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Phil Godlewski氏のインテルを基準に、考察材料となるNewsやRV関連情報などを追っているチャンネルです🤍 KAORI🍉とMIKANA🍊の2人で投稿しています(投稿右下の署名をご確認くださいね)😉 トラさん応援中 アンチの方はご遠慮ください🙏🏻
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Forwarded from Ginger's LIBERTY Lounge (Ginger)
💢"Camper News" incoming 📨⬇️💥. I can confirm what's being said is true. Please consider this vetted. Liberty Loungers extraordinaire, Morning Star and Josh, add to the conversation.

💢Morning Star: [In regards to video circulating from Chance McFadden] 😇 Ok, yes, I will share it here in the group, I just wanted to make sure I got the “go ahead” before I shared it. Looks good to do so. Ok, I asked a friend of mine what Chance’s video means and here’s her recap: “Chance is referring to Humanitarian groups inside the tier 4B Internet group that are making appointments now. So those larger Humanitarian groups within tier 4B, they got notified and they’ve set their appointments.” Continued: It looks like they are doing the larger groups first and then making their way down according to group size, or per person. They’re probably basing it on how much foreign currency people have so out of the Internet group there’s roughly 12,000,000 of us worldwide and within our group there are collectors with larger baskets of foreign currency. And then others that don’t have as much so it looks like that’s how they are sending out the notifications.

Just know that we will be getting notified fairly soon thank you.” I’m only sharing her recap because it’s a direct translation of where we’re at and I feel completely giddy to share the good news with the GLL family! Much love, everybody! We’re almost there! 🥰 🙏🏽 This is AMAAAAAZING!!!! 🤩. I’m keeping my friend’s identity anonymous unless she wants to share.

💢 Josh: Beautiful! My contact nxt to the Admiral is a very loving GOD fearing/respecting brother and so it makes sense now what he spoke of previously of December and January being miracles months. Praise JESUS this sets my heart at peace. Thanks so much for sharing🤗💙🙏 2.1.24
#HappyCampers #RVThereYet 😁
Forwarded from K YAMAZAKI
キャンピングカーニュース」💢📨⬇️💥。 言われていることは事実だと確認できます。 これは吟味されたものとお考えください。 リバティ・ラウンジャーズの名手、モーニングスターとジョシュが話を補足する。

モーニングスター: [チャンス・マクファーデンから回ってきたビデオについて] 😇 OK、はい、このグループで共有します。 そうするのが良さそうだ。 チャンスのビデオの意味を友人に聞いてみた: 「チャンスは、ティア4Bのインターネット・グループ内の人道主義グループのことを指している。 つまり、ティア4B内の大規模な人道主義グループは、通知を受け、アポイントメントを設定しているのです」。 続けて: 大きなグループから順番に、グループの人数や一人当たりの人数で決めているようだ。 おそらく、人々がどれだけの外貨を持っているかを基準にしているのでしょう。インターネット・グループには、世界中におよそ1,200万人のコレクターがいます。 そして、それほど多く持っていない人もいる。だから、彼らはそうやって通知を送っているようだ。

ただ、私たちはすぐに通知を受け取ることになると思います。 GLLファミリーと良いニュースを分かち合えるなんて、めまいがしそうだよ! みんな、愛を込めて! もうすぐだよ 🥰 🙏🏽 これはAMAAAAAAZING!!!! 🤩. 彼女が共有したい場合を除き、友人の身元は匿名にしています。

ジョシュ:美しい! 提督の隣にいる私の連絡先は、とても愛に溢れ、神を畏れ敬う兄弟で、12月と1月は奇跡の月だと以前話していたことが今、納得できる。 イエス様を賛美します。 シェアしてくれて本当にありがとう🤗💙🙏 2.1.24
#ハッピーキャンパー #RVThereYet 😁
Forwarded from Ginger's LIBERTY Lounge (Ginger)
💢 Family, you will recall my update which I shared with you on May 12 in which I explained that the "date" of The Event was again temporarily paused due to a significant security issue in Africa (location withheld for OPSEC). We told you we expected the situation to be resolved by the military alliance early this week. I'm happy to report to you that this incident has been COMPLETELY RESOLVED recently, and as of today, The Date for "The Event" has, once again, been established by the White Hats powers-that-be. I'm pleased to inform you that things are definitely moving forward.
😁🏆💓 5.16.24 - 10:20 PM EST

💢Here's the original update if you wish to review (more details):

~ Ginger, Ambassador for God's Abundance with the Celestial Alliance
#HappyCampers #RVThereYet
Forwarded from Ginger's LIBERTY Lounge (Ginger)
💢 Happy Campers #rvthereyet 9.22.24
Forwarded from Ginger's LIBERTY Lounge (Ginger)
💢 Incredible Bank story shared by Liberty Loungers Extraordinaire 9.24.24

💢Tinka (German): Dearest Ginger 🫶 A dear soul from Switzerland whom I got to know through your chat sent me this text! I asked her if she had sent it to you and she said no and asked me to send it to you!. It's so great, what wonderful people come together through this great channel 🙏🏻😻

💢 Anonymous GLL Friend: Hello! My friend, from whom I got my dinars, has traveled to America. Today he wrote that he was curious (about The Camper Event) and went to the Bank of America to try to learn more. He writes: ⬇️

💢 German Traveler: This morning I had the idea to just pop into Bank of America during my business trip to the USA and ask a few questions about T4B. So I grabbed my friend and we went to the nearest branch.

There we were greeted by a friendly employee who introduced himself. We explained our request and after a short conversation, he disappeared unexpectedly. After about ten minutes, two gentlemen in suits appeared and politely asked us to follow them up to the eighth floor to the bank's executive floor.

Once upstairs, we found ourselves in an elegant conference room. The atmosphere was professional. And then, the unexpected surprise: a dynamic woman entered and greeted us in German! Eric and I looked at each other in amazement, finally we were able to talk shop in our mother tongue. 🙂

Over the next two hours, we had an intense conversation about T4B and many other topics. It turned out that the Americans had long since prepared all the systems and were just waiting for the final go-ahead. What was particularly interesting was that BRICS is no longer a hot topic in the US banking world. The banks are ready for the coming changes and expect many millionaires to be created overnight.

My conclusion: anyone who invests in foreign currencies should consider themselves lucky to be part of this process. In addition, I now have a direct point of contact at the bank and the reassuring feeling that I can count on their support at all times.

This day brought unexpected twists and turns and valuable insights, and all because of a simple question! Sometimes curiosity pays off.

💢Ginger adds: The city is unknown at present, but Tinka thought to ask these contacts and awaiting their reply. It's also unknown how long this German fellow and his colleague are staying in the USA. Regardless, it's exciting to learn how readily received they were and how prepared the banks, many of which will also be acting as Redemption Centers, are - and motivated to support us in these exciting times.
~ Ginger's Liberty Lounge
#rvthereyet #HappyCampers #GLL #bankstory