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Pégalo en el refrigerador (tono emocional hasta la primavera de 2023):

Hay décadas en las que no pasa nada, y hay semanas en las que pasan décadas.

La biopresión es como el óxido, NUNCA duerme.

TODOS estamos respondiendo a Energías Extrañas del Espacio.

Los Narradigmas no se rompen, se hacen añicos.

No descubrirá que está dando la vuelta hasta que mire hacia atrás.

Si tienes la capacidad, tienes la responsabilidad.

Universe dice que alguien debe limpiar.

The Reach of Intuitive Public Radiostreams • Generative evolutions, multidimensional meaning-making, friendship between lifeforms, & deep-growth Intuitive process
Collaborative visual art & presence manifestations by Megan Elizabeth Morris with the gracious assistance of Midjourney AI • 12 August 2022 • 2 Imix • Facilitate flow & continued public expressions: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles (Gratitudes.)
To search for high quality exports of this image and to request a print purchase, save this post, keep this ID handy & ask the artist for assistance: c22fea2f-5bee-4446-8d25-51ac9bcb300a
t.me/IntuitiveGallery/179, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10801, t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/1606, t.me/IntuitiveBridge/827
The Reach of Radiostreams

Streaming toolsets connect the farthest corners of our community network to the multimedia support structures of this Intuitive Public Radio.


A particular strength of Intuitive public media toolsets is that far-flung members of our communities can find us again more easily through public media access points, even in various states of disability and adversity.

If you know what our community members are facing now, you understand these are toolsets that save lives daily.

Colleagues in hardship can view some of our public Telegram broadcasts directly on the web when they can’t use the Telegram app itself.

For instance, here is the viewing page URL for Intuitive Public Radio on Telegram messenger; our other public Telegram broadcast channels function similarly:


We also broadcast 24/7 rotation programming from our radiostreams, the access points for which are being developed at Intuitive.pub/radiostreams.

Radiostream Zero, our original inaugural 24/7 radiostream project, runs recent public releases and curated items on rotation so that survivors low on interactive access functions but able to tolerate live streaming Internet can turn it on and not have to click anything else in order to participate.

Both radiostreams were last updated in spring and early summer 2022, before an onslaught of especially activating injury complications.

Private groups are currently coordinating next steps with excitement.

11-23 August 2022 (trecena Ahau). Daily Heartbeat, Intuitive Community • <3

Documentations herein compiled by Intuitive groups across this community network. These efforts are assisted, narrated, & commentated by Max M. E. Morris and the wise, brave help friends of Intuitive Public Radio --- Intuitive.pub/radio

Unsigned heartbeat entries are contributed by and co-created with group members whose identities and physical safety we protect by ensuring accessible collective-voice public media sharing spaces. If you have questions, reach out to t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica for assistance.

Previous heartbeat: intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220729_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt

This document originally published at intuitive.community/daily/heartbeat/20220811_Intuitive_Community_Daily_Heartbeat_Documentations_To_FTP.txt.

Reload this file today and days to come for newest entries.

"It has been illuminating to witness what constant pain brings out in my psyche.
It really heightens feelings of alienation, futility, and not wanting to be here.
These thoughts are quieter when I’m feeling great!
It reminds me of how deeply our worldviews depend on our physical conditions (and other conditions).
New Age Law of Attraction thinking says that our thoughts generate our reality, but it sure seems to me to be at least as much the reverse."
t.me/esoexp/445, t.me/esoexp/446
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No Dia Internacional dos #PovosIndígenas, reforçamos a situação de vulnerabilidade que  nossos parentes estão sofrendo, os nossos corpos territórios estão cada vez mais ameaçados pelo desmatamento e pelas invasões de madeireiros e garimpeiros nas nossas aldeias, precisamo ocupar todos os espaços e fazer com o que o grito de socorro dos povos indígenas possa ser ouvido, não apenas em datas comemorativas mais em todos os dias de nossa luta.

SAIBA MAIS:  https://bit.ly/JornadaDeLuta

Siga @apiboficial e nossas organizações regionais indígenas de base: @apoinme_brasil | @coiabamazonia | @arpinsulindigenas | @cons.terena | @atyguasu | @yvyrupa.cgy | @arpinsudeste 

#PovosIndígenas #MarcoTemporalNão #ForaXavier #LutaPelaVida

A Apib protocolou uma petição na Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental (ADPF), que pede a retirada de invasores da Terra Indígena Apyterewa, localizada no Pará, ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). Fazendeiros e grileiros tem invadido, colocado gado e ameaçado indígenas do povo Parakanã que vivem na região.

