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Sharing the guidance which I got to prevent others from getting lost :)
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Hello everyone
I am MANISHA JANGHU, I've secured AIR 266 in the upsc civil services examination 2023. This was my SECOND ATTEMPT. My optional subject was SOCIOLOGY.

Brief background about myself:

I have done my graduation in chemistry which got completed in 2020 from MAITREYI COLLEGE, DELHI UNIVERSITY. Post that I have done my masters in sociology from IGNOU.
Before this I've cleared HARYANA CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION with 13th rank. And have got HCS(Ex. Br.)
The purpose of making this channel is to return back to the aspirant community. I've met some of the most amazing people during this preparation. And what all I have achieved is because of their guidance. So, I want to do my part by sharing the same with you guys. Even if I'm able to help one student with the guidance, I'll think that the motto of this group is successful.
Hello everyone :)
Sorry for late post.

Starting with the journey:
I've thought of starting my preparation for civil services in the final year of college which is in 2020. During that time, COVID -19 was going on. And with all the disasters that we've faced due to COVID-19, one good thing that happened was the time which we got.
"The time to spend time with ourselves". And hence, using this opportunity I began my upsc preparation online from home.
The preparation was majorly based on self study with taking help from online and offline sources from here and there.( Will be listing sources in a separate post). The sources are very scattered and I did not rely on one particular source from one particular institute for the whole preparation. I took the best things out of coaching materials which suited my preparation the best.

With all zeal, I prepared for upsc 2022 prelims examination which I missed by 3 marks. It was a bit devastating seeing the amount of hardwork I had put in that prelims. I had given more than 50 mock tests. Still, I could not clear that prelims. But as they say "the opportunity comes to the ones who knows how to utilise it". And herein, I was landed with an opportunity to write a mains, not of upsc but of Haryana civil services examination(HCS).

During the haryana mains examination, I prepared everything from upsc perspective, obviously apart from the language papers( Hindi and English) which are included in the merit of Hcs.

I joined the 30 tests for mains test series of VISION IAS before the prelims. I worte around 2-3 tests before mains. But during mains, I wrote around 20 gs tests.
Coming to optional which is sociology, I prepared for that too from upsc mains examination perspective. I cleared the hcs examination but even after all the hardwork that I had put in I could not get my desired service which was Hcs( Ex. Br.), popularly known as SDM/ deputy collector in some other states like U.P. (Uppsc). I'm sharing this because I certainly feel that the amount of hardwork which you put in might not get rewarded at that time but eventually the fruit of your hardwork will find its way to you. I could not get my desired post when the seats were around 48, but I got it when the seats were less than one fourth in the next examination cycle.The next hcs cycle happened in 3 months and it's mains examination was scheduled one month before the upsc mains examination. While writing mains I was least hopeful that I would be able to upgrade my service to SDM from current Block development and panchayat officer(BDPO). It was because of the past expectations which I had from myself wherein I was not able to perform and also the fear of low number of vacancies. Why I'm telling this? This is to tell you that even if you fail or your hardwork is not giving fruits immediately, you need to belive in yourself and keep moving forward. When the time will come, you will get back each ounce of everything you deserve.

One last thing that I would like to say is that I am and I will always be the most thankful and grateful for the guidance and support that I got during this journey. Be it my parents, brother, friends, mentors or seniors. I am highly thankful to each one of you. Whatever little I'm able to achieve is all because of the faith which you guys have put in me. And by this platform I want to give it back to you guys. Feeling highly blessed. 🙏
Hello everyone:)
This is my prelims marksheet.
In my first attempt, I could not clear prelims.
This time I was able to score around 15 more marks than the cutoff.
As prelims is around the corner, our sole focus for the next 40 days should be on clearing prelims. Otherwise all your efforts for mains will go in vain if you’re not able to clear prelims. Therefore, I will be sharing my prelims strategy.
Before that If you all have any specific doubts regarding prelims which you want me to address, you can list them here.
I will be addressing them in a separate post
Prelims Book list:-

1 Ancient and medieval history :- Tamil Nadu ncerts.
2 Modern history : spectrum
3 Geography: class 11 and 12 ncerts( specially physical ncert of class 11th)
4 Polity: M. laxmikanth
5 International relations for prelims- should be considered as a separate subject for prelims due to it’s increased weightage: do from current affairs
6 Economics: Mrunal modules( I have done all 6 modules)
7 Environment: Shankar IAS(very selectively)+ current affairs
8 Science and tech: current affairs
9 Current affairs in general is a must.

