MMAMV - Australia
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I cannot express my feelings in seeing these 2 amazing warriors work today.

Pride, admiration, appreciation, respect would be just some of the words I could use.

2 sistas leading with spirit and love who wanted to send a standard baby whale to its final resting place but were being attacked from every angle.

The attacks continued by all 3 groups and these ladies stood and handled it like I’ve never witnessed anyone handle such a situation before.

As they became clear of the situation at hand, the lack of knowledge and understanding of others and the lack of care - tears welled up in both their eyes.

Under the toughest and most heartbreaking situations they held it together, kept their poise and continued to lead with love, spirit, truth and no fear.

It was genuinely an honour to witness and not something I will forget any time so.
Mundanuari Kuddadu University

Lore-Full Education.

Over the past 18 months on the road, I have been asked consistently when I may write a book, and while yes, there are 2 in the process, I come from an oral culture.

So after taking it to my old ones, approval to hold sessions on Lore Dreaming has passed protocol. To the point now they are asking me to get it moving quickly.

The course will be going for 6 weeks at 1.5 hours per week. I am looking for people who are wanting to learn more on Aborigional Culture, Lore and Dreaming. Along with when, who, where, what and why it all interconnects with the governing systems of today.

How to best navigate and comprehend the duality of Lore and Law. Breaking apart legal jargon and explaining in part a 75 000 yeah old active, breathing culture.

For more information please send me a message or email the domain on the bottom of the flyer and share with all who you believe may be interested
Forwarded from Dave Oneegs Aussie chat 💬 (Dave Oneegs)
Howdy folks,
as a lot of men are struggling with their mental health,

tonight I’ll be kicking off the first of weekly men’s meeting that I’ll be running each Sunday evening.

The idea is to let men speak freely about how they are dealing with all of this madness in the world right now.

I have some special guests to take off the first call;
Graham Hood
Roland Crystal
Nick Patterson
Michael Simms.

Plus there will be some room for other men to share how they are going.

The only requirements to attend are that you are a man and that you have your camera on,
so we can know you are a real person.

The link is below and the call will go for an hour.

Looking forward to seeing you there,
and if you know a man out there who is lonely,
please get him on the call.

Join us for the Australian launch of Children’s Health Defense, the renowned organisation and now Australian chapter movement, dedicated to making a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of children and families Down Under.
Forwarded from Australiaforfreedom (Jay Hernandez)
Forwarded from Queensland Peoples’ Protest Chat (QPP Chat Leader)
Join us this Saturday (26 August 2023) for the launch of Children's Health Defense - Australian Chapter.

This organisation is dedicated to making a positive impact on the health and well-being of children and families in Australia.

Book here at:

The Well Function Centre
58 Highland Way
Upper Coomera QLD 4209

9am to 4pm
Forwarded from Tay's Way Movement
We gather again my brothers and sisters...

To grieve loudly. To grieve because it heals. To grieve which is to LOVE.

Each day I’m learning how to be in new relationship with my Dad’s strong spirit.

Each day I still have a level of disbelief that washes over me, like did this all really happen?

Each day I make peace with our new life without him on the farm.

Honouring your season to deeply grieve is to honour your person who has passed over.

If you feel like gathering in a gentle space of compassion and grace, I invite you to join me in the coming weeks.

Give your heart the time it needs to grieve.

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So honoured to have one of New Zealand’s strongest freedom warriors in the country performing for us. Expectations were blown out of the water last night and I can’t wait to see Joydah again next Saturday on the Sunshine Coast - visit for tickets. Everyone is welcome!!!#handsoffourchildren #indigenouswisdom #music #freedom #newzealand #australia #sunshinecoast #ceremony #passion #strength
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Contact MMAMV_Australia on FB or Insta to get your last minute ticket.

Helps support the elimination of the Spike Protein from the body. In the fall issue of The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons a three-pronged regimen has been proposed intended at countering the COVID spike protein.
Our Detox regiment is based on the recommendations from the Journal, with the three main ingredients in the same bottle Nattokinase 3000 fu (150 mg), Bromelain 500 mg and Curcumin 1000 mg. We only use top quality ingredients from US, our product is NON-GMO, Vegan, Gluten-Free, completely natural and Halal for your ease of mind.

Suggested use- Our Bottles contain 60 capsules equaling 30 servings, which at two capsules a day will give a full months supply. It has been recommended that for every shot taken, one should be on a three months detox regiment.
Forwarded from Australiaforfreedom (Jay Hernandez)
Michael Simms speaks with Barbara O’Neill and her husband.

To watch live stream:
Mexican Wild Yam Cream - traditionally used to support hormone balance. Chaste tree berry - traditionally used to support women’s reproductive health and ease menstrual discomfort. Using top-quality ingredients and a full spectrum CO2 extraction method ensures potency is maintained in Gatheted Bends concoctions.
We blend these traditional herbal ingredients into a natural and luxurious cream for a divine application experience 🤎