Liberalism and Whiteness
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This channel exists strictly as an archive to house information regarding ontological race in accordance with how identity and being are actually exercised.
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Tucker Carlson interviews Russian Philosopher and Thinker Aleksandr Dugin

In this 20 minute interview, Aleksandr Dugin details his understanding of history thereby diagnosing the liberal epoch and the rise of the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West from a Russian illiberal perspective.

Dugin explains why classical liberalism is the root of progressive liberalism and that progressive liberalism is an organic consequence of classical liberalism.


What is the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West?

Capitalism is an Important Pillar of Western Civilization / White Identity

America was Founded as an anti-Christian Social Order

On the Ontological Difference

The Modern World

They Gave Us Modernism

Race is Ontological

The White Man's Burden: The Faustian Eschatology of the Modern World
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More Connections between Liberalism and Whiteness

“When you’re White in this country you’re taught that everything belongs to you. You think you have a right to everything… it’s the fact the laws and culture tell you this. You have a right to go where you want to go, do what you want to do, be however, and people just gotta accomodate themselves to you.”

This is quite similar to how the Liberal acts today; whether more revolutionary or more classical. The Classical Liberals of the Right Wing, since the French Revolution, have been attached to this word “Freedom”, as if it were sacred and religious. Whereas the Liberal Revolutionary takes it to its extremes.

The same can be found in the White community, where they think that whatever is for "freedom" is unquestionably true and thus good. Whatever or whoever is against their definition of "freedom" is unquestionably wrong and thus evil.


How The Politics Of Progressive And Conservatives Are Shaped By Whiteness
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American Values Exposed

The western values of "democracy" and "liberty" have come under heavy scrutiny in recent times as the liberal world order of the Atlanticist West has revealed its rotten façade of proper treatment of the vulnerable, specifically women and children.

It has become quite clear that American values, which are derived out of Liberalism philosophically, and secular humanism politically, are values antithetical and hostile to all illiberal cultures. Coexistence is not possible.


Tucker Carlson interviews Russian Philosopher and Thinker Aleksandr Dugin

What is the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West?

Capitalism is an Important Pillar of Western Civilization / White Identity

America was Founded as an anti-Christian Social Order

On the Ontological Difference

The Modern World

They Gave Us Modernism

Race is Ontological

The White Man's Burden: The Faustian Eschatology of the Modern World
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Christian Preacher Exposes the Values and Lies of the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West

Oftentimes the only thing standing in the way of the solution to our problems, is ourselves.

If you’re being told that you are not your own problem and everyone else is the problem. Satan is whispering in your ears. Walk away!

If you truly want to improve your life and the life of those around you, get out the way and let Christ transform you by the power of God!

You can’t fix anyone or anything, if you’ve not fixed yourself first!

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓼 𝓤𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓮
Report finds that thousands of innocent people in the UK were killed because HIV-infected blood (which mostly came from gay men) was used for decades to treat patients

Turns out "what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes" can get you killed.
White Supremacy is Anti-Fascist and Anti-Nazi

Rudyard Kipling, the author of "White Man's Burden", considered Fascism and National Socialism to be a threat to white supremacy.

"In 1924, Kipling was opposed to the Labour government of Ramsay MacDonald as 'Bolshevism without bullets'. He believed Labour was a communist front organisation, and 'excited orders and instructions from Moscow" would expose Labour as such to the British people. Kipling's views were on the right. Though he admired Benito Mussolini to some extent in the 1920's, he was against fascism, calling Oswald Mosley 'a bounder and an arriviste'. By 1935, he was calling Mussolini a deranged and dangerous egomaniac and in 1933 wrote, 'The Hitlerites are out for blood'."


Why Liberalism is Pro-White

NATO was founded to protect ‘civilized’ people.

What is the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West?


On the Ontological Difference

The Modern World

They Gave Us Modernism

The White Man's Burden
Forwarded from Celticus Caledonianus
The Greek imbecile plato disrupted the natural order by insisting on duality and the separation of substance.

The Greeks cannot be trusted.
Forwarded from Celticus Caledonianus
The West is a Greek invention that perverted Europe and America and is now perverting the entire globe.
It's those specific Greeks Plato and Aristotle. They are mainly responsible. Not all Greeks agreed with them. Parmenides and Zeno being good examples.

It's this dualistic ontology school of thought universally that is to blame.
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When White Supremacists Overthrew a Government
by Vox

The hidden history of an American coup, in November 1898, in Wilmington, North Carolina, a mob of 2,000 white men expelled black and white political leaders, destroyed the property of the city’s black residents, and killed dozens -- if not hundreds -- of people.

How did such a turn of events change the course of the city? For decades, the story of this violence was buried, while the perpetrators were cast as heroes. Yet its impacts resonate across the state to this day.


