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Streamer gets indefinitely banned on the same day he reaches affiliate because his name pajja is close to paja which means masturbation in Spanish
Preview: Changes to non-clips and politics rules, moderation transparency and consistency


Over the last few weeks we've been working extensively on rule changes which I'd like to share with you today.

###DISCLAIMER: This thread is only a preview and changes will take some time to come into effect. Thanks for your patience!

##Non-clips rule

We're loosening this rule to allow

* Text posts
* YouTube links
* Twitter links
* Facebook links

We believe with our our new manpower and bot we'll be able to moderate both non-clip posts themselves and comments therein to remove rule-breaking content.

We're not comfortable with allowing posts from direct video hosting sites like streamable yet due to them breaking flair filtering and us not being able to enforce streamer bans.

##Politics rule

As politicians broaden their influence on platforms like Twitch, we have to be prepared for a different kind of political content in the future. We believe that when it comes to preventing moderator bias, reducing workload and improving transparency, less moderation is better. Once the insanity this election has been subsides, all political submissions will be allowed. We can't give a specific point in time yet, it could be anywhere from when AP calls all three races to when a candidate actually gets inaugurated. We will use our new manpower to focus on moderating the comments to keep arguments from drifting ad-hominem (see our rules). Political discussion will therefore obviously continue to be allowed.

Please note that reddit-wide rules e.g. in regards to spreading misinformation (especially considering the ongoing pandemic) still apply.

##Infraction system

We're in the process of finalizing a central infraction system for all moderators that will help to drastically improve consistency and transparency when it comes to individual mod actions.

Please see our wiki for more information:

TL;DR, Rule violations will be assigned points depending on their severity, users making these violations will then collect those points. Points can decay over time.

Please keep in mind that this system is highly experimental for the time being and we'll definitely adjust scores based on experience and your feedback.

This isn't anything we haven't done before. All we did this time was sit down and see how we can put it into numbers for the sake of consistency regarding our growing mod team.


Detection of self-promotion will be more automated thanks to our new bot.

In the past, people have complained about our frontpage consisting only of clips by big streamers and that they would like to find new streamers. Good news, we're working on scheduled, weekly posts where streamers who are at least affiliated but not partnered can share their clips freely. Basically a small streamer LSF inside a thread. We're still working on the moderation details and criteria for this. Our goal is to be pro-active about self-promotion on the subreddit while deterring people from simply manipulating their way to the top. The thread will most likely be sorted randomly (contest mode).

We hope you'll like these changes and look forward to reading your feedback.

Have a nice weekend everybody.
Soda running 6 minutes of ads at the start of his stream so that Twitch doesn't ruin his D&D session with midroll ads
POLL: Should political submissions be allowed on LSF?

In reaction to yesterday's announcement I thought it would be fair to directly ask you about the changes to this rule.

Cast your vote here:

I still want to elaborate on our decision from yesterday a bit.

We had a very long discussion about this rule in both our voice meetings and afterwards. We agreed on having to change the wording on the rule to account for new content (AOC & Hasan for example). At the time, we agreed that it would be fair trying to ban the message, but not the person. The thinking behind this was that a politician playing a game wasn't inherently political and that it always depends on what's actually being showed on the screen/talked about. We then came to the conclusion that this was impossible to enforce and way too vague as well. That's where the thought behind just allowing it all came from.

I also want to hit you with this: Sometimes it is almost impossible to catch clips from huge streamers like Hasan fast enough if they violate the no-politics rule (or most other rules for that matter). This isn't necessarily an issue of manpower or moderation, it's a design issue of Reddit where posts can shoot up in popularity almost instantly with just a few, targeted upvotes. Should you vote to ban politics completely, keep in mind that things could always slip through for a variety of reasons and that the definition of "politics" will **always** be up for debate.

We'll leave this poll up for about a day to give Americans the chance to vote as well.