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Putin's Response To The Pipeline attacks:

Putin says: Citizens of the world I speak to you, although I know that my message is twisted and framed. I am being made a perpetrator, but I only wanted to protect my people who were attacked for over 10 years. I am not against the citizens of Europe, it is your leaders who are against you! This is your wake-up call. The Nazis have won the 2nd World War! The EU leaders are Nazis and you are very aware of that. It is the same club, with the same approach, as other slave states. They ignore your opinion and mine. Why should I blow up my own gas lines? I can just turn off the tap. These accusations against Russia are very easy to debunk. Who is bombing the nuclear power plant right now? Europe is run by Nazis who worship Satan!
Wake up people, you have enough bullshit to worry about. It's all a scam, they are lying to you."


#普京#北溪一號 #北溪二號 #天然氣 管道攻擊的回應:

#世界公民 ,我對你們說話,雖然我知道我的 #信息 被扭曲和陷害。我被當成了肇事者,但我只想保護那些被攻擊了 10 多年的人。我不是反對歐洲公民,而是你們的領導人反對你們!這是你的警鐘。

#納粹 贏得了 #第二次世界大戰#歐盟 領導人是納粹分子,你很清楚這一點。它是同一個 #俱樂部 ,採用同樣的方法,就像其他 #奴隸國家 一樣。他們無視你和我的意見。為什麼我要炸毀自己的 #燃氣管道

#俄羅斯 的指控很容易被揭穿。現在是誰在 #轟炸核電站 ?歐洲是由崇拜 #撒旦 的納粹統治的! 喚醒人們,你有足夠的廢話來擔心。這都是 #騙局 ,他們在騙你。”
