πŸ”Š @IntuitiveVision β€’ Intuitive Vision β€’ IPR β€’β€’
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My 50th Birthday Wish: I have gone 50 times around the Sun! that's incredible to me! So much of the time, didn't know if I was going to make it. So many times, honestly, I didn't want to make it. But I survived.
Read more: t.me/OnyxBirdMedia/9
Photography by Onyx Bird Media
My 50th Birthday Wish

I have gone 50 times around the Sun! That's incredible to me! So much of the time, didn't know if I was going to make it. So many times, honestly, I didn't want to make it.

But I survived.

Thank you to good people, friends, family, and therapy.

Through all these fifty years I have struggled mightily with feeling loved and cared about. As a non-man person who is a Black descendant of enslaved people, also queer and neurodivergent, I identify with many groups of people who have experienced hate, oppression, subjugation, mistreatment, disgust, and disregard. It took me a while (my whole life this far plus almost 11 months of weekly therapy) to come to terms with the fact that I am smack in the intersection of the human chaos of inhumanity. And that because I can relate, I can say something. I can do something.

And 50 feels like the right time to do it.

I lost my house during the pandemic. I'm not gonna say it was shady (Walsenburgers, IYKYK), but as a veteran, (shafted by a change in the GI Bill) traumatized by the things that happened in my life in the past, from before me and in my DNA to now, I need this world to NOT BE the kind of place to let any person be without a home. But also, I paid for mine in full.

Anyway, it's gone. And I can relate to those who have lost heir homes. I still tear up (I miss the books I couldn't keep πŸ₯Ή). Loss is a huge part of being alive.

Because I can relate to being so sad and sick and depressed oh so lonely much of the time and rendered mute and paralyzed with fear about saying or doing anything that would shake my peace. Because "what's the use?πŸ™„ The world is just shit anyway," they say in a bored tone. It makes me sicker when people want to just accept "that's just the way things are.πŸ™„" And they scoff when I mention that I believe Peace is possible.

Sick but alive in spite of it all, I am hopeful for the future. And it's time to get to work!

For the past 8 years or so, I have been making a lot of notes on how things could be better for ALL people when people who are suffering and in need β€” children and young people and disabled people β€” have their needs met and are WELL.

I left teaching because of some of the things I've seen, how children are treated and mistreated. How can we still not know that children are the future?! (Yes, sing the song in your head!)!

I have had a vision of something more focused on total wellness and humanity with purpose and joy.

I have started a channel on Telegram. It will contain my dreams, my vision, my notes, my art, and it is totally interactive.

***MY WISH is that you will check it out, talk with me there about it, and share widely with people you think may be interested in any of the projects and art.

You can subscribe to it here: t.me/OnyxBirdMedia
And you can join our chat here: t.me/+DsG1vfnSasJiZjEx

My 50s will be about turning dreams into reality. I would love for you all to be a part of these happenings πŸ˜ƒ

If you're interested in my birthday list of tangible items, even just to see what I'm into, here it is: amazon.com/hz/wishlist/dl/invite/akb049x?ref_=wl_share

Artwork: t.me/OnyxBirdMedia/8

My 50th Birthday Wish:

"I have had a vision of something more focused on total wellness and humanity with purpose and joy.
I have started a channel on Telegram. It will contain my dreams, my vision, my notes, my art, and it is totally interactive.
MY WISH is that you will check it out, talk with me there about it, and share widely with people you think may be interested in any of the projects and art."

Read more: t.me/OnyxBirdMedia/9

Mara Onyx Bird β€’ t.me/OnyxBirdMedia/10
Contribute music, art, content, commentary, & what moves you for Intuitive Editorial and this Intuitive Public Radio.
   Upcoming Live Broadcasts:
     6 November 2022, 10 Kej
     26 November 2022, 4 Kej
Subject: How to set up a successful necessary but uncommon conversation
   Please send your contribution by Telegram as early as possible to help us get your media into the public program. 2 days before the broadcast day is best. 1 day before the broadcast day might even still make it in. The last remnants of potentiatable predictability have fainting spells after that :-)
    Comment on the public post at t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69 with links to your contributions, or whatever questions you may like to ask.
   Invite community members to these public Telegram spaces so that we can all browse through one another's contributions.
    However many contributions we will be able to compile for official episode releases, all are welcome to browse through everyone's contributions here.
     From this public chat space, items can be promoted to other community spaces on Telegram. If you can provide a link to your public content elsewhere, people will be able to find you and learn more about what you create. Yes, share joyfully what you would like to share for public discourse and collective nourishment.
   Leading up to each live broadcast, we will highlight the time of broadcast as it is scheduled within 24 to 48 hours before broadcast day. (It might happen with less lead time than that. Or more.)
   Some broadcasts will be publicly archived where all can rewatch freely.
   Some broadcasts will be privately archived for our community network and those who reach out to us with support or requests.
   Ask for help getting connected.
   Make generous donations here to fuel and inspire us: paypal.me/intuitiveinvisibles
   All live event timespace datestamps may be broad enough to occur in days before or days after the date listed, due to the ever-changing, strength-activating landscapes we simultaneously navigate. We do however continue to strive to aim ourselves to a narrower timespace broadcast target :-)
    Thank you for your patience with the rebuilding of our neurological processes and for your excitement and courage actuating these meaningful endeavors.
    #WAHA β€’ #WarriorSaid β€’ #HumanitarianArt β€’ #IntuitivePublicRadio β€’ #RadioPublicaIntuitiva β€’ #RPI β€’β€’β€’
13 November 2022 - 118 - Special Broadcast Program (13 November…
Intuitive Public Radio
118. Special Broadcast Program (13 November 2022)

