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The feast of celebrating what God has given you and sharing generously of it, the feast of flowers blooming again and the Thora sprouting (being given)
Both feasts too holy for this.
Month of May...May there be peace not war. Peace not war
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A hauntingly beautiful Hebrew love song that always makes me cry, the clip too.
Because it is just that beautiful. And because I feel this way for my fiancee.
The clip and song both...I have loved others dearly, just never like this, I didnt believe that "the one" would exist like that, and yet every year since I had my own Christmas tree (I think I was 4) the last piece I would put on the tree was 2 golden birds nuzzling each other, and then I would pray for who I would love out there, everyone and especially the Mystical (the) One.
Eventually in 2016 I got the lung embolisms, that quite likely blew a hole in my heart (as a hole in the heart is by far the most common cause for my rare pattern of symptoms. + see clip why this is significant) and I didnt think I would ever get to live long enough to marry.
All the time up to 2018 I didnt want to join disability related online groups. Eventually I did and I found my best friend, and later my fiancee as well in there.
And the song and clip also show that I would go, quite literally, to the ends of the Earth for them, which link nicely with the first songs they gave me, AND that I plan to sail to the continent they live on, and travel by horse caravan [or train] all the way across the continent to them.
It is also a sad song as both of us suffer from severe lung disease, immune disease, and complicated allergy disease (MCAS) so we never know how long we have together.
My love gave us the motto "Carpe Noctum" "seize the night" and we very much intend to do that, for as long as we can, always- Azine
Pump Up The Sound

4/22/21 by BTRtoday


Episode: http://s3.amazonaws.com/btrmedia/AfrobeatShow042221.mp3

"DJ Meredith is taking you on a sonic adventure around the world on a journey through sound, introducing a fresh, new lineup of bands & artists from the most unexpected places on Earth! Let’s open the show with ‘Power Show’ by Etuk Ubong! Enjoy new & rare grooves as we check out Okwei Odili + Oweto Band, Nubiyan Twist, SJOB Movement and so much more!

00:00 - Mic Break
01:19 - Power Show (Nigeria) - Etuk Ubong
06:31 - Wazungu (Tanzaniz) - Abbah feat. Bytar Beast, Marioo, Jaiva & Yese Omar Rafiq
09:48 - Chop Your Moni Go (Nigeria/Brazil) - Okwei Odili + Aweto Band
15:00 - Mic Break
17:01 - Cawe Yoko (Ivory Coast) - Fely Tchaco
21:16 - Ororo No De Fade (Nigeria) - Osayomore Joseph and His Ulele Power Sound
29:12 - Dissolution (Studebaker Hawk Remix) (Mexico/Poland) - Warsaw Afrobeat Orchestra
32:53 - Nyama Lekougotcha (Zimbabwe) - Jacob Mafuleni & Gary Gritness
40:30 - Mic Break
41:17 - Ma Wonka (UK) - Nubiyan Twist
46:03 - Odo Gu Ahoroo (Ghana) - Vis-A-Vis
61:11 - Friendship Train (Nigeria) - SJOB Movement
67:18 - Marombo (Italy) - Gerardo Frisina
72:26 - Mic Break
76:17 - Pump Up The Sound (Germany/Uganda) - Ancient Astronauts feat. Bani Fyah
79:07 - Aye! (Kenya) - Ngalah Oreyo
84:16 - Surbajo (Niger) - Les Filles de Illighadad
89:28 - Rain (Nigeria) - Sonny Okosun & Ozziddi
94:33 - Iyobo (Nigeria) - Akaba Man And The Nigie Rockets
104:14 - Mic Break
107:00 - Wedera Eyita (Ethiopia) - Yossa Haile
111:48 - Finish
Protect Indigenous Women

5/5/21 by Matika Wilbur, Desi Rodriguez Lonebear & Adrienne Keene

Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/episode/122713798
Episode: https://pdcn.co/e/www.buzzsprout.com/262196/8465977-protect-indigenous-women.mp3


