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Halo semuanya!
Channel ini adalah channel yang dikhususkan untuk berbagi atau mencari lowongan kerja sebagai Programmer / Developer.

Notes : Untuk posting Loker silahkan japri admin.

Admin : @hendisantika34
Download Telegram
barang kali ada temen, sodara, sepupu, pacar atau siapa lah gitu yg lagi cari2 buat magang atau freelance
Hi, our company is the 1st Tier-4 Data Center in South East Asia and we strive to increase operational efficiency through process automation.
We are looking for Java Developer with with requirements:
- Know and understand the language of Java
- Experience with Java Framework : Grails ,Spring,Hibernate/iBatis
- Experience with UI framework : CSS / Bootstrap
- Advance in HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- Intermediate Knowledge on Database : MySQL, SQL Server
- Intermediate Development on Reporting: Jasper Report, Crystal Report
- Experience with Apache, mod_jk, Tomcat and other Java application server

Location :
PT. DCI Indonesia
Kawasan MM2100 - Bekasi

If you interested, please send your update CV to burhannudin@dci-indonesia.com with subject "Freelance - Java Programmer"

#internship #base_on_project #onsite #freelance #java #Spring #Grails #KawasanMM2100 #Bekasi
[Senior Software Engineer wanted]

Sebuah company Jepang yang sudah ber-ekspansi ke Indonesia sedang menginisasi tim IT baru nya. Mereka mempunyai bisnis B2B yang sekarang sudah berjalan sangat sukses secara konvensional, dan akan di-digitalisasi dalam waktu dekat.

1. Punya pengalaman >5 tahun
2. Any tech stack is welcome.
3. Mau untuk relokasi ke daerah Cikarang, Bekasi
4. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris secara aktif

Preferred requirement:
1. Pernah menjadi posisi lead / mentor beberapa junior programmer
2. Pernah mengerjakan produk B2B yang sudah scale up.
3. Bisa berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Jepang sehari-hari

Salary & benefits:
1. Up to 20 M IDR / month
+ berbagai macam benefit seperti BPJS ketenagakerjaan dan lainnya.
2. Multinational companies, bisa bekerja dan berkomunikasi dengan warga bangsa lain.

Jika merasa memenuhi kriteria di atas, silakan kirim resume terbaru anda ke Primawan di telegram @primawansatrio , atau di email primawan-satrio@ib-tec.co.jp

#LOKER #Bekasi #Mutinational #Jepang
#loker #bekasi #laravel #ci #fullstack #react #angular #javascript #reactdeveloper #reactjs #pondokgede #frontend #backend

Cv Asion digital indonesia sedang membutuhkan 2 Orang Posisi Backend & Frontent Programmer

Kualifikasi :

- Pria/Wanita
- Pendidikan Minimal SMK/SMA-D3
- Mengusai Laravel/CI
- Menguasai PHP, JavaScript, Angular, React JS, MySQL
- Berpengalaman minimal 2 Tahun ( diprioritaskan)
- Berpenampilan Rapi
- Jujur, Sopan dan bertanggung jawab

Info Tambahan :
- Penempatan kerja di Kota Bekasi - Pondok Gede
- Fasilitas : GP, Uang Makan, Kesehatan
- Bersedia Probation 3 Bulan
Kirim CV Dan Portofolio

Pengiriman Cv ke email abi@asion.co.id
Beri keterangan posisi pada email.

Untuk Pertanyaan bsa ke @syaifulasion / wa.me/6281299880987
Cv Asion digital indonesia sedang membutuhkan 2 Orang Posisi Backend

Kualifikasi :

- Pria/Wanita
- Pendidikan Minimal SMK/SMA-D3
- Mengusai Laravel/CI
- Menguasai PHP, JavaScript, Angular, React JS, MySQL, RestAPI, Vue.js
- Berpengalaman minimal 2 Tahun ( diprioritaskan)
- Berpenampilan Rapi
- Jujur, Sopan dan bertanggung jawab

Info Tambahan :
- Penempatan kerja di Kota Bekasi - Pondok Gede
- Fasilitas : GP, Uang Makan, Kesehatan
- Bersedia Probation 3 Bulan
Kirim CV Dan Portofolio

Pengiriman Cv ke email abi@asion.co.id
Beri keterangan posisi pada email.

