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This video by Romana Didulo VERIFIES EVERYTHING we have learned these past 14 months from many people,beginning with Charlie Ward.As well,Sacha Stone,Colleen and Charlie Freak,Gene Decode,Juan O Savin and the list goes on.

這段由羅馬娜·迪杜洛製作的視頻證實了我們在過去14個月裡從很多人那裡學到的一切,從 Charlie Ward 開始。還有薩莎·斯通,科琳和查理·弗瑞克,,Gene Decode,胡安·奧·薩文等等。

Currently,and for the past month,Charlie has been under vicious attack,his integrity questioned.I've received accusatory disgusting replies to my posts and blogs about Charlie from people trying to malign him.


They are deep state demon shills and bots that are practically hysterical because the cabal has lost power in most areas except the MSM and Social Media.

他們是深州的惡魔托盤和機器人,實際上是歇斯底里的,因為除了 MSM 和社交媒體,陰謀集團在大多數地區已經失去了權力。

I stand steadfast by Charlie Ward and everyone else who is being horribly maligned who I KNOW are telling the truth,who are loyal to President Trump,Q-Team and the White Hats,and most importantly,who are anchored firmly in the Divine,who love God and who are heart-centered brilliant Truthers.

我堅定地支持查理·沃德和其他所有被惡意誹謗的人,我知道他們說的都是真話,他們忠於特朗普總統、q 團隊和白帽子,最重要的是,他們堅定地站在神聖的一邊,他們熱愛上帝,他們才華橫溢,以心靈為中心。

Naturally the desperate devil's army can't stand them.


After years of blogging and learning to swat away deep state flies,they don't bother me anymore.I delete'em.


If a post is accusatory without one shred of evidence—it's the devil.


If a post is vicious and foul—it's the devil.


If a post is cruel,slighting,complaining,name calling and temper-tantrum-ing—it's the devil.


They can only complain.They cannot substantiate their accusations.


The first characteristic of an enlightened Divine being is kindness.Any behavior that falls short of that is someone still stuck in the demon world.


Onwards.Into 5D+Light.


This video by Romana Didulo will lift Anon Spirits.It did mine.It was literally music to my ears.




Happy Memorial Day Weekend—God bless our Veterans&active U.S.&Global Military Warriors.God bless America.


This is Kat,
over and out