Tune to Radiostream Zero at 11:11am & 7pm Eastern Sundays & Wednesdays for our Special Broadcast Program.

Radiostream Zero: https://www.internet-radio.com/station/intuitive/

More about Radiostream Zero can be found at Intuitive.pub/radiostream/zero.

Each scheduled special broadcast weighs in at under an hour β€” this one, 48 minutes β€” and includes our best materials from recent group projects.

Next playing at 7pm Eastern today: Selections written, composed, and performed by Megan Elizabeth Morris with the help of Intuitive Invisibles across this wise, kind, Intuitive community network.

Included in this special broadcast are selections from Intuitive Public Music, MaxMoRadio, Intuitive Wealth, Intuitive Actual, The Mold Cabaret: User's Manual, and The Mold Cabaret: How To Succeed In Sex Trafficking Without Really Trying.

Sponsor the salubrious successes of this Intuitive Public Radio by supporting, celebrating, and stabilizing new strengths in survivor-led solutions: Intuitive.community/support, Intuitive.community/classes

Anchor FM: anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/118--Special-Broadcast-Program-13-November-2022-e1qmneo

Re: Quest for Intuitive Action

Join this public broadcast channel:

πŸ”Š Ongoing Broadcast Documentary Channel β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ t.me/+Vo87-PcJL0L2h-gS

Then, message t.me/maxmorris to ask for a microphone.

Forward your favorite RPI + IPR items from anywhere in the public network to this πŸ”Š Ongoing Broadcast Documentary Channel to highlight them for our production teams.

(Remember, public chats and channels have this πŸ”Š public broadcast icon. If you see a πŸ”’ private icon in the title, always ask and receive specific permission from the author before considering a share.)

Write original posts or record audio in this πŸ”Š Ongoing Broadcast Documentary Channel to document why you appreciate a particular piece you have shared there.

If you'd like to share video, use a video app to record and then upload the file into the channel. (We don't yet have a way to use the round video messages recorded using the Telegram button, but rectangular videos, especially landscape orientation, work great.)

Thank you for helping us compile new media to highlight Intuitive community members who are working on public projects.

Ask questions, ask for ideas, ask for assistance here in the comments.

Are you ready to embark on this (re)quest?

Contribute music, art, content, commentary, & what moves you for Intuitive Editorial and this Intuitive Public Radio.
   Upcoming Live Broadcasts:
     26 November 2022, 4 Deer
(Compiling in process)
     16 December 2022, 11 Deer
     17 December 2022, 12 Lamat
Subject: Successful Necessary Uncommon Conversations
   Please send your contribution by Telegram as early as possible to help us get your media into the public program. 2 days before the broadcast day is best. 1 day before the broadcast day might even still make it in. The last remnants of potentiatable predictability have fainting spells after that :-)
    Comment on the public post at t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/93 with links to your contributions, or whatever questions you may like to ask.
   Invite community members to these public Telegram spaces so that we can all browse through one another's contributions.
    However many contributions we will be able to compile for official episode releases, all are welcome to browse through everyone's contributions here.
     From this public chat space, items can be promoted to other community spaces on Telegram. If you can provide a link to your public content elsewhere, people will be able to find you and learn more about what you create. Yes, share joyfully what you would like to share for public discourse and collective nourishment.
   Leading up to each live broadcast, we will highlight the time of broadcast as it is scheduled within 24 to 48 hours before broadcast day. (It might happen with less lead time than that. Or more.)
   Some broadcasts will be publicly archived where all can rewatch freely.
   Some broadcasts will be privately archived for our community network and those who reach out to us with support or requests.
   Ask for help getting connected.
   Make generous donations here to fuel and inspire us: paypal.me/intuitiveinvisibles, Intuitive.community/support
   All live event timespace datestamps may be broad enough to occur in days before or days after the date listed, due to the ever-changing, strength-activating landscapes we simultaneously navigate. We do however continue to strive to aim ourselves to a narrower timespace broadcast target :-)
    Thank you for your patience with the rebuilding of our neurological processes and for your excitement and courage actuating these meaningful endeavors.
   Next, get ready to contribute to more of our scheduled Special Broadcast Programs, these dates coming soon:
     30 December 2022, 8 Weaver
     6 January 2023, 6 Lamat
     26 January 2023, 13 Lamat
6 April 2023, 5 Obsidian
    #WAHA β€’ #WarriorSaid β€’ #HumanitarianArt β€’ #IntuitivePublicRadio β€’ #RadioPublicaIntuitiva β€’ #RPI β€’β€’β€’
Previously: t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/69, t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/87
Media is too big
120. Successful, Necessary, Uncommon Conversations One (26 November 2022)

Please accept this vision blessing with our gratitude for your presence and participation.

