Masjid Yusof Ishak
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Ayuh kita sama-sama hidupkan malam 27 Ramadan di Masjid Yusof Ishak dengan membaca Al-Quran, mendirikan solat istikharah dan qiyamullail!

Tarikh: 6 April 2024
Tempat: Masjid Yusof Ishak

Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa berdiri (solat) pada malam Lailatul Qadr dengan penuh keimanan dan mengharapkan pahala, maka diampuni baginya dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu."

Jangan lepaskan peluang ini dan terus tingkatkan amalan kita!
#masjidyusofishak #northmosquecluster #onemosquesector
Media is too big
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Join us for a morning filled with blessings at Masjid Yusof Ishak! We will be offering two prayer sessions with no booking needed

Session 1: 7.20 am | Khutbah in Malay
Session 2: 8.45 am | Khutbah in English

To ease traffic, we have secured 180 complimentary parking lots at Woodlands Health Campus (WHC), Tower A, Basement 4, Green Zone available from 6.30 am to 9.30 am.

Please take note, Muslimin will pray at Level 2 โ€“ Level 5, while Muslimah will pray at Level 1 (Carpark)

Hope to see you all, InsyaAllah!

#masjidyusofishak #masjidsg #awaksolatkatmana #solatraya2024 #SalamSG2024
Seperti terbenamnya matahari di penghujung hari yang indah, segala sesuatu mempunyai pengakhiran, tetapi kenangan dan pelajaran tetap terukir di dalam hati kita selamanya.

Dengan ini, berakhirnya bulan Ramadan dan masuknya hari pertama bulan syawal, Masjid Yusof Ishak akan mengadakan solat Aidilfitri sebanyak 2 sesi.
Sesi pertama (Khutbah bahasa Melayu): 7.20pagi
Sesi kedua(Khutbah in English): 8.45pagi
*No booking required*

Tempat Meletak Kenderaan (Parking) berhampiran:
1. Woodlands Health Campus
2. โ MSCP Blk 588A
3. โ MSCP Blk 586A
4. โ Blk 542

Semoga Allah terima amal ibadah kita. Ameen
#masjidyusofishak #masjidSG #syawal #solatrayakatmana
Alhamdulillah! We are pleased to collaborate with Qaryah 21, 25 & 31 to provide a spacious area for you to perform your Eid prayer (solat Aidilfitri) with your family.

We pray that Allah S.W.T ease everything for all, ameen.

No booking required | Solat starts at 8.15am
#masjidyusofishak #solataidilfitri #solatraya #awaksolatkatmana #qaryah
Segala-galanya adalah sebahagian daripada sesuatu. Apa yang kita lakukan akan ada kesan kepada diri kita, dan orang-orang sekeliling kita.

Yang utama, kita perlu menjaga kesihatan kita, agar kita dapat memenuhi kewajipan kita, kepada Allah swt, kepada anak-anak kita, kepada ibu bapa kita.

Kami ingin menggalakkan anda untuk berada dalam keadaan Afiyah (kesihatan yang baik) dengan menyertai acara piloxing ini.

Sila ke lelaman web ini untuk pendaftaran
atau imbas kod yang ada di poster.

Bermula Selasa ini, 7 Mei 2024. Dibuka untuk muslimah.

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Rasulullah SAW mentioned in a hadith: The true migrant is one who migrates from evil, and the true fighter, is one who fights against his desire."

Join us on 17 May 2024, from 7.30pm till 9.30 for a transformative journey towards spiritual purity! Discover ways to navigate the distractions of the modern world and draw closer to Allah SWT. Learn to recognize and combat the cunning tactics of the devil.

Class will be conducted in English. Not to worry, this class is FREE! Notes and light refreshments will be provided!

Register now and tag along with your family members and friends!

#masjidyusofishak #Need4Deen #masjidsg
Ride with us, bond with us! Kampung Cycle: fostering connections, one pedal at a time. Join the movement and help us build a stronger, more compassionate community!

Together with our Abang Haji Muslimin Volunteer group, we invite you and your family members and friends.

Every last Sunday of the month, we flag off from the masjid at 7am. Every month we will head to a different location.

Details and registration form :

See you!
#masjidyusofishak #kampungCycle #ridewithus
โ€œAl aqlu salim fi al jismi salim.โ€ โ€œHealthy minds in healthy body.โ€

Masjid Yusof Ishak, in collaboration with Woodlands Health, is offering a free monthly health checkup for you. By taking care of your physical and mental well-being, you can perform your daily ibadah with renewed energy and focus, InsyaaAllah!

Register here: (link in bio)
*A FREE health booklet will be given to keep track of our progress.
#masjidyusofishak #communityhealthpost #healthymuslim
This talk delves into the essence of sisterhood, emphasizing qualities such as trust, empathy, and collaboration that strengthen connections among women by nurturing supportive relationships and cultivating a culture of solidarity, women empower each other to thrive, and create positive change in the world.

Come and join us on Saturday, 25th May 2024.
RSVP Here:-
#masjidyusofishak #muslimahinnercircle #diarymuslimah