I will be sharing in detail how to read these sources specifically for prelims perspective. Till then all the best to everyone for their prelims preparation. Keep working hard :)

It is going to be a long post, so please bear with me. But in my limited capacity I have tried to address everything related to Csat comprehensively here.

As you all know that Csat has become the new competition eliminator. It is something which cannot be taken for granted at any cost. I have seen so many people, so deserving, yet losing their chance to write mains due to Csat. By Seeing this year’s cutoff, it can be clearly analysed that clearing Csat is more important as the cutoff of both GS and Csat is almost the same. Also, the difficulty level of Csat as seen in the past few years is increasing continuously. So even if you are good at Csat, still I would recommend you to not underestimate it and at least do the previous year questions and the basic Csat topics.

How to go about the Csat
1) First of all, it is important to understand your level viz a viz Csat. Self assessment is at the core in clearing Csat. So, how should we do this?

2) you should go and pick up a Csat previous year question paper( preferably a recent one of 2023 or 2022) and attempt this paper in a time bound manner along with filing the OMR sheet just like the real Csat examination.

3) Now, do this same exercise once again for another previous year paper. And do this preferably after lunch between 2.30-4.30 pm when your real Csat examination is conducted.

4) After attempting these two papers, you will get to know how much marks you’re scoring. And it would be more accurate as you’ve assessed your performance in two tests.

5) Now there can be three cases:-

6) A) you are getting marks around the range of 100-120 or more. In this case you just need to practice all the previous year papers starting from 2013 uptil the recent 2023 paper. This will give you confidence that you’ve done your Csat preparation. And you’re good to go.

7) B) you are getting marks around 70-90. In this case you are clearing the cutoff just on the margin. So, one right or wrong question in the examination can land you in the list or out of the list. So, you must do all the previous year questions. Also, you should analyse the papers and find out which are the easy questions which you couldn’t do and you should focus on them. For example there are questions of time and distance, calendar questions, age questions, etc. these are easy areas which can give you edge of 10-15 marks which you need to safely clear the Csat cutoff. Any YouTube video will suffice for these topics and you need not thoroughly prepare for Csat due to this. Instead you can use that time for your GS preparation.

8) C) you are getting marks lower than 66, which is the passing marks. Herein in this case, it is clear that your Csat is poor right now and you should focus on it equally as GS. I would recommend that you should thoroughly prepare for Csat. If not 50:50 but at least you should give your 60:40 time to gs and Csat preparation respectively.

9) One last thing to remember for both Csat and GS is that you should identify your strengths and weakness. And on the one hand you should keep hold of your strengths whereas on the other hand you should keep on practising to improve your weaknesses.

How to attempt Csat paper:-

1) Students don’t know how to “move on”:- one should know how to “move on in life and in Csat”. This mantra will take you miles in both Csat and life. One common mistake which students do while attempting Csat is that they try to do all the questions. Keep this thing in your mind that in Csat the amount of questions you do does not matter, rather how you leave and move on to next question is more important. Because as soon as you realise that a question is taking your time and you leave it, this is the one thing which helps you in saving your time and doing other questions to get that bare 66 cutoff marks. So, at any cost you cannot take any Csat question on your ego. The more questions you take on your ego, the less chances you have of clearing Csat.

2) Another challenging task in Csat is to go through all the questions as it is lengthy.
You can only go through all the questions when you leave all the questions which are taking your time. In Csat you have to be like a wanderer who is searching for his/her favourite fruits and as soon as you see questions of your strengths or your favourite areas, very quickly like a wanderer you pick them.

