#東西方 #精神實驗 #超過一萬件
女子體內被秘密植入芯片,十幾年來遭到嚴密監視和腦控? 究竟是一場陰謀還是一個騙局? ?韓國芯片女事件始末https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcAMAfbTB2c
女子體內被秘密植入芯片,十幾年來遭到嚴密監視和腦控? 究竟是一場陰謀還是一個騙局? ?韓國芯片女事件始末https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcAMAfbTB2c
女子體內被秘密植入芯片,十幾年來遭到嚴密監視和腦控? 究竟是一場陰謀還是一個騙局? ?韓國芯片女事件始末[腦洞烏托邦 | 小烏 | Xiaowu]
This video talks about a famous mystery on 4chan, the story of chipchan. chipchan is a South Korean Woman who believes she had a Verichip implanted in her foot and is monitored by some one. Is it a hoax or a real story? Let's dive into the rabbit hole!