EECMY Children Ministry: MY Sunday School
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MY Sunday School is the official page of EECMY Children Ministry.

Wholistic Growth For Our Children!

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የወጣቶች ስልጠና እና የቤተሰብ ኮንፈረንስ በአዶላ ገናሌ  ሲኖዶስ
#Youth Leaders Training & Family Conference @EECMYAdolaGenaleSynod
===@EECMY-AGS #AdolaWoyu #EastGuji

Forwarded from EECMY Youth Ministry
EECMY Children Ministry: MY Sunday School
የወጣቶች ስልጠና እና የቤተሰብ ኮንፈረንስ በአዶላ ገናሌ  ሲኖዶስ
#Youth Leaders Training & Family Conference @EECMYAdolaGenaleSynod
===@EECMY-AGS #AdolaWoyu #EastGuji
WKWWMakaana Yesuus Itoophiyaatti Qajeelchi Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaa Gaggeessitoota Sinoodoosii Adoolaa Gannaalee fi Qindeessitoota Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaa Sabakootaa fi waldaa amantootaa sinoodoosichaa garagaraa irraa dhufaniif mata duree "Guddinaa fi Jirjiirama Hunda-galeessa Ijoollee fi Dargaggoota Keenyaaf" jedhuun Leenjiin Paakeejii Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaa Hunda-galeessa bu'uura godhate kennameera. Leenjicha kan kennan Daarektara Qajeelcha Ijoollee fi Dargaggoo waldattii kan ta'an Wondimmaagany Uddeessaa yoo ta'an, leenjicha booda barumsa maatii fi guddina ijoollee irratti xiyyeeffate amantoota hundumaaf kennaniiru. Leenjifamtootni  leenjii fudhatan kana galanii waldaa amantootaa isaaniittis akka kennaniif jecha 'moojulli' leenjiis kennameeraaf. Dabalataan Pirezidaantiin sinoodoosichaa Lubni Geeloo Gololchaas leenjicha irratti argamuudhaan barumsa kennaniiru, hirmaattotaafis ergaa dabarsaniiru.  Leenjicha cinaatti kitaaboleen guddinna hunda-galeessa dhalootaaf gargaaran, kan tajaajila ijoollee fi dargaggootaaf ta'an, akkasumas tajaajiltootaa fi amantoota hundumaaf ta'an karaa dhaabbata Sagalee Misiraachootiin raabsameera.  Leenjifamtootni leenjii fudhatan kana akkaataa paakeejicha irratti ibsameera sadarkaa sadarkaadhaan gara Waldaa Amantootaa isaaniitti gad buusuun irratti kan hojjatan ta'a.

Guddinnaa fi Jirjiirama Hunda-galeessa Ijoollee fi Dargaggoota Keenyaaf!

"...Nuuti garbooti Isaa kaanee ijaaruu ni jalqabna, Waaqayyo Gooftaan samii immoo nuuf qajeelcha;..." Nah. 2:20
የኢ/ወ/ቤ/ክ/መ/ኢየሱስ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መምሪያ ለአዶላ ገናሌ ሲኖዶስ መሪዎች እና ከሲኖዶሱ ሰበካዎች እና ማ/ምዕመናናት ለመጡት የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት አስተባባሪዎች "ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት እና ለውጥ" በሚል ርዕስ ሁለንተናዊ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት ፓኬጅ ላይ መሰረት በማድረግ ስልጠና ተሰጥቷል:: ስልጠናውን የሰጡት የቤተክርስቲያኒቱ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መምሪያ ዳይሬክተር ወንድማገኝ ኡዴሣ ሲሆኑ: በተጨማሪም ከስልጠናው በኋላ ለመላው ምእመናን በቤተሰብና በልጆች እድገት ላይ ትምህርት ተሰጥቷል። በተጨማሪም  ፕረዝደንት ቄስ ጌሎ ጎሎልቻም በስልጠናው በመገኘት ለልጆች እና ወጣት አገልግሎት መሪዎች ትምህርት ሰጥተዋል: መልዕክትም አስተላልፈዋል:: ከስልጠናው ጎን ለጎን ለሁለንተናዊ አገልግሎቱ የሚጠቅም የልጆች አገልግሎት እንዲሁም ለወጣቶች እና አጠቃላይ የቤተክርስቲያን አገልግሎት የሚሆኑ መጽሐፍት በቤተክርስቲያኒቱ የምስራች ድምጽ በኩል ተሰራጭቷል:: በተጨማሪም የስልጠናው ሞጁል እንዲደርሳቸው የተደረገ ሲሆን: ሰልጣኞች የወሰዱትን ስልጠና ወደየ ማ/ምዕመናኖቻቸው በማውረድ የሚተገብሩት ይሆናል::

ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት ለልጆች እና ወጣቶቻችን!

''የሰማይ አምላክ ያከናውንልናል፥ እኛም ባሪያዎቹ ተነሥተን እንሠራለን፤ ...'' ነህምያ 2:20
The Children and Youth Ministry Department of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane gave training for the leaders of the Adola Genale Synod, and for the coordinators of the children and youth ministries from the synod parishes and the congregations based on the Wholistic Ministry Package of Children and Youth of the EECMY entitled "Wholistic Growth and Transformation." The training was given by the Director of the church's children and youth ministry department, Brother Wondmagegn Udessa. After the training, he gave teachings on family and child development to all believers. In addition to this, the President of the Synod, Rev. Gelo Gololcha, also gave a training and delivered a message to the leaders of the children and youth ministry of the synod. Beside the training, different books that will help for the holistic children and youth ministry and overall church service are distributed to the trainers through the EECMY Yemisrach Dimts Communication Service , and the module of the training, 'Wholistic Ministry Package of Children and Youth', is distributed to them. The trainees will apply the training they have received to their respective congregations.

Wholistic Growth and Transformation for Our Children and Youth!

"“The God of heaven will give us success. We His servants will start rebuilding,...” Neh. 2:20


Photo Credit: Hinbisilla Media (0919634017/0980408783)
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#Children #Youth #Leadership #Training