πŸ”Š @IntuitiveSocialGiving β€’ Live Collaborative Giving β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
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Forwarded from Evan Jacques
Our fundraising goal today is just $100 for food for Max and her family. Let's spread some midwinter cheer, feed the hungry and grow our hearts a size or three :) I'm putting $10 in, who's with me? β€”@evanjacques
Original request Oct 31, 2020. Good morning and Happy Halloween. We are seeking THREE (3) caring and dedicated volunteers who can use both Facebook and Telegram in order to help us connect survivors voices with Intuitive Public Radio for resource support that saves their lives. Time commitments are extremely flexible. If you are able to use both Facebook and Telegram, please immediately contact https://t.me/maxmorris. Thank you for your strength and compassionate action where it is so needed.
---20210103-065656, https://Intuitive.pub/requests 
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#settlersaturday have you sent an Indigenous person money yet?
A new year means another year occupying stolen land. Send some $ to help out an Indigenous person today. If u can’t donate, rt their PayPal’s/venmo etc
Comment ur links below
https://twitter.com/garliquehummus/status/1345294760551067649?s=19 🌿
https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicRadio/6740 πŸ’ž
https://Intuitive.pub/amp πŸ”ŠπŸ’Έβœ¨
Share Bitcoin please: donate bitcoin to support survival relief in our most severely affected communities. Contact t.me/maxmorris and t.me/s/intuitivepublichelpers for more information about Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ IPR SOS (Survivors Of Severity) β€’β€’β€’ Share BITCOIN to IPR: 3AhTg7A5M2uTuCK6vzSb9KWHb9CxgoXJEa 🌿
https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicHelpers/1251 πŸ™πŸΎ
https://intuitive.pub/amp πŸ”Šβœ¨
Jan 21, 2021. If you are able-bodied, you have an especial responsibility to ensure safe, inclusive spaces for effective communications centering survivors of greatest severity.
  If you do not support this #disabilityinclusion, who will?
  To our knowledge, IPR is the only network establishing these spaces so dearly needed to relieve and safeguard those currently experiencing violence.
  ***If you know of any other, please notify us urgently.***
  Our network is being destroyed where, by and large, severely disabled people show up to work every day, barely scraping by minimal function, in terrible pain, knowing the collectively crucial nature of our intersections --- but non-disabled people do not.
  Even though non-disabled people express themselves with great support of our efforts, they do not come close enough to recognize what's really happening and how easily they could relieve a tremendous amount of suffering (including their own).
  Non-disabled people are becoming increasingly disabled themselves because they don't have the benefit of inclusive community knowledge sharing from intersections of violence and marginalization.
  This knowledge is missing because severely disabled and intersectionalized people have fallen out of almost all communities, lost, excluded.
  This horrifying gap in communications is the obstacle between severely disabled people trying to safely communicate with one another and constantly being taken advantage of by the predatory elements non-disabled people say they are aware of and concerned about… while the same predatory elements are ensured access to disabled people *because of the *absence* of non-disabled people.*
  Our efforts in broadcasting over this Intuitive Public Radio have first and foremost been about communicating to you how you can make us safer right away --- by remembering us, including us, and engaging with us in daily, relationship-building community that fully restores safety, respect, recovery privilege, and social protection against extremity.
  How can we communicate to non-disabled people how profound the collective results will be when they join us here?
  How can we communicate to non-disabled people how soul-killing it is to watch severely disabled people struggle to show up reliably while isolated and left to predatory elements... while non-disabled people express that they care... but somehow cannot close the distance between us... which would so effortlessly stop this ongoing violence?
  I and other community members and core organizers undergo extreme circumstances of ongoing physical torture while people who are not being physically tortured seem bewildered about why we are asking them to engage with us in kindness and belonging.
  Please, help us.
  Please, be in contact with us. ---@maxmorris, @maxmoradio
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Jan 24, 2021. Listen: https://anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/Kindness--Inclusion---Physical-Safety-epd72v 
  Please help us sustain our infrastructure; please help us safeguard and protect the work of these severely affected survivors.
  Your assistance restores and facilitates basic survival income for those experiencing the very most violent and invisible intersections.
  We are able to improve our safety if we have any access to small amounts of money.
  If we are disallowed our own income streams... if we are disabled in and around our communities... if we are excluded from resourcing... we are not allowed to survive; we are mandated to be tortured to death while others fail to notice or explain it away without being willing ever to talk to us or to respond to our desperate cries for relief from suffering.
  We are remedying this situation with your help. 
  We're so grateful to those of you who have contributed already, who have recognized that immediate emergency action is needed in and around all our communities.
  This prevents suicide, premature death, and human trafficking.
  Please start out today by helping us fund Bridge Grant 001. You can find more information at https://Intuitive.pub/bridge/families.
  This grant provides immediate resourcing to 3 of our bridge families who have been surviving terrible circumstances. (This includes mine. ---@maxmorris)
  This grant helps to get immediate relief into the hands of survivors who are experiencing violence that other people need more information about.
  Letting us die at these intersections keeps everyone else from benefiting from our lived experience.
  We don't want that to happen. 
  That's why the Intuitive community knowledgebase is being built out continually for sharing between all interested communities so that we can all be safer immediately.
  It's hard for me to know what I just said because I am in such extreme pain without my medicine. 
  Our other families in this Bridge Grant 001 have similar considerations --- where there are very basic needs that are not being met because the way our society has been structured was not meant to get those needs met.
  If you ask disabled and severely disabled people anywhere in our vicinities you will find similar stories.
  This is why we need Intuitive Public Radio and the efforts of our Intuitive community network to ensure kindness, inclusion, and physical safety for all those striving to care and help one another most successfully.
  Gratitude, swift support: https://Intuitive.pub/bridge/families β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialGiving/689 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicRadio/6869 ---20210124-113513, https://Intuitive.pub/text πŸ“πŸ’Œ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiotext πŸ“»πŸ”‘ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/requests πŸ™πŸΌπŸ₯¬ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/amp πŸ”Šβœ¨
4 Adar 5781; 6 Cauac; February 16, 2021. "The half shekel is not just a coin, it is a flame." ---The Jewish Book of Days by Rav Kohenet Jill Hammer: https://rabbijillhammer.com/books/the-jewish-book-of-days πŸ“– β€’ noted 20210215-201250, https://t.me/s/IntuitiveInc/494 β€’ https://Intuitive.community/mishkan β€’Β°`
February 16, 2021. 