Untuk Pertanyaan bsa ke @syaifulasion

#bekasi #laravel #ci #fullstack #react #angular #javascript #reactdeveloper #reactjs #pondokgede #frontend #backend

Client: IT Consulting & Retail Technology Service Company
Location: Bekasi
Status: Permanent
Salary range: IDR 5-7.5 mio

1. Diploma or Bachelor degree in related field
2. Min. 1 year of Software Development experience
3. Min. 1 year of Android Developer experience
4. Experience working with Android Application (Android Studio, XML, Java, Kotlin), remote data via REST and JSON, and third-party libraries and APIs
5. Working knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends, and emerging technologies
6. Solid understanding of the full mobile development life cycle
7. Critical thinker and problem-solving skills
8. Good time management and communication skills

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: Android – your name)

-only shortlisted candidates will be contacted-

#androiddeveloper #android #developer #androidstudio #xml #java #kotlin #rest #json #apis #mobilelandscape #mobilearchitectures #bekasi

Client: IT Consulting & Retail Technology Service Company
Location: Bekasi
Status: Permanent
Salary range: Negotiable

1. Diploma or Bachelor degree in related field
2. Min. 1 year of Software Development experience
3. Min. 1 year of Android Developer experience
4. Experience working with Android Application (Android Studio, XML, Java, Kotlin), remote data via REST and JSON, and third-party libraries and APIs
5. Working knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends, and emerging technologies
6. Solid understanding of the full mobile development life cycle
7. Critical thinker and problem-solving skills
8. Good time management and communication skills

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: Android – your name)

-only shortlisted candidates will be contacted-

#androiddeveloper #android #developer #androidstudio #xml #java #kotlin #rest #json #apis #mobilelandscape #mobilearchitectures #bekasi
Cv Asion digital indonesia sedang membutuhkan programmer

Kualifikasi :

- Pria/Wanita
- Pendidikan Minimal SMK/SMA-D3
- Mengusai Laravel/CI
- Menguasai PHP, JavaScript, Angular, React JS, MySQL, RestAPI, Vue.js
- Berpengalaman minimal 2 Tahun ( diprioritaskan)
- Berpenampilan Rapi
- Jujur, Sopan dan bertanggung jawab

Info Tambahan :
- Penempatan kerja di Kota Bekasi - Pondok Gede
- Fasilitas : GP, Uang Makan, Kesehatan
- Bersedia Probation 3 Bulan
Kirim CV Dan Portofolio

Pengiriman Cv ke email hrd@datapesanan.com
Beri keterangan posisi pada email.

Untuk Pertanyaan bsa ke @syaifulasion

#bekasi #laravel #ci #fullstack #react #angular #javascript #reactdeveloper #reactjs #pondokgede #frontend #backend
1. DATA SCIENTIST (Bekasi/Fulltime WFO)

Company: IT Consulting & Retail Technology

1. Minimum 1+ years with Data Science
2. Good in Python and the core python data stack
3. Good in relational SQL Databases
4. Knowledge of a variety of machine learning techniques
5. Knowledge of statistical techniques and concepts

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: DATA SCIENTIST - your name)

2. BACKEND DEVELOPER (Bekasi/Fulltime WFO)

Company: IT Consulting & Retail Technology

1. Good in NodeJS (npm, express, pm2, etc)
2. Good in PHP, PostGres and MYSQL Database
3. Experience using Github
4. Knowledge of basic unix commands
5. Knowledge of Python
6. Knowledge of MERN/MEAN stack is a plus

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: BACKEND DEVELOPER - your name)

3. PROGRAMMER (Malang/Fulltime WFO-WFH)

Company: SEO Agency

1. 2-3 years experience as a Programmer (Software Engineer/Web Developer)
2. Must be skillful of WordPress
3. Familiar with Laravel

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: Programmer – your name)

