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Megan Elizabeth (@maxmorris) writes,

In a Intuitive private process group chat, I was sharing about how I see the World That Works For All global summit infrastructural tech team building together infrastructural components in the way that was increasing in popularity over a number of years when I had first gone deep into building for online communities.

We've been watching them do it more or less real-time; building together the toolsets, building together the pieces of infrastructure from different available platforms and applications.

Then we also see them building relationally...

(as Ben Roberts has mentioned —
— about the sneakernet)

...in order to connect functions that we don't have a specific application for; or where it especially benefits people to be doing that activity together, sharing or conveying information in that way.

In this conversation, I was describing how validating it has been for us to watch that going on.


Because at a certain point, that started to drop out of many communities.

When I was deepening into my professional learning in building online communities to bridge with physical world communities, this approach was part of the emergent collaborative internet.

It was the way to do really interesting things.

But then... people experienced increasing hardship and disablement... and platforms were becoming more and more proprietary. So then at a certain point, I couldn't reach anybody who was really doing that anymore; and my communities had been destroyed by the hardship and — yes — the proprietary focus of corporate platforms.

Brendan asked what years I was experiencing people building this way, before it became harder and more rare. He said he felt like he had similar experience maybe around 2012-2014, and then things shifted.

He said, ' May be relevant helping people realize an important and possibility filled re emergence happening. '

We decided to move these parts here to continue the discussion.

Chat: t.me/CommunityIPR/12318

What Happened When We Found Demi Pietchell • And soon, this Intuitive Public TV Simultistream

The @StarfireCodes has been a restorative light for us. Read about the amazing journey we've taken through the beautiful work of Demi Pietchell:


Today, Johanna O’Tigham and I are co-hosting our first Phase 2 event invitation on the Summit calendar — Ecosystems of Inclusive Care & Belonging — to introduce newcomers and all interested to the Telegram messenger infrastructure that has been established as the hub of our Intuitive Network collaborations.

Between 4 PM and 6 PM Eastern today (Saturday, 13 July), we’ll be watching especially closely for direct messages and @CommunityIPR messages from all who’d like to learn how to engage with our Intuitive Network toolsets on Telegram.

This infrastructure has made it possible for us to bridge community interactions that create access and inclusion — resource connectivity, relational integrity, and joyful collaboration — for the most disabled and invisible people on the planet.

Come by and learn about it:


Will Hall • New Visions of Psychosis: Abolition as Clinical Best Practice

Madness Radio's Will Hall presented at UCSF Grand Rounds 2024 — & shared the full vide along with an important bevy of related resources with us.

It’s an excellent presentation, clear and comprehensive; and Will has a list of links with notes he includes via a QR code and URL near the end of the talk. (We added it to our Substack post here, too, so that you can find it especially easily.)

Watch this through to the end.

Give yourself time and space to really sit with it. Browse the links he’s shared. Discuss with us in the comments on Substack and here in our Telegram chat.

Give yourself the chance to deepen your understanding of what this means.

It’s important.


We must have media that recognizes the voices and circumstances of the most disabled and invisible. But how?

This is needed for the lives and well-being of the entire community body — for all community members, with all manner of experiences.

A media platform with real relational integrity... at the scale of the broader community... is the most profound survival leverage for everybody.

This allows us to better know the whole body; to deepen our presence and attunement in the whole body.

This is why we built the Intuitive Public Radio; and this is why it has been so powerful for us to discover Demi Pietchell’s beautiful public media endeavors.

We don't all know everything that might turn out to be necessary for us to know, as individuals... or even as individual communities.

So we build relationships with one another — between individuals and between platforms — building bridges between communities and to connect with one another.

In this Simultistream broadcast, you'll notice how Demi and I can create new strength and nourishment by building a bridge between communities — her wondrous public media platform at The @StarfireCodes and our deep network recovery art of the Intuitive Public Radio Network.

Real relational integrity in the community body is how I, personally, get to live my truest life on this planet — radically decrease the likelihood of continued extreme physical torture, isolation, and commoditization — and indeed, get to keep being on the planet at all.

It is this way, too, for so many others.

Why am I able to show up here, doing this now, even when I have not succeeded in doing so many other excruciatingly important things? Even when my body's breaking?

Because my body knows the ultimate and crucial nature of this conversation with Demi.

My body knows the leverage this represents — the increased robustness of our capacity to thrive together — for you and me and all of us.

It's a massive strength, this free energy. The more we all practice it, the more we all are buoyed up by it.

Please do make a special effort to join us in real-time for the livestream on Monday at 1 PM Eastern — 15 July 2024. We are so graced by your comments, reshares, likes, hearts, and loving vibrations while we're broadcasting.

Watch the replay afterwards, if our schedule didn't quite line up for you this time around. Your presence, whenever you can be here, means everything to us.

And please, share with others.


It's life-changing, what we're building.

Thank you for being part of it.

🔊 @IntuitivePublicRadio • Intuitive Public Radio • Main Station • IPR •••
Today, Johanna O’Tigham and I are co-hosting our first Phase 2 event invitation on the Summit calendar — Ecosystems of Inclusive Care & Belonging — to introduce newcomers and all interested to the Telegram messenger infrastructure that has been established…
Ecosystems of Inclusive Care & Belonging — is one of our new favorite headings. Maybe you've noticed!

In one of the Phase 1 World That Works For All Global Summit sessions, we asked this question:

"How might we build ecosystems that embrace all — including the most disabled and invisible people — in care, recognition, and belonging?"

The answer isn't simple and it's not one thing. But in the Intuitive Network we've developed collaborative practices that help us significantly improve access and relational contact to include community members we would never hear from or know about otherwise.