Atualmente, a TI Apyterewa é considerada uma das TIs mais ameaças do Brasil. Em 2019, ela acumulou mais de 8 mil hectares de área desmatada e em 2021 chegou a mais de 6 mil.

Chega de invasões!

📲 LEIA MAIS: https://bit.ly/3JWWD8I

Siga @apiboficial e nossas organizações regionais indígenas de base: @apoinme_brasil | @coiabamazonia | @arpinsulindigenas | @cons.terena | @atyguasu | @yvyrupa.cgy | @arpinsudeste

#MarcoTemporalNão #ForaXavier #LutaPelaVida

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Here is a short excerpt from our upcoming recording with Helena Krizek about the life of her daughter, Bianca Krizek, as their case against illegal organ harvesting comes to trial in the final days of August 2022.
We pray for resonant outcomes, for respect for families experiencing crisis, and for true safety in all professional health environments.
Helena and I had our conversation on the 21st of July. We will be posting it here soon. For our previous conversations, check out:
2 December 2021, Part 1: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9581, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9585
7 March 2022, Part 2: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9843, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/9844
11 April 2022, Part 3: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10175, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10176
1 June 2022, Right Livelihood & Illegal Organ Harvesting: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10576
Recent b-side excerpts: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10809, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10820
21 July 2022, Full episode 115: anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/115--The-Life-of-Bianca-Krizek-21-July-2022-e1mo85i, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10821
Media is too big
114. The Ambient Editorial (8 Manik, 18 August 2022)

This private broadcast was created to stabilize recent infrastructure, but the music in the background isn't audible or problematic in any way we can determine, so we're sharing it publicly this time, too.

(How great that I can listen to music to steady my neurological function, not have to wear painful earbuds, and the potentially copyright-infringing sounds of my medicinal audio playlist cannot be heard on the public recording. Thank goodness.)

If others can nudge me with an energy, there's a full transcript of this audio available.

These are uploading things that may or may not momentarily happen, depending on when the body sleeps... :-)

Bitchute: bitchute.com/video/14FklxvSLeRN
YouTube: youtu.be/y2cvIULFZ1A
Anchor FM: anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/114--The-Ambient-Editorial-8-Manik--18-August-2022-e1mnnst

Blessings, friends.

t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10811, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10812, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10813
19 August 2022 - 114 - Intuitive A-side 0 - Full Audio - The Ambient…
Intuitive Public Radio
114. The Ambient Editorial (8 Manik, 18 August 2022)

This private broadcast was created to stabilize recent infrastructure, but the music in the background isn't audible or problematic in any way we can determine, so we're sharing it publicly this time, too.

(How great that I can listen to music to steady my neurological function, not have to wear painful earbuds, and the potentially copyright-infringing sounds of my medicinal audio playlist cannot be heard on the public recording. Thank goodness.)

If others can nudge me with an energy, there's a full transcript of this audio available.

These are uploading things that may or may not momentarily happen, depending on when the body sleeps... :-)

Bitchute: bitchute.com/video/14FklxvSLeRN
YouTube: youtu.be/y2cvIULFZ1A
Anchor FM: anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/114--The-Ambient-Editorial-8-Manik--18-August-2022-e1mnnst

Blessings, friends.

t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10811, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10812, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10813
114. The Ambient Editorial (8 Manik, 18 August 2022)

This private broadcast was created to stabilize recent infrastructure, but the music in the background isn't audible or problematic in any way we can determine, so we're sharing it publicly this time, too.

(How great that I can listen to music to steady my neurological function, not have to wear painful earbuds, and the potentially copyright-infringing sounds of my medicinal audio playlist cannot be heard on the public recording. Thank goodness.)

If others can nudge me with an energy, there's a full transcript of this audio available.

