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༄ Cuma hati yang berkongsi rasa ❦︎
༄ random daily quotes or just us being a human ranting about our lives

: 10/12/2018💞
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We all have our own views on defining that person, maybe we consider him as someone valuable, maybe someone who is more than one, maybe we are a common friend or maybe just an acquaintance. So we just have to accept it without questioning because everyone has their own view. We can't make that person feel the same way we feel about him.

You like him, but he just seeing you as acquaintance? Then accept it, we can't change people feeling unless they change their feeling themselves.

sometimes other people's sentences make us overthink and destroy our trust in other .

Cari lelaki yang macam mana?

Lelaki yang hormat orang tua dan paling penting pandai jaga hati perempuan

Sometimes in our life, we can be selfish because we just want trust only

Actually want to feel loved and we feel we are loved but the heart always refuses to enter in any relay .

You're so distant now. What happened?

Honestly, I just feel like I have nothing to say, nothing to add, nothing in common with you. I think there's nothing I can bring into your life. So I don't try getting closer. I don't talk as much. I don't go out as much. We slowly go apart. It feels like my presence brings nothing to you, and to me as well. And I think that we can live without having each other by our side.

Put effort instead of giving up that easily, don't you also want to feel happy with him, don't you feel comfortable when you are with him.

Ya Allah kau permudahkan segala urusan kami, kau murahkan rezeki kami, kau berikanlah kami kekuatan untuk teruskan hidup ini. Ya Allah, kau temukan kami dengan orang orang baik, ampunilah dosa dosa kami.

Ya Allah, kau berikanlah kekuatan untuk saudara kami disana, berikanlah keadilan dan kemenangan kepada mereka dan binasakan mereka yang menganiayai saudara kami disana.

Kalau kita rasa nak berhenti sekarang, nak berputus asa sekarang, cuba letakkan diri kita di masa hadapan dulu. Apa akan jadi jika kita berputus asa? Apa akan berlaku bila kita berhenti. Ye tau penat. Rasa nak berputus asa, tapi jangan berhenti okay? Percayalah kamu akan menghasilkan bunga yang sangat indah di suatu masa mendatang, jangan berhenti menanam benih okay?

- inspirasi dari kisah Teme masa kecil

Comparison is the thief of joy. You compare yourself to others and you'll never be happy. If you're not satisfied with yourself, you can always push harder. But you can't do negative self talk.

It's better sacrifice my feelings now than soon because I can let you go easily now.

Good thing my feelings for you didn't fall deep, otherwise I don't know how much damage I would accept, because I got an answer now you only see me as a friend.

It can be easy to be fooled by the facades of those around us. The man driving the expensive car, is actually heavily in debt. The friend who is always in a good mood is actually depressed behind closed doors. The tough guy is actually the most vulnerable.

You will never know what someone has going on in their lives by taking them at face value, because people like to present themselves as more than what they are, which is not an accurate representation of who they really are.

This is why it is so important to not assume that everything is how it appears to be, that is how you misjudge people. Not everything is as it seems.

" Pernah cutting kan? Sakit tak? Guna apa?"

I don't know why ada yang sudden tanya soalan ni but I hope if anyone ada suicidal thoughts dan cuba buat 'barcode' tolong sesangat jauhkan diri dari benda tajam, I beg, cuz once you start barcode it hard to stop. I know I tak layak nak nasihat sebab pernah selfharm juga tapi pleaseee, taknak orang yang aku kenal juga selfharm. Ye, kita semua penat dengan hidup, nak berputus asa, tapi tolong sesangat jangan cuba cederakan diri sendiri tau! Jangan biarkan benda tu kawal diri tau! Kalau ada rasa nak buat tu cuba melukis atau buat apa sahaja untuk melampiaskan rasa tu, jangan biarkan rasa tu menguasai, sebab saya tau macam mana rasanya struggle nak hentikan dari cutting :). Self-love ye semua, semoga kita semua kuat hadapi ujian hidup didunia yang sementara ini.

Seeing people 'confess' that they have a crush on you makes me wonder. Do I like you just for that too? do I just love you because I have a crush on you? But I don't know, I think my feelings for you are pure, not the usual love, I really fell in love with you, but this thing made me know and I had to sacrifice with this feeling.

I sacrifice my feeling to A because we weren't meant to be together and then I meet B but still I need to sacrifice my feeling because you can't forget her.

Conclusion, fall in love is pain. I wish I was heartless.

I wonder what spell you use so that there are many girls attracted to you. They come to me and tell me that they love you in the hope that their feelings will be pass to you, because they know we are close friends, so they hope I will tell you. But do they know that I also have feelings for you but I have to keep and don't show this feeling because I don't want to ruin it.