Unfolding from that first session into today's first Phase 2 event — also entitled Ecosystems of Inclusive Care & Belonging, and asking that same question — we feel moved to continue these conversations forward in any venue we can achieve.

It's changed our lives to practice together in these ways. We have met people we are deeply grateful to know, and very lucky to get to work with.

As we have seen hardship circumstances affecting more and more individuals, families, and communities, we know how important it is for us to share the ways we use Intuitive toolsets to connect our most severely affected colleagues, loved ones, friends and community members.

We want to honor, tend, and attune with the collective body the way we know we must honor, tend, and attune with the individual body.

We don't want to let a community body deteriorate invisibly, unrecognized by life forms that make up that body.

We want to be collectively embodied, all of us together, in recognition and celebration of one another.

This is a profound nourishment and strength.

Read more about our plans in this post:

In the Intuitive Network we've been having some pretty intriguing conversations about what our roles are in various community spaces. Especially since my functions became more radically limited. Including, wow, organic memory storage!

Some especially amazing, amidst especially difficult, events have been occurring.

Gradually, bridging neurons — relational and eventually, verbal.

This morning I succeeded in making a dailies post, writing up most of this report you’re reading now.

I'll show you some peaces.

"Hello there. Welcome!

The Intuitive Network is a worldwide community co-creating infrastructure to connect the most severely affected disabled and invisible people to care, recognition, collaborative solutions, respect, love, and belonging.

Our main public community chat, like many of our other public network spaces, is a collaborative public arts immersion exploring co-ethnographical experience, relationship-building dialogue, and the healing nature of creative expression."

"All are invited to participate directly as we practice holding space with one another — to especially include, embrace, and celebrate our life-honoring colleagues… humans and all living creatures of every kind and capacity, visible and invisible… who would otherwise be excluded."

Thursday 18 July 2024 from 6-8 PM Eastern we have another Telegram introductory session for Berrett-Koehler's Co-Creating A World That Works For All Global Summit — will you join us?

Here's the post with more information: https://www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/ecosystems-of-inclusive-care-and

Here's the calendar details for Thursday's event: https://teamup.com/event/show/id/Rd3ssbSrfthFD8gFufEVPfGh6drcbp

Come by and spend time with us, even if you were with us on Saturday!

We won't repeat the same presentation, since we can point you to those messages easily in the current chat, and we can respond to them directly from that chat at any time going forward.

That's one of the many great things about Telegram messenger for the Intuitive infrastructure. If because of disability circumstances it would be difficult for us to present the same material again, we can all share an immersive co-creative space where we can keep absorbing and responding to the same previous materials, and build from there.

Then we get to cover new material as well as keep reflecting on the original material; and there are more and more of us available to keep welcoming one another and helping one another through it.

If you haven't signed up for the Berrett-Koehler World That Works For All Summit yet, check out this Eventbrite — you can still sign up any time until 25 July, and it's free. ❤️

Want to get started absorbing Saturday's Ecosystems of Inclusive Care & Belonging summit presentation right now? Start here in our Share & Discuss Community IPR chat: https://t.me/CommunityIPR/12330

We're here every day. 😊

See you on Thursday!
Demi Pietchell of The Starfire Codes • Intuitive Public TV

What does it mean to build relational dialogue — relational integrity — not only between individuals, but between media platforms and diverse public and community spaces?

Today Megan Elizabeth Morris shared the particular privilege of enjoying this Simultistream broadcast time with Demi Pietchell of The Starfire Codes.

Want to hang out with us awhile? We'd love to have you along — and we're so grateful for likes, hearts, comments, reshares. Watch the replay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z7OJpEe8Bg

Find more about Demi and our explorations of her work at the links below.

Demi Pietchell & The Starfire Codes on Substack: https://starfirecodes.com
...and on Telegram: @StarfireCodes | @StarfireCodesChat

What Happened When We Found Demi Pietchell: https://www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/what-happened-when-we-found-demi

The Media Body: https://www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/the-media-body

Subscribe here to regenerate more free energy (!) with us at the Intuitive Public Radio Network: https://www.intuitivepublicradio.network/subscribe 🌺🌿
Greetings spacefarers! 💖

We are beginning our Thursday evening summit event here on Telegram messenger — Ecosystems of Inclusive Care and Belonging, our third session of that name since the Co-Creating A World That Works For All Global Summit began in June.

We're here from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time to introduce you to the Telegram infrastructure of our Intuitive network.

When you arrive in @CommunityIPR, the first thing to do is introduce yourself and say hello!

Then, take a look at the beginning of our messages from Saturday's session. That presentation content is tonight's presentation content also.

It begins here: t.me/CommunityIPR/12330

If you have questions or want to delve into a particular topic, feel free to bring it up.

We're super interested to get to know you. 🌺🕊️🌿
Megan Max Mo writes,

I and others are coordinating neighborhood collaborations — local and non-local — to help one another and to make sure that disabled people, elderly people, and families in hardship feel a sense of care and belonging in the community.

Do you want to join us? It's a lot of fun and we're getting a lot done. :-)

If you would like to coordinate with us too, or if you're someone who needs help with something and want to build trust with community members to improve circumstances for everybody, we'd love to have you along and discover how we can support one another.

We use Telegram messenger because it lets us track notes and resources more easily, and it has disability aid features for our disabled community members.

Message me on Telegram (tell me you saw this post) and I'll introduce you to the projects we're working on. My profile is t.me/maxmorris.

If you can't use Telegram, message me through an app you can reach and I'll still try to loop you in that way!

I and our groups are grateful if you would share this message widely, privately and publicly.

Thank you for reading :-)