Keep Network
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The Keep Community has proposed to reduce current staking emissions to increase future allocation for tBTC v2 📣

1️⃣ Cut rewards by 30% for March, April, May, June, July and August vs current schedule
2️⃣ Rewards set at 4.35M KEEP per month for September, October, November and December
3️⃣ Cut all rewards after 2022 to zero
4️⃣ Retain 50M KEEP in stakedrop funds for launching tBTC v2

Check out the full proposal 👇
Keep was added to the DeFiPulse community leaderboard, with the placement accounting for the value locked in BTC and ETH. We also have KEEP locked, but that’s some alpha 🤫

We look forward to increasing our leaderboard placement alongside our community!
Rewards update. The following liquidity rewards were distributed today 💪

☑️ 25k KEEP to Uniswap TBTC/ETH LP
☑️ 170k KEEP to Uniswap KEEP/ETH LP
☑️ 100k KEEP to Uniswap KEEP/TBTC LP
☑️ 250k KEEP to Saddle

Claim your gains on the Keep Token Dashboard 🙏
📣 KIP-003

TLDR: remove rewards for the Uniswap KEEP / TBTC liquidity pool. The current allocation is 100K KEEP per week.

KIP-003 will remain on the forums for the next 3 days after which it will be up for a Keep Community Multisig vote where it requires 5-of-8 to pass.

Interested in this KIP? Hit the Keep governance forums to be heard 👇
KIP-003 update

🕔 The 24hr vote period is over
The Keep Community Multisig voted YES to pass the proposal
🛑 As a result this is the last week for incentives on the Uniswap KEEP / TBTC liquidity pool

Final rewards for this pool will be distributed on Friday, March 5th
Keep liquidity rewards have been topped-up👏

The distribution this week is:

☑️ 25K KEEP to Uniswap TBTC / ETH
☑️ 170K KEEP to Uniswap KEEP / ETH
☑️ 250K KEEP to Saddle

Quick reminder that our community voted to remove Uniswap KEEP / TBTC incentives which goes into effect as of today.

Hey @everyone !

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been discussing a major collaboration with...

... NuCypher!

We’ve gotten to know the team and community over the years, and have huge respect for what they’ve built. A couple weeks ago, a few shared Keep and NuCypher community members reached out. We all got on a call, and realized we have a lot in common.

We have shared goals: driving the adoption of threshold cryptography, privacy-preserving technology, and decentralized Bitcoin on Ethereum. And we have aligned communities: stakers who want to realize a vision for a freedom-preserving world built on cryptography, and developers who refuse to compromise end-user security.

This conversation led to an interesting idea, and since then we’ve pulled in stakers, community members, and developers from both networks to get early feedback. And now, together, we would like to propose something new... the first decentralized, on-chain protocol hard merge.

We believe that teaming up is the best way forward. As we see every day in Ethereum, cooperation and composability often trump competition. The Keep and NuCypher teams have built similar technology with similar goals. Rather than continuing to split the market, we think we can achieve significantly more together. And while both dev teams will remain independent, we’ll all be focused on a single protocol.

If both communities agree, the product of this collaboration will be a new, combined network to serve as the foundation for the next release of tBTC. Together, we believe the Keep and NuCypher communities can deliver a scaleable, censorship-resistant threshold cryptography network, and end the dominance of centralized Bitcoin on 'Ethereum.

Over the years, we’ve come to know and respect the NuCypher team’s work. NuCypher, like Keep, is a threshold cryptography network. In NuCypher today, there is one application that stakers operate — proxy re-encryption. In Keep, there are three — the random beacon (threshold BLS), threshold ECDSA, and the rest of tBTC.

The idea is to combine the apps from NyCypher and Keep together to run on a new network, jointly owned and governed by KEEP and NU stakers. Stakers will be able to power proxy re-encryption, the beacon, and tBTC, offering more opportunities to earn fees and grow revenue.

Initially, the combined network will move forward as dual deployments, with stakers running separate clients. Over time, the teams will ship a shared network specification and release plan, with the goal of shipping two compatible clients.

Keep and NuCypher combining forces to bring more useful services, and more fees, into a joint network is the surest path to long term sustainability and success of the work-token model for threshold cryptography.
tBTC v2

tBTC v1 is the only decentralized Bitcoin on Ethereum in the market today.

However, our market share is currently limited by economic scalability and high minting costs. The tBTC v2 specification is on a path to addressing these concerns, while also retaining high security guarantees. We believe the NuCypher team can contribute both development and protocol design expertise to assist in this effort, and they have already given critical feedback and peer review to drafts.

Additionally, tBTC v2 requires a significantly higher number of signers than v1 to maintain security under the new architecture. Today, the Keep network has ~200 nodes staked, and the NuCypher network currently has ~2,000 nodes staked. A combined network will provide an extremely robust signer set for tBTC v2.