Introductory segment complete. Compiling continues!

Moved to contribute? Find out more at t.me/IntuitiveEditorial/93.

With gratitude to
Johanna Botanica (t.me/JohannaBotanica) in voice audio & community coordination
Max M. E. Morris (t.me/MaxMorris) in voice audio, community coordination, music creation, & media production
Honored Intuitive Invisibles: blessings to all here working with us behind the scenes, in sacred infrastructure.

Bitchute: bitchute.com/video/Tx2CYPoIJgbM
YouTube: youtu.be/ldffb5OeEZE
Anchor FM: anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/120--Successful--Necessary--Uncommon-Conversations-One-26-November-2022-e1reee5

Audio: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11088
Video: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11089

optic oracular;
sound, sing out.
activate the frequency
of earth becoming.
eye of deep body...
vision lightshadows
traveling before
material form.
wakening, co-create
vibrate wholly
more others
can also
feel, &
joy, uplift
this sacred
experiencing (...)
Welcome to this Intuitive Public Arts Immersion.

Unfocus your gaze and let your eyes glide over words and images as you ease into a relaxed downward scroll.

Your powerful unconscious -- and your layers of liminal semi-consciousnesses -- are blooming pattern recognition.

As your eyes learn to see the elements of mystery before you, notice how the mind's highlighted patterns change.

Let meaning arise in your body of understanding. Stay with the experience of it.

Hold it gently and with care.

What meaning arises for you?

β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’

Start: Right where you're at.

Comment: On this or another post nearby.

Live (in the) (Simulti-) Stream β€’ Reflections on learning curve, personal growth, and triumphs over technical and physical adversities. Holy moly!

Have you caught our Intuitive Public TV Simultistreams? Read more: www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/live-in-the-simulti-stream

Artpeace ❀️ t.me/IntuitiveGallery/319

Media is too big
NFTopia β€’ Transformational Pacesetting Leadership for Balancing Stakeholder Interests in a Changing Economy β€’ The Laugh of the Medusa β€’ Lukas Hosford & Megan Elizabeth Morris β€’ Caring to Understand One Another β€’ The Good News β€’ youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=g7EcA5W-2qM
Stop by and spend some time with us this morning β€” 20 April 2024 @ 10AM Eastern β€” & our continuing live sessions daily!

This Simultistream Broadcast of Intuitive Public TV from the heart-full hallows of the Intuitive Public Radio Network comes live to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn β€” every morning from 10am-11am Eastern.

Co-hosted by Megan Elizabeth Morris β€” and are YOU our next co-host, we wonder? β€” we are calling in new vibrations of community connectivity never elsewhere experienced before.

Follow us on your favorite platform, reshare our broadcast links, shout your joy, and help us spread the word!

Support us in the comments and tell us what you're working on, what's most meaningful to you, and where your soulful spirit's rooted.

Join us live on camera to share your dreams and insights, passion projects, community initiatives, and care collaborations. (Message Megan @ t.me/MaxMorris to participate!)

Find us here:

Introduce yourself in our public Telegram chat: t.me/CommunityIPR

Make sure to subscribe on Substack: https://www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/subscribe 🌺🌿

Yes, not long from now!

10AM Eastern! (See you soon!)
In the Intuitive Network, we build bridges between communities β€” and between community members. We help everyone (everywhere) to recognize, get to know, and collaborate with one another even in the midst of great challenges and uncertainty.

Our arts immersions are group process activities and community spaces where someone experiencing intensity, invisibility, disablement, or ongoing violence (of any kind) can be increasingly heard, cared for, respected, honored, and understood.

We help communities to deepen resilience and integrity through connecting with the most severely affected people and living beings who are part of the body of that community β€” growing long-lasting relationships, regenerative nourishment, and powerful roots.


Ready all adventurers!! Amnesias & all, Megan Elizabeth β€” @MaxMorris β€” will fire up the live Intuitive Public TV Simultistream with Jacqueline Rendell of @PostPostModernCast at 1pm Eastern, Monday 8 July 2024.
Come join our collaborative arts immersion livestream:
www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/jacqueline-rendell-intuitive-public πŸ•Š