These are uploading things that may or may not momentarily happen, depending on when the body sleeps... :-)

Bitchute: bitchute.com/video/14FklxvSLeRN
YouTube: youtu.be/y2cvIULFZ1A
Anchor FM: anchor.fm/intuitive/episodes/114--The-Ambient-Editorial-8-Manik--18-August-2022-e1mnnst

Blessings, friends.

t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10811, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10812, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10813
Hello all,
    Because of the way Telegram requires us to protect our individual accounts from predatory spam reports that cannot be followed up on, the ways we use our Telegram spaces will continue to change so that we can stabilize our most important functions together.
    When new individuals visit our spaces, they may be spambots. They may also be operatives of different kinds. Addressing these situations has been exhausting for us. :-)
    Our practice for a long time has been to reach out to new people as they enter our spaces so that we can determine they are not a bot or an operative.
    However, this sets us up to have our messages to them reported as spam, even if we were pleasantly introducing ourselves because they had just entered our group space without making an introduction themselves.
    Because of this, we are going to be turning off microphones in all spaces, in broadcast channels as well as in attached discussion group chats, even when they are our public spaces. After we've completed necessary tasks, microphones in chats will start to come back on.
    This will allow us to update our infrastructure so that we can proceed into the future without such continuous problems with being reported as spam as a result of trying to interact responsibly and honorably with the spam bots we encounter who might be disabled friends.
    Telegram has new functionality, more recently, that allows new members to apply to join a space, and it's possible that will help us, so we will investigate it.
    Essentially, we are no longer going to keep our public spaces open-as-is to new participants. But we will allow people to follow those spaces and as individuals are able to be in fuller contact with us so that we know who we are engaging with, each new voice can then be added to the group conversation.
    When someone wants to participate in our spaces, the first thing to do is talk with @maxmorris or @johannabotanica. Anytime we are able, we are glad to assist with orientation and onboarding.
    If it takes us some time to respond, add your prayers to ours, and somehow we will find one another.
    Thank you for being most patient and most aware of the challenging circumstances we're all navigating when you reach out to us.
    Blessings to finding a good way through the spambot storms :-)
    Gratitude to all of us for all we've accomplished thus far.
Intuitive Editorial is reorganizing and updating our network broadcast collaboration infrastructure.
    You may have seen this message before -- but the one you're reading now has new details in it.
    Read on for important information about how the network will function moving forward.
    Since August 2022, we've been working on our admins / microphones reset transitions together in our spaces across all of Radio Pública Intuitiva (RPI, IPR, Eso, and integral survivor-led spaces).
    We began by letting everyone know that on or after 14 August 2022, we would be upgrading the infrastructure in our spaces which would require us to keep microphones off for all or most participants.
    For spaces that were not updated shortly after this date, updates as described in this message are coming on or after 30 August 2022.
    Each fortnight or thereabouts, we will move to the next set of spaces we need to review and upgrade.
    Yes, some of our efforts are slowed by injury recoveries and detoxifying illness. Thank you for your patience.
    All microphones in public broadcast channels and public discussion group chats will be turned off at that time while we work up our continued program schedule.
    Not long after that, most of our public chat microphones will start coming on again. Some public chats will remain silent until we've finished setting up our next steps for that space and its associated public and private group activities.
    Broadcast channel microphones will remain silent until new plans are finished and next steps coordinated.
    If your microphone is not turned off at the same time as others, you may already be part of a conversation currently needed to support this infrastructural transition. (Please check in with Max.)
    If you notice others' microphones activated while yours is off, reach out to us for assistance; we are probably in a planning stage or have not yet completed a necessary task.
    If one of your preferred spaces is not available, feel free to reach out to us to ask ideas about another place you can share while we wait for upgrades to be completed.
    In the intervening time, practice sitting with and honoring the expressions of others. Feel into this as a kind of short retreat time, to strengthen your interactions in that space moving into the future. Plan how you would like to share next in that space. Dream something beautiful to bring to the group once the space is ready.
    You may like to unfold new expressions in another channel set or private group to warm up your broadcast neurology until a particular space is ready. Then check back with the space you are waiting for, and once we're ready to go, rejoin the conversation.
    For more continuous broadcast microphone access opportunities and less-frequent editorial interludes, join t.me/IntuitiveSignal and explore what network colleagues are signaling.
    Microphone access at any location in the network may fluctuate unexpectedly at any time as we flow with the usual epically rewarding challenges.
    Check in with Max to ask questions and assist.
    We are moving quite slowly to best preserve the work Intuitive groups have been doing. Especially considering the endurance athleticism, high-touch cognitive analysis, and deep wilderness prep required for success in this work, sometimes it takes us more time than expected to finish a task or respond to a message.
    Seek helpful insights or conversational support by leaving a respectful comment at t.me/HelpRequests, which will also help us respond to your request more easily.
    To plan next broadcasts, be in contact with t.me/maxmorris or t.me/johannabotanica and comment to join us in the chat at t.me/IntuitiveMedia. If you're not sure yet how to get started, we will notice helpful toolsets and teach you how to use them.
    Thank you for your patience, kindness, and encouragement as we manuever.
    Thank you for being with us here, thank you for your support for this work, and thank you for being.
Forwarded from Moira Millán informa

Hábilmente el sistema capitalista ha tomado la fecha del día de las niñeces, día que recuerda la aprobación de la Declaración de los Derechos Universales de las Infancias, para banalizarlo en un día de oferta y de consumo, ¡No es un día de festejo!

