El principal problema no es Telegram, sino simplemente que el 99% de todos los usuarios usan Telegram solo para "cosas equivocadas (ilegales)", lo que contribuye a la mala reputación que Telegram tiene en todo el mundo. Solo una pequeña cantidad es capaz de usarlo correctamente.
Es hora de abrir tu mente y también de dejar de usar el "estilo WhatsApp".
As you maybe know, Pavel started to sell @, which is still a good idea (even to support Telegram), except that he did not in a regular way, by stealing multiple @ previously. Except the fact that is pretty ridiculous using such behaviours and excluding countries from such website, don't think that this will improve quality of Telegram! A lot other problems are available: bad and limited search feature with incorrect and spamming results, wrong way to approve Telegram verified channels, spamming / fraud channels and users are still online, username issue is not fixed at all (and in future this will get even worse with a new feature Pavel will introduce), batch username creation just to sell the @ later (or for other spamming goals) was already available previously and now with the "buy and sell" feature it will just get worse, etc. Money is not synonym of quality; all depends from the owners who manage such channels.
Conclusion: Telegram should really focus on serious problems and not just thinking "if we sell usernames, people will create better content", which is just bullshit (done in a incorrect way too). Most people (except us and few others) they haven't done that with the free username channels too. To be honest usernames are not free, because in reality every created Telegram username costs around 0.5 - 3$ or more, without considering eventually money you need to pay to keep it active ...
Media is too big
El Black Friday es más peligroso que todos los vampiros de Halloween. Esté seguro en Telegram gracias @BlackFridayDiscover
Por qué usar 10000000000000 diferentes servicios, redes sociales y cuentas, si puede administrar todo usando Telegram? Es hora de que empieces a revisar tus correos electrónicos gracias @GmailBot

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