4. SEO SPECIALIST (Malang/Fulltime WFO-WFH)

Company: SEO Agency

1. 2-3 years experience as an SEO
2. Must be skillful of Link Building (Internal, Eksternal, Web 2.0, Social Share)
3. Familiar with WordPress and Shopify
4. Understand basic English

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: SEO - your name)

-only shortlisted candidates will be contacted-

#backenddeveloper #nodejs #npm #pm2 #express #php #postgres #mysqldatabase #mern #mean #datascientist #datascience #python #sqldatabase #machinelearning #statistics #programmer #softwareengineer #webdeveloper #wordpress #laravel #seo #linkbuilding #internal #eksternal #web2.0 #socialshare #wordpress #shopify #english #bekasi #malang #wfo #fulltime #seoagency #retailtechnology

PT Marsit Bangun Sejahtera adalah Marketing Agency Perbankan yang saat ini sedang membutuhkan kandidat untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :

Mobile App Developer dengan kualifikasi :
1. Usia maksimal 30 tahun
2. Pendidikan terakhir Diploma/Sarjana Teknik Informatika / Sistem Informatika
3. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja minimal 1 tahun sebagai mobile app developer
4. Memiliki pengalaman meneruskan pekerjaan yang sudah ada
5. Mampu bekerja dalam tim maupun individu

Detail lebih lanjut silahkan dilihat pada poster yang tersedia. Terima kasih

Lamaran dan cv mohon dikirimkan ke email :

Dengan subject " Lamaran Mobile App Developer “

Office : Jl. Taman Galaxy Raya No 5B, Bekasi

#loker #mobiledeveloper #bekasi

Geek Portal is currently looking for candidates on behalf of our clients, we are looking for Web and Mobile Developer with requirements below :
1. 1-2 years exp in PHP, Java, jquery, CodeIgneter (CI)
2. Well knowledge in Mobile/android program
3. Good analytical, logic, & problem solver
4. Fast learner, flexible, able to work in a team & easy to learn new things
5. Onsite Surabaya
Also we are looking for Backend Developer with requirements below :
1. PHP
2. OOP
3. Framework Yii2
4. Database Mysql/Postgres
5. Algorithm
6. Data Structure
7. Web Programming
8. Javascript/HTML5/CSS
9. Onsite Medan
(Good understanding of Java/Kotlin or React Native/React is a plus)

Also we are looking for .NET Developer with requirements below :
1. 3+ years of experience working with .NET or relevant experiences
2. Experience developing web-based applications in C#, HTML, JavaScript, VBScript/ASP, or .NET
3. Experience working with MS SQL Server and MySQL Knowledge of practices and procedures for full software design life cycle
4. Experience working in agile development environment
5. Onsite Bandung

Also we are looking for Fullstack Developer with requirements below :
1. Familiarity with SDLC Concept.
2. Proficiency with front end languages such as HTML, XML, CSS and JavaScript.
3. Familiarity with JavaScript frameworks such as Angular JS, React and Amber.
4. Proficiency with server side languages such as Python, Ruby, Java, PHP, ASP and .Net
5. Familiarity with database technology such as MySQL, Postgre, Oracle and MongoDB.
6. Excellent verbal communication skills.
7. Good in Algorithm logic and problem solving skills.
8. Onsite Bandung

Mobile Application Developer
Geek Portal is currently looking for Flutter Developer candidates on behalf of our clients with the requirements below.
Requirements :
- Able to build mobile application using Flutter and Dart, preferably with more than 1 year experience.
- Experienced in developing native mobile apps for Android or iOS with more than 1 year experience.
- Have a basic understanding of Agile development.
- Onsite Jakarta/Bekasi

Fill your application at https://bit.ly/gshiringtf
#Loker #Developer #Fullstack #Net #Lokersurabaya #Lokerbandung #Lokermedan #Backend #LokerJakarta #Flutter #jakarta #bekasi
1. DATA SCIENTIST (Bekasi/Fulltime WFO)

Company: IT Consulting & Retail Technology

1. Minimum 1+ years with Data Science
2. Good in Python and the core python data stack
3. Good in relational SQL Databases
4. Knowledge of a variety of machine learning techniques
5. Knowledge of statistical techniques and concepts

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: DATA SCIENTIST - your name)

