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' The danger isn't what the body does in response to an illness or injury circumstance.
The danger is in what someone outside our body tells us about what our body's responses mean.
If we listen to their expertise at the consequence of being separated from our somatic own, if we allow our body to be blamed for its rightful response-ability and natural reparative functions, there the danger is created. The body's wisdom is blameless.
The body always knows what it's doing.
Our job is to communicate fully, honorably, resonantly, deeply, and completely with it. '
β€” private process group dialogue, Megan Elizabeth Morris (9 January 2023)
In the Intuitive Network, we build bridges between communities β€” and between community members. We help everyone (everywhere) to recognize, get to know, and collaborate with one another even in the midst of great challenges and uncertainty.

Our arts immersions are group process activities and community spaces where someone experiencing intensity, invisibility, disablement, or ongoing violence (of any kind) can be increasingly heard, cared for, respected, honored, and understood.

We help communities to deepen resilience and integrity through connecting with the most severely affected people and living beings who are part of the body of that community β€” growing long-lasting relationships, regenerative nourishment, and powerful roots.


Ready all adventurers!! Amnesias & all, Megan Elizabeth β€” @MaxMorris β€” will fire up the live Intuitive Public TV Simultistream with Jacqueline Rendell of @PostPostModernCast at 1pm Eastern, Monday 8 July 2024.
Come join our collaborative arts immersion livestream:
www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/jacqueline-rendell-intuitive-public πŸ•Š
Ecosystems of Inclusive Care & Belonging

How might we build ecosystems that embrace all β€” including the most disabled and invisible people β€” in care, recognition, and belonging?

How might we more deeply expand inclusive access to the Co-Creating A World That Works For All Global Summit infrastructure and activities β€” and all such gatherings beyond it, going forward?

Megan Elizabeth (@MaxMorris) and we in the Intuitive Network are co-facilitating this conversation for the World That Works Global Summit to build bridges that connect our most disabled and invisible colleagues to these powerful and nutritive conversations.

You can attend the WTW Summit with us!

Summit: https://www.bkfoundation.org/global-summit.html

Map: https://kumu.io/wtwfa/worldthatworks

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/first-global-summit-for-co-creating-a-world-that-works-for-all-registration-903889637237

Instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D_5YJNVq8SPy52dkzdAf2vaAe4l_P8DkBcMeAoJqmz8

To all who can, we encourage you to register for the Summit via Eventbrite and put yourself on the Summit Map. This is a wonderful way to discover and connect with one another. For those who aren't able to reach those functions, we'd still love to include you in dialogue here in this chat. Whether you're able to register or not, you can comment on this message and share your insights and experiences.

How can we listen well to one another and learn from one another's stories?

How do we build relationships, collaborations, and shared resourcing that root and flourish abundant nourishment in all our communities?

From Megan Elizabeth:

Ay! The desire to be frank... Can I do it? I'm stumbling forward... yes, and asking for help. That's what we've got to do in situations like these. So, so bravely.

Somehow, yes, I'm doing it. Shockingly β€” if you knew the state of my functions.

But I cannot SEE what I'm doing. I cannot remember what I was about to do, or what I just did. Hideously disorienting. And I'm writing to you now just come out of more extreme physiological episodes I don't think you want me to describe to you in wretched, gory detail.

Plain stark truth.

And yet...

You... are invited to join us for our live Intuitive Public TV Simultistream with Jacqueline Rendell on Monday 8 July 2024 at 1 PM Eastern Time.

That's tomorrow. ((o_o))!

Jacqueline is amazing. Her vibration is part of why I'm managing this at all.

I want you to meet her.

I'm going to tell her things I want you to know about, too.

And since we're being so especially, brutally honest with one another today...

I need you there.

Live, if you can make it.

Watching with us asynchronously afterward, if that's what you can do. Every mote moves us forward. Your presence, your engagement β€” on whatever time and day β€” makes us braver.

Commenting and resharing. Please (thank you).

I don't know how to tell you β€” I don't want to keep you guessing β€” how much this work matters, and what it means to me for you to be in it with us.

Pouring my heart out. With love and hope.

What do you think? Am I doing it?


Keep going, the chorus said.

"When someone does die, and they are spoken of… there is an undeniable energy that unfolds from those events.

