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ТСМРИ да "Маҳалла обод - юрт обод" шиори остида умумхалқ хайрия ҳашари бўлиб ўтди

Жорий йилнинг 24-25 август кунлари умумхалқ хайрия ҳашари доирасида институт жамоаси фаол иштирок этиб, институт ҳудуди ва унга яқин жойлашган бино атрофларини тозалаш ва ободонлаштириш ишларини амалга оширишди.

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Advance Your Teaching Career with the MA Education (TESOL) Program at MDIS Tashkent!

Are you ready to take your teaching skills to the next level? Join the prestigious MA Education (TESOL) program offered by Teesside University (UK), delivered right here at the Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) in Tashkent. This one-year Master's program is your gateway to becoming a leader in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

Why Choose Our MA Education (TESOL) Program?

Renowned Partnership: Gain a globally recognized degree from Teesside University, run in collaboration with MDIS, both esteemed institutions in education.
Expert Faculty: Learn from highly qualified lecturers from Teesside University (UK) and MDIS (Singapore), who bring a wealth of academic and practical experience to your learning journey.
On-Campus Experience in Tashkent: Enjoy the convenience of studying at MDIS Tashkent while receiving a world-class education.
Affordable Investment: Complete your Master’s degree for just 54,000,000 UZS, offering unparalleled value for top-tier education.

Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your career in education. Enroll in the MA Education (TESOL) program at MDIS Tashkent and start making a difference in the world of teaching today!
🎉Welcome to MDIST! Join Us for the Parents' Meeting & Plov Party!

Dear Foundation Year Students of 2024-2025 AY,

MDIST warmly congratulates you on joining our vibrant academic community! 🎓We are excited to invite you and your parents to our special Parents' Meeting on September 9, 2024.

🗓 Date: September 9, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
📍 Location: MDIST Campus

To confirm your participation and that of your parents, please go through the LINK by September 3, 2024, at 18:00 PM.📝

Please remember that each student may bring a maximum of two attendees.

And don’t miss out—enjoy a delicious Plov party following the meeting!🎉

We look forward to your confirmation and can’t wait to see you and your family at the meeting!
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Forwarded from Dr Ilkhom Mamatkulov
MDIST ва Inter Nation English School ўртасида ўзаро ҳамкорлик алоқалари ўрнатилди

Жорий йилнинг 30 август куни Тошкентдаги Сингапур Менежментни Ривожлантириш Институти (MDIST) ва Inter Nation English School ўртасида ҳамкорлик меморандуми имзоланди. Ушбу меморандумнинг мақсади Янги Ўзбекистон ёшларининг билим ва кўникмаларини ривожлантириш, жаҳон стандартларига мос кадрлар тайёрлаш ва уларни мамлакатимизни ривожланган давлатлар қаторига олиб чиқишда ҳисса қўшадиган мутахассисларга айлантиришдан иборатдир.

Ҳамкорлик доирасида хорижий тилларни мукаммал ўргатиш, ўқувчи ёшларнинг турли соҳаларга қизиқишларини ривожлантириш, билим ва тажриба алмашинувини ташкил этиш, шунингдек, хорижий давлатларнинг ўқитиш методикаларини ўрганган ҳолда сифатли ўқув жараёнларини ташкил этиш назарда тутилган.


A cooperation agreement has been established between the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent (MDIST) and Inter Nation English School

On August 30th of this year, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent (MDIST) and Inter Nation English language school. The purpose of this memorandum is to enhance the knowledge and skills of the youth, to prepare professionals according to international standards, and to develop specialists who will contribute to the process of elevating our country to the ranks of developed nations.

The cooperation aims to provide comprehensive foreign language education, foster the interests of students in various fields, facilitate knowledge and experience exchange, and organize high-quality educational processes by studying the teaching methodologies of foreign countries.

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Forwarded from MDIST SSU
📣Talabalar turar joyi uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan 1-kurs talabalari diqqatiga!

2024-2025 o‘quv yilida talabalar turar joyidan foydalanish uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan 1-kurs talabalari, joriy yilning 5-sentabr kunidan boshlab, TSMRI institutining A binosi 108-xonasiga tashrif buyurib yozma tarzda ariza berishingiz va quyidagi hujjatlarni taqdim etishingiz so‘raladi:

➡️ TSMRI ma’muriyati bilan tuzilgan shartnoma;
➡️ Kontrakt to‘lovini amalga oshirganligi to'g'risidagi ma'lumotnoma;
➡️ Talabalar turar joyida yashash uchun to‘lov kvitansiyasi;
➡️ Pasport yoki ID karta nusxasi.

Batafsil ma’lumot uchun:
Ўзбекистон бўйлаб саёҳат қил!

Жорий йилнинг 28-август куни Тошкент шаҳрида жойлашган "Сузук-Ота" мажмуасида "Ўзбекистон бўйлаб саёҳат қил" шиори остида ички туризмни ривожлантириш кўргазмаси бўлиб ўтди. Ушбу кўргазмада ТСМРИ жамоаси институтнинг таълим салоҳияти ва имкониятлари ҳамда туризм соҳасида малакали кадрлар тайёрлаш масалаларида ўз тарғибот тарқатма материаллари билан фаол қатнашди.

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🎉Welcome to MDIST! Join Us for the Parents' Meeting & Plov Party!

Dear Foundation Year Students of 2024-2025 AY,

MDIST warmly congratulates you on joining our vibrant academic community! 🎓We are excited to invite you and your parents to our special Parents' Meeting on September 9, 2024.

🗓 Date: September 9, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
📍 Location: MDIST Campus

To confirm your participation and that of your parents, please go through the LINK by September 3, 2024, at 18:00 PM.📝

Please remember that each student may bring a maximum of two attendees.

And don’t miss out—enjoy a delicious Plov party following the meeting!🎉

We look forward to your confirmation and can’t wait to see you and your family at the meeting!
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Forwarded from Dr Ilkhom Mamatkulov
Forwarded from MDIST SSU
Dear Foundation Year Students of MDIS Tashkent,

Welcome to the beginning of an exciting journey! 🎓

MDIST is kindly inviting you to the Orientation Week for the 2024-2025 academic year! Join us for a vibrant and engaging series of events designed to kickstart your MDIS Tashkent adventure.

Mark your calendars: September 10 - 13, 2024. 📅

Here’s what’s in store:

🤝Connect with your peers and start building your network.
📚Attend department-specific meetings tailored to your academic interests.
🛠Explore our programs, resources, and support services to ensure a smooth and successful journey ahead.

And don’t miss our special treat: a Freshmen Party for all Foundation Year students on September 13, 2024!

Important: Each group has a designated Orientation Day, so be sure to check your email 📧 and I-Net account on September 5, 2024, for your specific schedule.

We can’t wait to welcome you!

Best regards,
The MDIS Tashkent Team
MDIS Tashkent
🎉Welcome to MDIST! Join Us for the Parents' Meeting & Plov Party! Dear Foundation Year Students of 2024-2025 AY, MDIST warmly congratulates you on joining our vibrant academic community! 🎓We are excited to invite you and your parents to our special Parents'…

Dear Foundation Year Students and Guests,

Please arrive at 9:30 AM on September 9, 2024, with your passports for registration before the Parents' Meeting.

Thank you, and see you soon!