Nos pronunciamos para enfatizar que las violencias hacia las niñeces indígenas no implica solamente la aberración del chineo, que se comete desde la conformación del Estado Argentino en territorios habitados por Pueblos-Naciones Indígenas, sino que también nuestras niñeces indígenas están sufriendo hoy, de hambruna, la militarización de sus territorios, violencia institucional, la criminalización de los partos indígenas, la privación de nuestras medicinas ancestrales, además del vaciamiento del sistema de salud occidental. Denunciamos que No es desnutrición, es No nutrición, es falta de agua potable y genocidio sistematizado y continuo. Es despojo territorial y empobrecimiento sistémico.
La opresión diaria por parte de  empresarios, terratenientes y actores estatales Terricidas que contaminan, fumigan, asesinan a toda una generación provocando así un genocidio silencioso de los pueblos milenarios.

UNICEF endulza las categorías para hablar de violencias estructurales que tienen como fin eliminar nuestras formas de vida, nuestras cosmovisiones y espiritualidades donde las niñeces tienen un rol fundamental a diferencia de la visión adultocentrista de la sociedad occidental.

En el Marco de la Campaña #AboliciónDelChineoYa, comunicamos que nuestro "Exigitorio para la prevención y Abolición del chineo" abre puertas para amplificar derechos, no solamente mediante un proyecto de ley que debe ser elaborado de forma transversal, con consulta y participación de mujeres y diversidades indígenas, sino también, éste trae consigo una necesaria transformación de la sociedad no indígena, la cual pareciera que finge ignorancia sobre la situación que atraviesan nuestras infancias. Hablamos de comprender la existencia de 40 pueblos indígenas que habitan antes de la conformación del Estado Argentino y que estamos vivos.
Por lo cual entendemos que nuestras demandas no se deben reducir a una simple, aunque necesaria política pública del Estado-Nación, sino a una transformación para recuperar la armonía y el respeto entre los pueblos.

Hemos enviado a Presidencia dos pedidos de audiencia: 29/05/22 y 12/06/22, pues le hemos dado un ultimátum al Estado Argentino para que se comprometa en la Abolición del Chineo de manera inmediata. No hemos tenido una respuesta hasta el momento. En sus agendas no entramos nosotras, nosotres.

Las niñeces indígenas no sólo en Argentina sufren la violencia estatal, racista, discriminadora y colonial, sino que violencias de todo tipo como desapariciones forzadas, asesinatos, militarización de territorios indígenas,  se llevan a cabo en toda Indoamérica.

Para el domingo 21/08 realizaremos una acción Plurinacional en Día de las Infancias. Publicaremos esta información desde nuestras redes y para acompañar les pedimos ese día sumarse a un #Twitazo durante todo el día usando los hashtags:
#AbolicionDelChineoYa #DíaDeLasInfanciasNadaQueFestejar

@alferdez Reciba en Audiencia al Movimiento de Mujeres y Diversidades Indígenas por el Buen Vivir.
Las Vidas indígenas también importan.#AbolicionDelChineoYa

¡Comprender, y comprometerse para cambiar la historia y que el Buen Vivir sea para todes, dependerá de cada une! ¡Nosotres luchamos por la vida toda! #BastaDeTerricidio
Adhesiones: https://cutt.ly/3XfJaZ0
Forwarded from Moira Millán informa
Acción Plurinacional en el Día de las Infancias
La Campaña #AboliciónDelChineoYa sigue creciendo. El domingo 21/08 tendremos acciones en tres Territorios Plurinacionales:

🏙️#Rosario - Santa Fe.
Concentración + Inauguración del Mural y volanteada. Música y actividades recreativas para nuestras niñeces.
📍Santa Fe y el Río, al lado del Monumento a la Bandera.

🏜️ #Salta - Capital.
Volanteada + #Proyecciones
📍Av.Entre Ríos y Av. Bicentenario.

🌌#CABA - Bs.As.
Volanteada + #Proyectorazo
📍 Plaza Clemente: Dorrego y Martínez.

📱Y en las Redes Sumate al #Twitazo durante todo el día usando los hashtag: