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Xitoyda mahalliy e'lon doskaski
Tozalik bo'yicha
O'sha kuni ayolim ota-onasidan xabar olgani ketgan qizalog'im esa men bilan uyda qolgan edi. Qizim juda aqlli, ziyrak bo'lganligi uchun olti yoshdan harflarni onasidan qiziqib o'rganardi. Ancha muncha harflarni bilishini bilardim, hursand bolib maqtanib ham yurganman.
Bir necha kun oldin yomg'ir yoqqan men esa mashinamni yuvishni reja qilib yurgandim, ammo hech vaqtim ortmayotgan edi. Qizim hovlimizni chetidagi qum o'ynab turgan edi. Konglim hotirjam, mashina musiqasini yoqib chelakda suv va tozalash vositalarini olib yuvishni boshladim. Qo'shiqqa jo'r bolib kuylab mashinani o'rindiqlarini tozaladim, pastki qismini tozaladim. Keyin qizimga ham qarab qo'yay deb u o'ynayotgan joyga ko'z tashladim. Qizim u yerda yo'q edi. Keyin atrofga qaradim. Uni mashinani orqa eshigi oldida ko'rib 'haa' deb ko'nglim tinchidi. Lekin u mashinaning eshigini nimadir qilayotgan edi. Qiziqib qaradim qo'lida mix bilan chizayotgan ekan. Achchiq bilan borib, qizimni qo'lidan mixni sug'irib oldim va uni siltib uloqtirdim. Unga mashina qimmat narsaligini aytib baqirib kettim... Nimalar deb baqirdim hatto eslolmayman lekin qizim qattiq qo'rquv bilan yeglar, 'dadam dadajonim' bilmabman' degan so'zlari qulog'imga kirdi. O'zimni bosdim. Qizimni borib quchoqlab o'pib uyga olib kirdim. Ko'z yoshlarini artib yupatdim. Yoqtirgan multfilimini qo'yib berdim, birga kordik. Sal vaqt otib qizim qayta qayta qo'lini ushayitgani sezdim. Qarasam ikkita jaji barmoqchasi ishib ketibdi tezda tushundim. Tez mashinani yurgizib qizim bilan kasalxonaga bordim u yerga qanday tez yetib borganimi o'zim ham sezmay qoldim
Duxtirlar ko'rib, rengen qilishdi, sababini so'rashganda esa yeqilib tushdi dedim. Qizim esa indamay o'tirardi. Ikkita barmoq singan ekan. Gips qoyishdi. Vrach menga dori darmonnimi yoki boshqa narsalarni tushuntirar men esa qilgan ishimni oylar edim hech narsa qulog'imga kirmadi. O'sha payt shunday o'zimni koyirdimki.
Uyga qaytik. Ayolim ham uyga qaytib kelgan ekan. Qizimizni tushurdim ayolim ko'rib nima bo'ldi debso'rab ketti indamadim. Mashinani deb, bir temir buyumni deb shunday qildimi deb alam qildi menga. Bir chetda turgan yog'ochni olib achgimdan mashinani urishni boshladim. Shu payt qizim o'yib yozgan so'zlarni o'qib qoldim
' Dada sizi yaxshi ko'rama'

Biz aslida buyumlardan foydalanib, Odamlarni yaxshi ko'rishimiz kerak
Ammo, biz buyumlarni yaxshi ko'rib, Odamlardan foydalanyabmiz.

That day my wife went to visit her parents and my little girl stayed at home with me. Since my daughter is very intelligent, she learned letters from her mother with interest from the age of six. I knew that she knew many letters, and I was proud to brag about it.
It rained a few days ago and I was planning to wash my car, but I never had time. My daughter was playing in the sand at the edge of our yard. I calmed down, turned on the music of the car and started washing with water and detergents in a bucket. Singing along to the song, I cleaned the seats of the car, cleaned the bottom. Then I looked at my daughter where she was playing. My daughter was not there. Then I looked around. Seeing her at the back door of the car, I calmed down. But he was doing something with the car door. I looked curiously, she was drawing with a nail in his hand. Bitterly, I pulled the nail out of my daughter's hand and threw it away. I shouted to her that the car is an expensive thing... I don't even remember what I shouted, but my daughter was very scared, and I heard the words "I don't know, daddy, daddy." I paused myself. I hugged and kissed my daughter and took her home. I wiped her tears. I showed her favorite cartoon, we watched it together. After some time, I felt that my daughter raised her hand again and again. When I looked at it, I quickly understood that two little fingers were getting worse . I drove a fast car and went to the hospital with my daughter. I didn't even realize how fast I got there. The doctors saw it and took an x-ray, and when they asked why, I said that she fell off. My daughter was sitting silently. Two fingers were broken. They put plaster. The doctor was explaining to me whether it was medicine or something else, and I was listening to doctor, but nothing came to my ears. At that time, I felt so bad. Then we went home. My wife has also returned home. I dropped our daughter off. When my wife saw plaster she asked what happened, but I did not say anything. It hurt me so much and this car is just an iron object. I picked up a piece of wood and started hitting the car. Spontaneously, I read the words my daughter had written 'Daddy i love you'

We should actually love People
And use things
But we love things and use people.

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