👑 Empire
👑💬Empire is a post-exploitation and adversary emulation framework that is used to aid Red Teams and Penetration Testers. The Empire server is written in Python 3 and is modular to allow operator flexibility. Empire comes built-in with a client that can be used remotely to access the server. There is also a GUI available for remotely accessing the Empire server,
📊 Features:⚪️ Server/Client Architecture for Multiplayer Support
⚪️ Supports GUI & CLI Clients
⚪️ Fully encrypted communications
⚪️ HTTP/S, Malleable HTTP, OneDrive, Dropbox, and PHP Listeners
⚪️ Massive library (400+) of supported tools in PowerShell, C#, & Python
⚪️ Donut Integration for shellcode generation
⚪️ Modular plugin interface for custom server features
⚪️ Flexible module interface for adding new tools
⚪️ Integrated obfuscation using
ConfuserEx 2 &
Invoke-Obfuscation⚪️ In-memory .NET assembly execution
⚪️ Customizable Bypasses
⚪️ JA3/S and JARM Evasion
⚪️ MITRE ATT&CK Integration
⚪️ Integrated Roslyn compiler (Thanks to
⚪️ Docker, Kali, ParrotOS, Ubuntu 20.04/22.04, and Debian 10/11/12 Install Support
🔼 Install:cd Empire
😸 Github#Hacktoberfest #C2 #Redteam #Infrastructure➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖📣 T.me/BugCod3 📣 T.me/LearnExploit