Correction at 7:23: Cynthia's ancestors lived in Wilmington, not her descendants.
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Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo
by General Commission on Religion and Race

Dr. Robin DiAngelo is the author of "What Does it Mean to Be White? Developing White Racial Literacy" and has been an anti-racist educator, and has heard justifications of racism by white men and women in her workshops for over two decades. This justification, which she calls “white fragility,” is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation.

Interestingly, Dr. Robin DiAngelo's views have a significant overlap with National Socialist German existentialist philosopher Martin Heidegger. In "Being and Time", Heidegger emphasizes the importance of "authenticity" within "Dasein". Furthermore, what DiAngelo is advocating for mirrors Adolf Hitler's idea of the "Volksgemeinschaft".
Americans of European heritage are the minority among the USA's population of "white people"

European diaspora Americans make up only 41% of the USA's total population of white people.

This means that 59% of White people are of non-European heritage.
On the Propagation of Whiteness

Many People of Culture (POCs) are silenced in the United States because their ethnic or tribal identity is not recognized by the US government.

Indigenous peoples suffer discrimination but their voices cannot be heard nor their numbers counted. This is because they are subsumed under the "white" classification monolith.

The massive roles POCs play in the US population will continue to go unrecognized until their numbers can be accurately counted. Their identites should no longer be stolen from them.


White woman with Jewish ethnic heritage explains white identity

The White Identity Ideology

Richard Spencer: White Supremacy is Liberal Hegemony

Richard Spencer on the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West

Why Liberals Love White Nationalism

Understanding AIP

The Invention of White People

The Meaning of White Identity

A Brief History of Political Whiteness

White Identity is a Flat Negative Identity

Catch 22 on Whiteness

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The month of June is considered "Pride month" in the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West. Christians must call all who partake in pride to repentance. Puffed up with pride, the west must fall in humility and repent!

𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓼 𝓤𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓮
White Identitarianism and Gnosticism

Orthodox -- Catholic theologians have often pointed out the gnostic presuppositional heritage of Protestantism. We have pointed out the Protestant theological heritage of white identitarianism; specifically how it is a heretical secular humanist construct of Puritan-Calvinism.

Now we see these two realities come full circle by the admission of one of the most prominent voices of White Identitarianism.

"I do not side with the protestants, but with the Gnostics in the first schism in the 2nd Century."

-- Joel Davis, White Nationalist

Each day white nationalists find new ways to expose their own satanic faces.


On Secular Humanism by White Identitarians

What is the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West?

Capitalism and White Identity

America was Founded as an anti-Christian Social Order

On the Ontological Difference

The Modern World

They Gave Us Modernism

Race is Ontological

The White Man's Burden

On Puritanism

On the Heresies of White People
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White Supremacist Richard Spencer Explains the Mythological Origins of the White Man's Religion

Richard Spencer delves into the mythological origins of liberalism. He points out how the liberal pathos is rooted in "release". Interestingly, it appears that the white religion is a heretical perversion of Christianity. A satanic imitation.


White Identitarianism and Gnosticism

On Secular Humanism by White Identitarians

What is the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West?

Capitalism and White Identity

America was Founded as an anti-Christian Social Order

On the Ontological Difference

The Modern World

They Gave Us Modernism

Race is Ontological

The White Man's Burden

On Puritanism

On the Heresies of White People
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What causes Reactionary Whiteness?

"Reactionary Whiteness" is a term we use to describe groups that develop a reactionary social conciousness due to capitalist displacement.

Take the case of Mexicans who once were known as the "premium immigrant labor" in the United States. Due to the influx of Venezuelan immigration recently, laborers of Mexican heritage have suffered social and economic displacement. Because of this, Reactionary Whiteness is spreading among them.

The cause of this phenomenon is the Liberal capitalist laizzes faire system which exploits labor in the manner shown in the video. Liberalism and Capitalism are the sources of the phenomenon of reactionary whiteness.

When bottom groups in the liberal capitalist pyramid are displaced by even lower incoming groups, they gain whiteness and react to the "non-white threat" accordingly.


What is the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West?

Capitalism and White Identity

Adolf Hitler on Liberalism and White Supremacy
Forwarded from Jeetson
Yes, hindutva and white nationalism are very similar ideologies, Hindutva may even be downstream from it.
-Both are classically liberal
-Both are capitalist
-Both are founded on an arbitrary category (physical traits collectively called white and Different religions and philosophies of the Indian subcontinent collectively called Hindu) which differs from the traditional language based nations
-Both trace themselves to an ancient group which was apparently superior to all others at the time and is the progenitor of all great civilizations that came after
-Both stand in a false opposition to the progressive liberal ideology of the masses and the state (in different degrees)