The many different kinds of ritual abuse and ritual sexual abuse target the most vulnerable members of our communities, especially our children, mothers and parents of children, those injured and ill, and our elders.

This trauma changes the ways survivors and survivors' families must communicate about what has happened. 

We must listen closely as they guide us toward real --- survivor-led --- solutions.

Our @IntuitivePublicRadio and @IntuitiveCommunity network is the only resource we're aware of dedicated to directly aiding survivors of sex trafficking and other unconscionable violence in establishing successful communications.

PLEASE offer some small part of what you have to help these survivors of trafficking and invisible brutality continue the work we are doing!


Thank you for reading and for raising your voice in support for us today. 

---@maxmorris, 20210216-105949 β€’ https://t.me/IntuitiveFlow/1630 β€’ https://Intuitive.social/traffic β€’Β°`
Forwarded from πŸ”Š YoungstownIPR β€’ Live Collaborative Media β€’ Intuitive Public Radio Youngstown Ohio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
[The Thriving Christian Artist] 227 - People, Profit and Purpose: A Conversation with Mike Thakur #theThrivingChristianArtist
Thank you for those of you who have been continuing to show up --- even in the smallest way --- to try to pay me something for the work I'm doing and create safe resourcing for survivors enduring similar conditions. It is profoundly appreciated. Thank you for existing.
Forwarded from Max Morris
Individuals in our severely affected and severely disabled groups of trafficking survivors directing and producing IPR content are expressing such appreciation for the increased conversation and movement towards establishing completed, safest possible living spaces for those in greatest need.

Thank you so much to all those who are reaching out to us and planning the time to spend helping.

Thank you for these blessings.

If you are reading this for the first time and want to help also, please message me: http://t.me/maxmorris

Living space co-creators: Will you please join us in our emergency community action to swiftly establish safe, inclusive refuge for survivors of sex trafficking and other invisible intersectional violence? Please comment your support @IntuitiveSocialLiving and ask how you can help out right away. β€’ 20210218-033326 β€’ https://t.me/maxmorris β€’ https://t.me/UrgentHelpersNeeded/997 β€’ https://t.me/IntuitiveSocialLiving/468 β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/requests β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/help β€’Β°`