2. BACKEND DEVELOPER (Bekasi/Fulltime WFO)

Company: IT Consulting & Retail Technology

1. Good in NodeJS (npm, express, pm2, etc)
2. Good in PHP, PostGres and MYSQL Database
3. Experience using Github
4. Knowledge of basic unix commands
5. Knowledge of Python
6. Knowledge of MERN/MEAN stack is a plus

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: BACKEND DEVELOPER - your name)

3. PROGRAMMER (Malang/Fulltime WFO-WFH)

Company: SEO Agency

1. 2-3 years experience as a Programmer (Software Engineer/Web Developer)
2. Must be skillful of WordPress
3. Familiar with Laravel

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: Programmer – your name)

4. SEO SPECIALIST (Malang/Fulltime WFO-WFH)

Company: SEO Agency

1. 2-3 years experience as an SEO
2. Must be skillful of Link Building (Internal, Eksternal, Web 2.0, Social Share)
3. Familiar with WordPress and Shopify
4. Understand basic English

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: SEO - your name)

5. PRESENTATION TEMPLATE DESIGNER (Belanda/Fulltime Contract Remote)

Company: Marketing & Advertising

1. Skills required: PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote
2. Being able to use Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to create preview images
3. Good English writing skills (doesn’t have to be perfect)
4. Experienced in design high quality presentation templates

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: Presentation Designer - your name)

-only shortlisted candidates will be contacted-

#backenddeveloper #nodejs #npm #pm2 #express #php #postgres #mysqldatabase #mern #mean #datascientist #datascience #python #sqldatabase #machinelearning #statistics #programmer #softwareengineer #webdeveloper #wordpress #laravel #seo #linkbuilding #internal #eksternal #web2.0 #socialshare #wordpress #shopify #presentationdesign #powerpoint #googlesildes #keynote #adobeillustrator #photoshop #english #bekasi #malang #belanda #wfo #wfh #fulltime #seoagency #retailtechnology #marketing #advertising
Forwarded from Mathias Sitohang

PT Marsit Bangun Sejahtera adalah Marketing Agency Perbankan yang saat ini sedang membutuhkan kandidat untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :

Mobile App Developer dengan kualifikasi :
1. Usia maksimal 30 tahun
2. Pendidikan terakhir Diploma/Sarjana Teknik Informatika / Sistem Informatika
3. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja minimal 1 tahun sebagai mobile app developer
4. Memiliki pengalaman meneruskan pekerjaan yang sudah ada
5. Mampu bekerja dalam tim maupun individu

Detail lebih lanjut silahkan dilihat pada poster yang tersedia. Terima kasih

Lamaran dan cv mohon dikirimkan ke email :

Dengan subject " Lamaran Mobile App Developer “

Office : Jl. Taman Galaxy Raya No 5B, Bekasi

#loker #mobiledeveloper #bekasi
Company: IT Consulting & Retail Technology
1. Good in NodeJS (npm, express, pm2, etc), PHP, PostGres and MYSQL Database
2. Experience using Github
3. Knowledge of basic unix commands, Python
4. Knowledge of MERN/MEAN stack is a plus

II. PROGRAMMER (Malang/Fulltime WFO)
Company: SEO Agency
1. 2-3 years experience as a Programmer (Software Engineer/Web Developer)
2. Must be skillful of WordPress
3. Familiar with Laravel

III. SEO SPECIALIST (Malang/Fulltime WFO/Remote)
Company: SEO Agency
1. 2-3 years experience as an SEO
2. Must be skillful of Link Building (Internal, Eksternal, Web 2.0, Social Share)
3. Familiar with WordPress and Shopify
4. Understand basic English

IV. WEB DEVELOPER (Belanda/Fulltime Remote)
Company: SEO Agency
1. Skills required: Wordpress, Javascript, CSS, PHP, HTML5
2. Being able to build the SEO tools is the main part of the job
3. Understand basic English

Please send your updated CV to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: title applied - your name)
-only shortlisted candidates will be contacted-

