivers shit unto the world.

I have been given this shit to deliver.

It is actually some really good, nourishing shit.

We have gardening to do.


#WarriorsAid #HumanitarianArt

8 June 2018:


' update: got, success. air qualifty hit, grateful to have returned. now time for breathing exercises. then to more problem solving ! gratitude, gratitude for food. 🌟💖🙏🏼💖🌟


Out of food, and accounts are zero. Can you help?

Urgently need to make medicinal juice to avoid cascades that lead to digestive failure, keep absorption functioning maximally, improve physiological stability and strengthen stressor thresholds. 🌱🌿🥒🍋🥗🍵🍍🌿🌱

Great appreciation if a handful of someones could put a few dollars in my PayPal account to help me uphold threshold progress, important on day-to-day basis to stay alive.

I will record you a song or do something else that you request in exchange for sending me some money I can buy groceries with.

This could be a lovely game 🌟

Would like please to keep digestion working at its very very best possible, as the consequences of resource gaps are quite extreme for me.

More useful information & link in comments.

Thank you.


#WarriorsAid #HumanitarianArt
& #CollaborativeEmergence '

t.me/MaxMoRadio/6119, t.me/MaxMoRadio/6120
"Anger is a river. It wants to be released into the vaster ocean. It wants to move naturally.

When we repress it with premature forgiveness, block it with false positivity, suppress it in the name of pseudo-peace, we dam(n) our natural flow.

The river then turns inward, against the self; or explodes outwardly, against innocents.

Better we express it when it arises-not in a way that is destructive to humanity-but in a way that is authentic and that restores the integrity of our being.

Anger isn't the enemy.

Misplaced anger is.

Let the river flow..."


#HealingTraumaThrough #WarriorsAid #HumanitarianArt