Since the onset of colonization Indigenous women have experienced violence with reckless abandon, today it is a public health emergency. Traditionally, many of our Native societies are matrilineal but settler colonialism has disrupted our traditional value systems. These shifts have tragically contributed to the epidemic of violence we see committed against our women and Two Spirit relations. The issue is systemic and this episode discusses how we must hold systems and people accountable. Mary Kathryn Nagle (Cherokee) is a playwright and lawyer with Pipestem Law, a firm dedicated to legal advocacy for the safety of Native women and tribal sovereignty. She represents families of victims and has testified before Congress for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Her perspective on the legal issues regarding MMIW expounds how tribal sovereignty and jurisdiction is so important in combatting the crisis. She also explains how political participation and allyship is necessary to fight subversive systems which propagate violence. Abigail Echohawk (Pawnee) is Director of the Urban Indian Health Institute and a leader in the movement to bring visibility to MMIW through political advocacy work, data, and research. Her organization conducted a seminal report on the crisis to better understand the prevalence of the crisis which has harmed our relations for 500 years. This episode is raw, real, and heart wrenching. The crisis must be addressed and we need allies to join us in making it visible so we can all take action. We need to hold non-Natives upholding these systems accountable. Further, we need Natives to step into roles of political power to demand change. Every statistic represents a Native woman. We must honor and protect our sisters. No more stolen sisters. Links and Resources

Fill out our form Letter in support of VAWA Urban Indian Health Institute Pipestem Law Public Law 280 National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center Mary Kathryn Nagle New Yorker Article Montana Community Foundation Sovereign Bodies Institute All My Relations is Listener Supported Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/allmyrelationspodcast

Follow AMR on Instagram

Matika on Instagram

Desi on Instagram

Special thanks to Antone and The West Shore Canoe Family & Joanne Shannendoah

AMR Team

Creative direction, sound engineering, and editing: Teo Shantz Film Editing: Jon Ayon Sound production: y Max Levin Development Manager: Will Paisley

Production Assistant: Kristin Bolan Director of Business Development: Edison Hunter Social Media Intern: Lindsey Hightower Research Intern: Keoni Rodriguez 2nd Editor: Carly Sjordal Sales and Marketing Intern: Jamie Marquez-Bratcher Support the show (https://www.paypal.me/amrpodcast)
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▪️ Chaos in the Israeli cities as Jewish-Arab violence persist overnight - stabbing attacks, LYNCHINGS reported.

▪️ Israeli President Reuven Rivlin calls violence “civil war without reason” begs citizens to “stop this madness”, PM Netanyahu calls "anarchy".

▪️ World leaders urge calm; UN Sec Gen insists peace talk “an absolute must” as Israeli army and Hamas continue tit-for-tat strikes. Over 650 Hamas targets hit, including top commanders.

▪️ Dead count up to 7 Israelis, including a five-year-old. Palestinian Health Ministry says 83 dead, 487 wounded in Gaza - including a pregnant woman, children.

▪️ Netanyahu reportedly REJECTED Hamas’ offer to end hostilities.

▪️ IDF plans possible ground invasion into Gaza, army on standby for first op since 2014.

▪️ It’s Eid Al-Fitr today, one of Islamic calendar’s holiest days. Thousands of Muslims gathered at Al-Aqsa mosque for prayers.
Please God and Baruchah At Shekhinah, help us allow the end to violence between us. Visible and invisible, let conflict and tension ease. Please uplift our kindness. Please uplift our listening.
Azine: https://www.haaretz.com/.../.premium-the-10-plagues-of...
"And so, one day, it shall be. The Pharaoh whose name is Netanyahu, in betraying the children of Israel, will have freed them. To free themselves.
Next year in Jerusalem, may the ruler, whoever they may be, be plagued by the following, the heritage of the Hebrews:
Equality - Shiv'yon
Compassion - Hemla
Lovingkindness - Chesed
Tolerance - Savlanut
Coexistence - Du-Kiyum
Seeing to the Needy - Gemilut Chasadim
Justice - Tzedek
Liberation - Shichrur
Freedom - Cherut
Ahavat Chinam
Next year in Jerusalem, may we be stricken with love of the migrant, of the stranger, of the other."
The Temple Mount
The place were God lives since times of old
Place of Temples and a Mosque.
Place were Jesus/Isa יֵשׁוּעַ
walked and prayed.
Believed there will be a new temple
when the messiah comes
But who will come save humanity
if we can not respect
what is most Holy
The Soul
The Holy Spirit
that gave us our souls
and said
not to take the breath of life from each other...
Who will come save us
When we kill prophets
and kill children
(who could be the messiah)
for a piece of land
While poisoning the Earth
Robbing the Earth of peace
Robbing the life's breath of Life.
Who will come save us
if not Love?
Relevant quote:
The New Testament recounts a story of a Samaritan woman asking Jesus about the appropriate place to worship, Jerusalem or the Samaritan holy place at Mount Gerizim, to which Jesus replies,
Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:21–24)
Generally I post pictures with my writing, this time most appropriate to have no picture.
"Following the Moroccan dark mother Tan-Tan c. 500,000-300,000 BCE, the Berekhat Ram female is the second oldest representational art figure to date. It measures 35 mm in length and was discovered between 1981-1982 CE at GolanHeights, in Israel. ⁠