3) Thirdly, time management is very important in Csat. Time management strategy you should make in advance as to how you are going to attempt the paper based on your comfort zone and previous year papers practice. In my case, I had a science background and I was comfortable with maths. So I had divided my time as starting 1 hour for “maths and reasoning” then half hour for “comprehensions” and then remaining half hour again for the remaining maths and reasoning questions. If you are more comfortable with the comprehensions then you should do them first.

4) Also, you should enter the examination hall with an open mind. Any strategy you have made should be implemented then and there in the real exam time environment. So, it should not be rigid and you should be ready for few twerks here and there in your strategy. Like, I followed my strategy of doing first maths and then comprehension questions in the 2022 prelims and I cleared it. But after going through the 2023 prelims paper in the examination hall, I got to know that the maths questions are extra difficult and it is not possible to clear this exam just with them. So, instead of 1 hour, just after 40 minutes I shifted to comprehension questions.

5) Lastly, you should not judge your preparation in those two hours at any cost. No matter how hard the paper is. You should not start making comparisons like “this year paper is even tougher than last year, how would I clear it?” These kinds of thoughts are a sure shot remedy for failure in Csat. Therefore during those two hours, you should give your best without evaluating your performance at that time. You’ll have time to evaluate it later on.

6) Also, I would say that till the very last minute in Csat you should not give up and keep on fighting for that 1 extra question which can get you 2.5 more marks.

At the end I’m repeating it again that the mantra to clear Csat or GS is to keep hold of your strengths and keep on working on your weaknesses. This will give you the confidence which you need in the exam.

With this, Wishing all the best to everyone for Csat preparation. Keep on working hard. You’re just a few steps away from your goal :)
(Free Coaching, Boarding, and Lodging for Civil Services Exam Preparation)

🌿SAMKALP is excited to announce a Full Year Scholarship Course for the Civil Services Examination for the year 2024-25.

🌿This opportunity is open to brilliant students from underprivileged sections of society.

🌿Selected candidates will receive free coaching, boarding, and lodging for one year.

🟠 *Application Process:*
To apply, please visit our website
and fill the application form:

🔴 *Eligibility Criteria:*
* 90% in 12th standard CBSE (80% if state board) and 75% in graduation.

🟡 *Important Dates:*
* Entrance Test: June 2024
* Selection Process: Candidates will be selected through an entrance test, which includes:
*Multiple Choice Questions (100 marks)*
*Essay writing (50 marks)*
*Personal Interview (100 marks)*

The test will focus on general knowledge and current affairs at the graduation level.
The interview will assess personality traits and general awareness.

🟠 *Notification and Submission:*
Shortlisted candidates will be notified via email. Selected candidates will need to submit self-attested copies of the following documents:
* Mark sheets of 10th, 12th, and graduation
* Recent income certificate
* EWS certificate
* Personal identity card (Aadhaar, etc.)

We encourage all eligible and interested students to apply and take advantage of this excellent opportunity to prepare for the Civil Services Examination with SAMKALP's support and Guidance.

Warm and Kind Regards
Nalini Sachdeva

*For more details, please contact:*
*Geeta - 9811279643*
*Puneet - 8368231614*
📚 *SAMKALP GURUKUL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME* 📚 (Free Coaching, Boarding, and Lodging for Civil Services Exam Preparation) 🌿SAMKALP is excited to announce a Full Year Scholarship Course for the Civil Services Examination for the year 2024-25. 🌿This opportunity…
I personally have benefited from their initiative🌸
Aspirants from underprivileged background can apply here. They provide free coaching for upsc. It might help people who could not afford giving Rs 2.5-3 lakh for coaching.
For the last 20 days. Keep working hard guys. It’s just a matter of time when your name will on that side of list. All this sweat, determination will be worth it at the end.
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Hcs mains result is out. Congratulations to all those who cleared it and wishing luck to those who couldn’t this time. Keep hustling. It’s all worth it at the end.