Finally, combining forces means more bandwidth to drives plans for tBTC v2 forward, including support on L2s like Optimism, Arbitrum, and zkSync.
Now what?

Now the work begins! I’ve posted a more detailed proposal on the forum. We need to discuss this proposal within our community, as well as with our friends in the NuCypher community.
I suggest we discuss and tweak the proposal over the next week, spreading the idea and beginning to build consensus, then enter into a 2-week period where the community multisig conducts large-scale staker signaling. If the proposal becomes contentious, I suggest we fall back to token holder signaling.

If the proposal does pass, we’ll begin work on the new, combined network with a new name. Until then, if you’re looking for what to call this effort.. we like the working name “Codename KEANU”.

As far as I can tell, this is the first actual on-chain protocol hard merge in the wild. Things are bound to get messy, but if we can get through this, we’ll make history. I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks!

@everyone 👇 👇👇
The Keanu news yesterday is exciting, but we are sure that you have questions. We are holding a Keep Community Wide Call which will focus on the new proposal👌

👍 The team will be discussing the hard merge proposal
🗓 The call is Wednesday March 10th at 1:30pm EST
There will be an AMA for our community to ask any questions about #codenameKEANU
💻 The link to join will be shared in our Discord ( 10m before the event starts

In the meantime feel free to jump onto to ask questions and drop thoughts about the hard merge for the team to address during the call.
The Keep Community Call yesterday went well and we appreciated all of the quality questions from our group. Keep is a community driven project and we want to make sure everyone has all of the necessary information about the hard merge proposal before it reaches a community vote. We just published a blog post containing more detail about the proposal. Check it out and as always we encourage everyone to join the proposal discussion on the forums 👇
The results of the most recent staker snapshot are in! Stakers voted yes with a 100% approval rating, with over 22M KEEP represented. The proposal has moved to a Keep Community Multisig vote for ratification in our Discord ( Thank you to all the stakers that took the time to vote. 🗳

You can verify the results and the details of the KEEP emissions change on the snapshot page here:
After several rounds of signaling the Keep Community Multisig passed the KEEP staking emissions change proposal!!

The new community built emissions schedule will be implemented as soon as possible starting next week at Stakedrop Interval 20 👌
Our community has kicked off the Keanu hard merge vote process with NuCypher 💪

The vote process was originally proposed by our friend @Ben and starts with a 5-day staker signal. If the result of the signal is a ⅔ supermajority our community will move the proposal onto the Keep Community Multisig for ratification. The ⅔ threshold is high, but we want to make sure the community is certainly onboard with such a major decision. If the result of the staker signal is less than ⅔ the community will open a second snapshot this time including all token holders. Shoutout to Evandro for writing a blog post that outlines the community vote structure in detail -

Both communities elected to start with a more general pro / con merge vote for the following reasons:

1️⃣ To conduct the vote in a reasonable timeline
2️⃣ To provide needed clarity to both communities on if the hard merge will pass
3️⃣ To give both communities the opportunity to start working more closely together on final implementation details

KEEP stakers! The first snapshot is now live and we want to hear from you. Thank you to @corollari for helping to set this up for our group 👇

Join the discussion on Discord:
Zerion users will be pleased to know that the KEEP and tBTC assets are now supported through the Zerion dashboard. Check your balances, and add liquidity directly to KEEP and tBTC pools through the interface. 💥

Check out our blog post for more detail, then head to to try it out!
The Staker snapshot on whether Keep should hard merge with NuCypher is currently passing with >36M staked KEEP signaling 100% support. Our community signal seems clear - codename #KEaNU should proceed!

The decision now moves to a multisig vote.

Want to get involved? Join the community at
We've been working on tBTC V2 to alleviate the capital constraints that have held back V1's growth.

tBTC V2 will feature:
- honest majority assumption 😇
- change from 3-of-3 to 51-of-100 🤹
- coverage pool ☔️

We're developing tBTC V2 in public - join us in building or participating in essential governance decisions. Get involved on Discord -

Get all the details in the new blog ⤵️
How far along is the Keanu protocol merger? The process is well on its way, and we have put together an outline summarizing what has happened so far along with the next required steps. The early proposal was published, both Keep and NuCypher communities have signalled, and the merge is on its way to ratification through the Keep community multisig.

Want more specifics? Check out the blog post :

If you want to get more involved, join the community at
Several KEEP pools have been added to the community favourite You can now monitor your APR’s and interact through the interface in the following KEEP pools:

- KEEP-Only
- KEEP-WETH Uniswap LP
- TBTC-WETH Uniswap LP
- saddleTWRenSBTC

Access the tools directly at