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Social Capital • From Community: The Structure of Belonging by Peter Block (p17) • t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11896
Forwarded from ðŸ”Š Zero-Point Consciousness • ZPC • Intuitive Public Radio • IPR •••
Q. I tried to listen to an audio recording, but it was silent.
Was it a butt dial?
Is there something wrong with your recording device -- or maybe with the device I'm using to listen?

A. Heehee, not a butt dial :-) nor a device malfunction. 🌺

When you encounter a silent audio or video in the Intuitive network, you are receiving an earnest invitation to meditate with us in that space.

Meditate from wherever you're at, whenever you find the message -- or make an opportunity to come back later on and join us then.

This is the beauty of asynchronous communications.

Shared meditative attunement is a helpful practice, especially if you don't currently have anyone else to meditate with in person.

Breathe gently and with care for your body.

Attune your presence and vibration with others who are in the same space, even though all of us may be in different locations.

Notice our shared psychic state -- and how connected we are, especially with the Internet turned off and the audio player set to the side or behind you, out of your line of sight.

Shared meditative practice and the holding of intention, just this way, have nourished and strengthened us in building the Intuitive network for many years -- especially in times of greatest hardship and isolation.

Together, we activate our awareness and kindness for ourselves and one another.

In this silent stillness, we co-create new worlds from the life energy of our mindfulness, breathing, and heartbeats.

We experience peacefulness in collective resonance.

This is one way of tending the community body.

When we finish a meditation with one another, even asynchronously, we understand more of what happens next.

With our Intuitive attention held together in recording or listening to this audio... what is forming?

Thank you for joining. 💞

"So why do you allow things like famine, war, suffering, disease, crime, homelessness, despair etc. exist in our world?"
"Interesting that you should bring that up as I was about to ask you the exact same question..."
' The network I co-facilitate is organizing paid local vehicle transportation for people with sensitivities to synthetic fragrances and other common environmental contaminants.

There are many people in every location who are unable to hire transport because they have health conditions that are worsened by scented products (vehicle "freshening" products, personal products, shampoo, antiperspirants, creams, cologne, clothes softener), cleaning products, laundry detergents, paints, petrochemicals, cigarette smoke, pesticides, solvents, and molds, for instance.

If you're looking for a market for transportation services that is unserved, often unnoticed, and in particular demand, there are more and more people who have to avoid these substances in order to be strong and healthy — but there are typically no knowledgeable transportation services available for them to hire. There's a lot of gratitude being expressed for our work to address this challenge.

Any type of vehicle can serve for this kind of service, if the driver understands how to keep it as free as possible from contaminants that cause issues for sensitive passengers and can communicate forthrightly on the subject.

We're glad to teach anyone who wants to earn money providing this kind of transportation.

If you're knowledgeable about environmental sensitivities or if you'd like to learn more, please reach out to me in private message or by commenting here. I'm making a list of drivers in the area who want to participate in projects as funding comes in. '

—published 14 March 2024 in a private jitney service group • art credits: t.me/IntuitiveGallery/322 • follow along: www.IntuitivePublicRadio.network/subscribe

Megan Max Mo writes,

I and others are coordinating neighborhood (local and non-local) collaborations to help one another and to make sure that disabled people, elderly people, and families in hardship feel a sense of care and belonging in the community.

Do you want to join us? It's a lot of fun and we're getting a lot done. :-)

If you would like to coordinate with us too, or if you're someone who needs help with something and want to build trust with community members to improve circumstances for everybody, we'd love to have you along and discover how we can support one another.

We use Telegram messenger because it lets us track notes and resources more easily, and it has disability aid features for our disabled community members.

Message me on Telegram (tell me you saw this post) and I'll introduce you to the projects we're working on. My profile is t.me/maxmorris.

If you can't use Telegram, message me through an app you can reach and I'll still try to loop you in that way!

I and our groups are grateful if you would share this message widely, privately and publicly.

Thank you for reading :-)
"Even in media and fiction, it's usually only villains who do long-term strategic planning..." - Brendan Heidenreich

🔊 Engage • @IntuitiveIntensive • Intensive, Immersive • Intuitive Public Radio • IPR •• Join public chat: t.me/+bH1HP47VEKE3OWFh

Visit Brendan's original message in Intuitive Intensive: t.me/c/1431273236/771

Original painting in traditional acrylic media by Megan Elizabeth Morris / Shakti Mer with private editorial collaborators circa 2010-2015, Austin Texas. Image design, same artist. Find more at t.me/MaxMoRadio/5959.

"Our investments in Intuitive Infrastructure came about because we came face to face, belly to belly, with a monstrosity hidden in all of the spaces in all our communities… that we had no idea had been embedded… cell by cell, organ by organ… multi-generationally, in all our families… through the trauma that populations have been targeted with through psychosocial engineering… that has gradually (or swiftly) changed our perceptions of the meanings of our communications, our words, our languaging, our symbology.

We suddenly recognized… and then again (and then again, and then again)… that if we did not change the game we were playing, we would be dead again (and again, and again).

Fighting for the lives of our loved ones on these front lines has taught us what economics is — and how wealth must be rooted in relational integrity and collaborative fluency in order to be true and real in any way.

Our interconnections… our interstitia… the pathways traveling between each of us (all of us) from one to another… many, many, many of them all the time… as if the seemingly empty space, the empty air between you and everyone else… is full with skeins of physiology through which travel oxygen and nutrients and electric impulses… the stuff of psychic activations and shared dream experiences.

We are a body, all of us together.

The wealth of the collective body is wealth we must continuously be tending, to honor the resourcing inherent in the living body.

Everything around you is part of your dream experience in the living waking physical world we all find ourselves in."

Listen now (29 min) & read along | Intuitive Wealth, by Intuitive Public Radio • intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/intuitive-wealth 🌿

Our discussions about Chronic Lyme, Neuro-Lyme, and related conditions have experienced a significant uptick...

...especially in recent days.

If you click on the banner for any of the above voice messages, you'll discover a broadcast channel our severely disabled survivors groups have been curating for some years now, a project entitled Bless The Vacuum.