Jody Bruchon
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The big reveal!
Some of my old FemiNotSee videos are apparently now too naughty for YouTube, so I'm cleaning them up for re-release on Jody Bruchon Politics. I'm slowly getting content pushed up to the new categorized non-tech channels, but I am making progress!
This is how stupid YouTube is. All of these videos were fine in 2016 and remain fine today. Episode 9 got a Content ID claim for my cuts of the lovely song we all enjoy from The Glockumentary, while Episode 10 got age-restricted, presumably because I leave up several silly images containing "fuck" and "shit" for 50% of the video. Raise your hand if you couldn't handle tons of profanity at 13 years of age. Oh, I see no hands! Shocking.
Based on the responses to my cable management video, there's a lot of people who have a lot of wrong ideas regarding cable management, airflow, and maintainability. Any interest in a video breaking those myths with a series of real-world tests on a high-end Ryzen 9/RTX 3080 desktop?
I ended up doing so much paid work today (and have more tomorrow!) that the PC build didn't even get started! I'm itching to heat my rooms with this beast, so don't worry--it'll be done soon enough!
The Borg, or PC case?
I'm looking forward to the end of the summer vacation period. In a week or so, I'll finally be able to drastically ramp up production. I've been juggling family stuff, PC repair, setting up the new studio, and working on splitting my YouTube channel into four channels catering to different niches, leaving basically no time to produce new content. I have filmed a few things, but finding time to edit and narrate and such is challenging. Once school is back in session I'll have a lot more time and I have a lot of great plans for how I'll spend it with you all. Stay tuned, and thank you for being here.
I have two videos recorded in the studio that I'll be editing and posting soon. I have a lot more planned. Last week was going to be a big video week until the computer work spiked. I have a laptop that smells faintly of cat pee to fix. Not looking forward to that. I think I'm going to also stop making disassembly videos; they were never particularly popular and tons of channels already have competent disassembly guides for most machines, so those efforts seem too redundant...and let's be honest: you want to watch videos about how corporations are screwing us all over and how to use my fancy software that installs Windows 10 and a slew of programs in about 2 minutes.
Android 12 sucks ass. So much white space. Terrible UI choices. I hate it so much. Google is garbage.
Forced subscriptions must be stopped.
YouTube has removed several of the things in their "medical misinformation policy." I made an unscripted rant video talking about how YouTube shouldn't be policing speech in the first place and how nothing on the internet is a so-called "community." It's on the Politics channel since it's only indirectly related to tech, so check it out over there.