The Logical Christian
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Episode 56: "Let’s Talk About S*x, Baby!"
In this episode:
- You Can't Spell Menstruate Without Men
- The Three R's
- Consistently Inconsistent
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See, here's the secret...they WANT to kill the kids around the world. Think about it - they're pushing trannie-ism on kids as fast as possible, sterilizing most, destroying the lives of all, and causing the suicide of a massive percentage. They're shoving a so-called vax (chemical injection) into their veins that will kill many of them, sterilize many of them, or cause genetic mutations in offspring (look it up...this is what they're finding). They refuse to protect kids in schools the ONE WAY that is PROVEN to protect them. And this green energy thing...this is going to do more than just starve them and kill them, this will destroy massive numbers of humanity.

This is clearly by design people. Think about the green agenda - everything we've heard from the "crazy greenies" is that we need to get the world population down to like 1 billion (from 7+). Do you seriously think this country...or world, has enough energy to swap every car 1 for 1 to an electric vehicle? We don't have the generating capacity we need TODAY for what we run. The goal isn't to have us all switch's to reduce the "surplus population" and get the earth to a smaller, much more manageable, controllable group of workers, herded into their little collectives or communes. The dystopian novels and movies that were always just a bleak, fictitious's happening right in front of our eyes.

This is a push not by the's a push by Satan. Those on the left are simply tools, useful idiots being used by the demonic hoards to do their bidding.
This is why it is IMPERATIVE that you go vote this November, and you DO NOT vote for a Democrat. I don't like all those running as republicans, but we need to stop the bleeding first, then work on getting actual solid Conservatives that actually care about more than their own self-interests in there.

Anybody ready to fire up the Nuremberg 2022 Trials yet? These evil fascists did everything they could to make sure the population at large not only didn't want to, BUT COULDN'T take Ivermectin...and why? Because it didn't profit the pharma companies...and seeing as our own corrupt government is part owners of Moderna, it didn't profit our politicians either.

For the BILLIONS that our evil, traitorous government and government agency officials put into deadly Remdisivir, put into a non-vaccine that's definitely not safe or effective, put into ventilators, put into masks, plexiglass, lock-down checks for people forced to stay home...they could have supplied every single person, probably in the world, with daily prophylaxes Ivermectin, and this virus would have disappeared into nothingness in months. But because of the corruption, because of the absolute Nazi-esque, Mengele level of evil and human experimentation...we're 2.5 years in, with no end to this garbage in sight.

Arrest the criminals, assemble the courts, oil up the hinges on the trap door of the gallows. It's time to really show our supposed overlords that this will NOT happen again.
Episode 62: "Reality Disconnection"

In this episode:
- Humans Counting Humans
- The Evolution of the Flower Child
- The Democrat Party Platform, Episode 1

The Logical Christian Podcast can be found on any of your favorite podcast apps. Listen, download, like, comment, subscribe!
Episode 63: "Me, Myself, and More Me"

In this episode:
- Wherever You Are, There You Are
- Universal Basic Communism
- The American Genesis Ep.9 - The Constitution, Part 1

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Episode 64: "Episode 64 – Delusions of Grandeur"

In this episode:
- Rabbit Trail of Humanity
- One Truth, Two Truths, My Truth, True Truth
- The Democrat Party Platform, Episode 2

The Logical Christian Podcast can be found on any of your favorite podcast apps. Listen, download, like, comment, subscribe!
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