The ways we know one another and remember one another are potent.

Across some incomprehensible void, still we are connected. Together of the collective; material and immaterial.

The body's recognition that life so expansively continues on outside these finite forms, it's barely verbalizable.

Peoples of the world have invented many languages for it. All full of mystery, all tarrying on or about the threshold of known reality.

The wind touches in, caressing a cheek or the soles of our feet. We cannot travel on into that ancient secret until the proper time for it.

And once we go, we cannot turn back.

Though as it turns out, and as we've found… that cusp can be broader, more viscous… more tenacious than we knew."

www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/letters πŸ•Š

Megan Elizabeth (@MaxMorris) writes,


Got this asynchronous invitation listed β€” and found @JohannaBotanica already connected by the time I was finished!

Next... days and times to host real-time engagement for this same invitation.

When are you available?


Thank you, adventuresome WTWFA Summit friends!

3-or-so hours from now! 1 PM Eastern.

Brave warriors!

Come by today and support this (truly life-saving) conversation I’m about to have with Jacqueline Rendell of @PostPostModernCast β€” and tune in for the replay afterwards, too. Great love to you, friends of the network. See you soon. πŸ’–

www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/jacqueline-rendell-intuitive-public πŸŒΊπŸ•ŠπŸŒΏβœ¨

Oh my goodness.

Do you even believe I actually made three whole images? I made three. THREE (3).

I am being very mindful and gentle with my physical body to recover from that wondrous joyful-exertion broadcast experience,

and simultaneously

my non-material body is dancing wacky wild crazy happy around the room, mad-cackling that Jacqueline Rendell is going to do more livestreaming with me

Waaaaaaaaaaaugh πŸ€©πŸ’–πŸ‘ΎπŸ™Š

Eeeheehee!!! πŸ‘»πŸ™‰πŸ₯°πŸ’₯🌟✨

Replay! https://www.youtube.com/live/TS_-x-aw_NU πŸŒΊπŸ•ŠοΈπŸŒΏ

On Arnold Mindell's Facebook page, Amy Mindell shared,

' Dear friends, (this is another message from me, Amy)
Today, when I was deeply missing Arny’s physical presence, I looked at a book I made for him on his 80th birthday called, β€œThe Process Way”. The book is filled with photos and some of Arny’s spontaneous ideas, paintings, and public posts. Arny adored the book and looked at it often in recent months and over the last years.
This afternoon, it was hot on the coast and the windows in our house were open. I put the book down on a table and suddenly, it blew open to a page with one of Arny’s paintings and his words on it (see the photo). I felt he wanted me, and perhaps all of us, to see it.
The page reminded me of something Arny has often said – that we should not identify him (or anyone) only with their body and static identity, but to remember that we are also timeless, flowing processes (you can sense this in Arny’s wonderful painting.)
I then remembered another one of his quotes in the book which says, β€œWe are timeless, thousands of years old, and involved with processes which go beyond our present identity. This gives us an eternal feeling, but one which is realizable right here in the moment. "
I was very comforted by this and hope you are as well. <3
With my love and an embrace to everyone, ❀️
Amy '


Cathy Bernatt shared, ' This... '

' There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken,
a shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable.

There is a sorrow
beyond all grief which leads to joy
and a fragility
out of whose depths emerges strength.

There is a hollow space
too vast for words
through which we pass with each loss,
out of whose darkness we are sanctioned into being.

There is a cry deeper than all sound
whose serrated edges cut the heart
as we break open
to the place inside which is unbreakable
and whole,
while learning to sing.

Rashani '


Watch the Replay β€’ Jacqueline Rendell with Megan Elizabeth Morris on this Intuitive Public TV

"Free Energy" β€” what's it mean? ...maybe not what you think. Let me explain... (We had such a beautiful broadcast. Come spend time with us!)

This… was a stunning miracle.

Watch this Intuitive Public TV replay for our phenomenal conversation with Jacqueline Rendell of @PostPostModernCast on Monday’s live Simultistream broadcast.

Let me back up just a moment. Gotta do this right.

I should, ah, attempt to set the scene.

Shall I introduce myself? My name’s Megan Elizabeth...

Read on, and watch with us: www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/watch-the-replay-jacqueline-rendell