#backenddeveloper #nodejs #npm #pm2 #express #php #postgres #mysqldatabase #mern #mean #programmer #softwareengineer #webdeveloper #wordpress #laravel #seo #linkbuilding #internal #eksternal #web2.0 #socialshare #wordpress #shopify #javascript #css #php #html5 #english #bekasi #malang #belanda #wfo #fulltime #remote #seoagency #retailtechnology
Cv Asion digital indonesia sedang membutuhkan programmer

Kualifikasi :

- ijazah gk perlu, perlu skillnya aja
- bisa custum plugin/ themes wordpress,javascript ,nodejs, webscraping, paham API, php
- Berpengalaman ya dan terbiasa
- Berpenampilan Rapi
- Jujur, Sopan dan bertanggung jawab dan terutama semangat kerja

Info Tambahan :
- Penempatan kerja di Kota Bekasi - Pondok Gede
- Fasilitas : GP, Uang Makan
- Bersedia Probation 3 Bulan
Kirim CV Dan Portofolio

Pengiriman Cv ke email

Untuk Pertanyaan bsa ke @syaifulasion

#bekasi #webscraping #nodejs #wordpress #javascript #customwordpress #phpdeveloper
1. Experience in configuring and managing router and firewall load balancer
2. Web server administrator (Apache/Nginx)
3. Advance Linux administration knowledge (Debian/Ubuntu)
4. Knowledge shell scripting

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: Server/System Administrator - your name)

2. ANDROID DEVELOPER (Bekasi/Fulltime)
1. One year experience as a Software Development
2. One year experience as a Android Developer
3. Experience with android application (Android Studio, XML, Java, Kotlin)
4. Experience working with remote data via REST and JSON
5. Experience working with third party libraries and APIs
6. Working knowledge of the general mobile landscape, architectures, trends, and emerging technologies
7. Solid understanding of the full mobile development life cycle
8. Critical thinker and problem-solving skills
9. Good time-management skills and communication skills

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: Android Developer – your name)

3. QUALITY CONTROL (Bekasi/Fulltime)
1. Experience in test-driven development
2. Must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology
3. Working experience in the related field is required for this position
4. Knowledge about SQL, logical web and android

Updated CV send to: aisyah.kp@gmail.com (subject: Quality Control - your name)

-only shortlisted candidates will be contacted-

#serveradministrator #systemadministrator #apache #nginx #linux #debian #ubuntu #androiddeveloper #softwaredevelopment #androidstudio #xml #java #kotlin #rest #json #api #qualitycontrol #sql #logicalweb #bekasi
iOS DEVELOPERS (Bekasi/Fulltime/Hybrid)

About The Company:
We are a Software as a Service Company specializing in Sales Force Automation, Offline & Online Store Visibility Track, Distribution Management Systems, and Business to Business Commerce in various industries especially Fast-Moving Consumer Goods and Pharmacy. We value our client’s strategic goals through advanced technology.

Job Responsibilities (but are not limited to):
1. Designing and building mobile applications for Apple’s iOS platform
2. Collaborating with the design team to define app features
3. Ensuring quality and performance of the application to specifications
4. Identifying potential problems and resolving application bottlenecks
5. Fixing application bugs before the final release
6. Publishing applications on App Store
7. Maintaining the code and atomization of the application
8. Designing and implementing application updates

Job Qualifications:
1. Bachelor’s degree in computer science or software engineering or relevant fields
2. Proven experience as an app developer
3. Proficient in Objective-C, Swift, and Cocoa Touch is a MUST
4. Extensive experience with iOS Frameworks such as Core Data and Core Animation
5. Knowledge of iOS back-end services
6. Knowledge of Apple’s design principles and application interface guidelines
7. Proficient in code versioning tools including Mercurial, Git, and SVN
8. Knowledge of C-based libraries
9. Familiarity with push notifications, APIs, and cloud messaging
10. Experience with continuous integration

Other information you should know before applying:
1. Budget for this role is around IDR 5.000.000-10.000.000
2. Office location is in Jatiasih, Bekasi
3. Work set-up is Hybrid (3 WFO & 2 WFH)
4. Employment status is permanent after passing 3 months of probation

To apply for this job, you can send your updated CV to email at aisyah.kp@gmail.com and if you are shortlisted, we will contact you shortly and you will follow a series of tests or interviews.
Thanks in advance for your time and looking forward to hearing from you!