As the Berekhat Ram figure plus an extensive repertoire of personal ornaments, ochre, and embellished bone tools have been gathered, analyzed and dated from this Acheulian site, there is little doubt that these items/figures were intentionally modified.⁠

The grooves and modified pebbles support a high degree of assemblage capabilities 'both in terms of technology and values of symmetry and shape'....⁠Substantiating archaeological and genetic evidence clearly demonstrates that symbolic female objects were humanly produced and used by Neanderthal Homo (neanderthalensis) clans.
Also, given that the oldest representational art fromTan-Tan c. 500,000 – Berekhat Ram c. 300,000 BCE and up through the next quarter of a million years was female, it positions dark female figures at 'the center of spiritual life during this period.' As the Berekhat Ram includes ochre plus other Afrocentric (dark mother) attributes, the evidence is hard to ignore."
~ Eahr Joan, "Re-Genesis Encyclopedia: Synthesis of the Spiritual Dark– Motherline, Integral Research, Labyrinth Learning, and Eco–Theology."⁠

Let that sink in: Neanderthals were making images of a Great Dark Mother as far back as 500,000 years ago. Just incredible.
Image: Berekhat Ram figurine, estimated to be as much as 280,000 years old.
@IntuitivePublicRadio, IPR's major headlines & most crucial survivor-requested public conversations which, when assisted, eliminate known, active human trafficking operations in our various locations: https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicRadio • 20210510-073901 • https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicRadio/7814 ••
Forwarded from Max Morris
These intersections of medical abuse and gaslighting are about #landback #mmiwg2r from the beginning. It's really important that we always remember this.
Forwarded from Max Morris
This is where colonialism, marketing, and trafficking intersect as well.
Forwarded from Max Morris
It is where we experience societally-weaponized addictions that confuse and delay us from treating compassionately with one another.
Forwarded from Max Morris
Instead of blaming or denying, we can listen respectfully and learn one another's languages faithfully.
Forwarded from Max Morris
Conversations again today regarding the doctors who are kind and understanding and then suddenly disappear, leaving us reliably in the hands of traffickers without any means of alerting those in helping professions, healthcare, or anyone.

Where native and Indigenous communities are still asking for the same respect and consideration as they have been from the beginning, and being tokenized by the very people who say how bad tokenizing is... To support actions that hurt all of us, hurt the land, and drive us apart from mutual understanding.

Multi-generational recognition of trafficking operations having affected our families, and the very clear signal to us when people do not respond to this immediately.

Coordinating landback initiatives, while recognizing that all of us or nearly all of us are cast-offs from communities that do not recognize the violence that is continuing to occur under their noses, making their lives difficult and making them too fragile to hear us when we speak up to offer them solutions.

We are getting away from the posturing happening in more privileged (yet still trafficked) communities and we are making our immediate trust litmus the interactions between us that provide immediate collaborative interpersonal safety and relief, and a means to supporting and better understanding one another's unique and diverse languages.
Forwarded from Max Morris
I am feeling a great deal of anger about the violence being experienced by our community members right in the midst of people who say they care and recognize and support us.

They do not understand that traffickers use these same words as casually, without following up to be sure words match actions and awareness.

Except another major difference is that it is usually trafficking operatives who will step in and provide a more nourishing and supportive response.

It is only those who recognize us and can meet us with a response that matches the experiences we're having in the first moments we are interacting that we can consider building trust litmus with in relationship over time.

If someone is not able to do this initially, it may be too dangerous for us to try to communicate with them ongoing until we establish a stronger position.

In every case, victims and survivors of human trafficking deserve to have a clear, explicit and immediate litmus to discern active trafficking operatives and people who are being trafficked and helping to traffic others without realizing it... from people who are able to function well enough and have the courage to truly be present with us.

This is the only way others can truly show respect and kindness to us, because failing to notice us and failing to prioritize our communities is killing us and creating violence across many other communities than only ours.

This is a community disease that is spreading if we do not become alert to it and always act immediately on knowledge of how to restore safety.

Funny, all this talk about diseases.