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Hi, I am Jigyasu Agrawal, AIR 326 in CSE 2023. I will be sharing my optional strategy, observations and notes through this channel.
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Hi, I am Jigyasu Agrawal, AIR 326 in CSE 2023 with geology optional . I will be sharing my optional strategy, observations and notes through this channel.
Hello everyone. I hope all of you are pushing your limits in preparing for the Prelims stage.
In my 6 attempts , I was able to clear Pre 5 times and was able to score 10+ marks above cutoff thrice.
I will share my understanding for the same:

1. Practising full mock tests was more beneficial for me than sectionals.

2. Solving mock papers in exam conditions, simulating the same at home/centre in terms of time 9:30-11:20 (10 min buffer for exigency like formalities etc)

3. Forming a peer group of 4-5 serious candidates to compare marks.

4. Revising basic books when the exam is close so that those easy/conventional questions that everyone is solving correctly don’t go wrong at any cost.

Will be further sharing some more insights and my thought process that works while solving prelims questions in future.

Keep Fighting warriors 👍👍
Curious minds have often asked me this question in recent times: "What really goes down in those UPSC interviews?" Most of us have seen the movie "12th Fail" and may have formed perceptions about the "coveted and mysterious conversations" that happen inside the rooms of the UPSC Bhavan.

🎬 Well, let me share my insights after facing the fascinating UPSC interview panel four times! 💼💬

Picture this: You walk into a room where five panelists are seated in a semi-circle around you. 😱 Heart pounding, nerves on edge, you brace yourself for the ultimate test of knowledge and character. 🗣💬

UPSC interviews aren't just about stating facts; they're a symphony of integrity, presence of mind, and balanced judgment. 🎵💡 It's less about what you know and more about who you are as a person. 😌 As the clock ticks on, the panelists transform from intimidating figures to friendly conversationalists, easing you into the rhythm of the discussion so that the conversation feels natural.

From dissecting the meaning of your name to unraveling the complexities of global geopolitics, every question is a window into your soul. I was asked about the geopolitics of Rare Earth elements and then what according to me is the most interesting idea in the New Education Policy. Discussions follow on according to your answers to these questions.

🪟🌍 And oh, the diversity of topics! 🎨 From wildlife conservation to socio-economic challenges, from hypothetical scenarios to personal interests, every facet of your being is put under the microscope. 🔬🐅 Imagine being asked to link the character of your favorite tennis players with wild animals you have observed in national parks! 🎾🦁 It's a rollercoaster of creativity and intellect that leaves an indelible mark on your memory. 🎢💭

And then there are those situational questions where one is put under pressure to see how you can find a solution to them. I was asked a question about solving a particular protest that was happening in my state regarding diamond mining in a forested area and how I will see a long-term solution to the problem.

So, to all the curious souls out there, UPSC interviews are not just a milestone but a transformative journey. Each of the UPSC interviews I have prepared for and faced has felt like me discovering something new about myself.
To all dear “Prelims Warriors” : As we move into the final week of prelims endgame, your emotions must be swaying b/w the two extremes of anxiety and excitement , which is completely normal . Following is my advice for these last few days:

1. Don’t attempt random mock tests which might impact your confidence.

2. If you want to practise , it’s Better to attempt pyqs to keep your brain in touch with flavour of UPSC questions.

3. Next 3 days,you may Revise some important chapters of standard books if you feel you are forgetting them: for ex : I used to revise chapters like Parliament , Basic Str , Judiciary etc from Laxmikant so that we don’t miss the easy questions that are from standard sources in the actual exam. So, do revise the standard topics from polity, history etc which you think has become a little rusty.

5. Finally , in the last two days, keep yourself calm , don’t tire yourself.
don’t worry if you are not able to remember some random facts, or schemes or articles or you haven’t covered one or two PT 365 or whatever for that matter. What will matter in the exam is how sanely and attentively you attempt the paper, rather than some informations that you are forgetting.