#iosdeveloper #iosdevelopers #swift #swiftprogramminglanguage #jatiasih #bekasi #hybrid
I am currently assisting 3 (three) clients in filling the following 7 (seven) positions:

1. SOFTWARE ARCHITECT (Fintech company-Wealth Management | Kuningan-JakSel | Contract 2 years | Hybrid -or remote for non-Java domicile)
~Proficient in C#, Golang, and Javascript is a must
~Proficient in web application, scalability, IT infrastructure & Security is a must
~The budget is a maximum of Rp25.000.000/month

2. SENIOR BACKEND API DEVELOPER (Fintech company-Wealth Management | Kuningan-JakSel | Contract 2 years | Hybrid -or remote for non-Java domicile)
~Proficient in C#, ASP.Net Core, SQL Server, MongoDB, fundamental design principles is a must
~Familiarity in MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, GitLab CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes, automated testing platforms, unit tests, and benchmarking tools is a plus
~The budget is a maximum of Rp25.000.000/month

3. SENIOR REACT.JS DEVELOPER (Fintech company-Wealth Management | Kuningan-JakSel | Contract 2 years | Hybrid -or remote for non-Java domicile)
~Proficient in React.Js and object-oriented programming is a must
~Familiarity in optimizing typescript code, modern frontend development tools (Babel, Webpack, NPM), testing with tools (Jest, Detox, Cypress), GitLab CI/CD, and benchmarking and optimization tools is a plus
~The budget is a maximum of Rp25.000.000/month

4. SENIOR REACT NATIVE DEVELOPER (Fintech company-Wealth Management | Kuningan-JakSel | Contract 2 years | Hybrid -or remote for non-Java domicile)
~Proficient in React Native, object-oriented programming, and native build tools (XCode, Gradle) is a must
~Familiarity in optimizing typescript code, testing with tools (Jest, Detox, Cypress), offline storage, REST APIs, document request model, GitLab CI/CD, and benchmarking and optimization tools is a plus
~The budget is a maximum of Rp25.000.000/month

5. iOS DEVELOPER ( SaaS company | Jatiasih-Bekasi | Fulltime | Hybrid)
~Proficient in Objective-C, Swift, and Cocoa Touch is a must
~The budget is a maximum of Rp10.000.000/month

6. ANDROID DEVELOPER ( SaaS company | Jatiasih-Bekasi | Fulltime | Hybrid)
~Proficient in Android applications (AndroidStudio, XML, Java, Kotlin) is a must
~The budget is a maximum of Rp10.000.000/month

7. PROJECT MANAGER (IT Consulting company | Sudirman-Jakarta | Fulltime | WFO)
~Have 5+ years (or a minimum of 10 end-to-end project cycles) of technical project management experience in IT project such as Finance app, finance system, or serve banking orP2P lending is a must
~Knowledge in scrum/ agile is a plus
~The budget is a maximum of Rp25.000.000/month

To apply for this job, you can send your updated CV to email at aisyah.kp@gmail.com and if you are shortlisted, we will contact you shortly and you will follow a series of tests or interviews. Thank you -and looking forward to hearing from you!

#softwarearchitect #seniorbackendapideveloper #seniorreactjsdeveloper #seniorreactjsdeveloper #seniorreactnativedeveloper #iosdeveloper #androiddeveloper #projectmanager #c #golang #javascript #webapplication #scalability #itinfrastructure #itsecurity #aspnetcore #sqlserver #mongodb #fundamentaldesignprinciples #mysql #postgresql #redis #gitabcicd #docker #kubernetes #automatedtestingplatforms #unittests #benchmarkingtools #reactjs #objectorientedprogramming #babel #webpack #jest #detox #cypress #reactnative #xcode #gradle #offlinestorage #restapis #documentrequestmodel #swift #swiftprogramminglanguage #objectivec #cocoatouch #androidstudio #xml #java #kotlin #projectmanager #scrum #agile #jakarta #jatiasih #bekasi #hybrid #wfo #remote