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February 1, 2021. Writing: In my dream this late January full moon the lion is as if on a raised hospital bed, tubes attached, unconscious, more grey than tawn, looking like death, face slack, blood and illness on his mane. He is huge and heavy and in health glows brightly golden, powerful in sacred resonance - but here appears completely helpless without us. I can see his face closely and seek signs of life in it. I know that this wounded leonine avatar represents the body and guardianship of holy community. He has fought hard to nourish all of us and he is dying, but… WE can flow life into him again. He believes in us and we believe in him. He is emergent, brings us gifts and relief when we clasp hands across spaces to make safe, inclusive communities. Please pray healing and strength for him. He is US. We Are the strength we need. --@maxmorris β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/3011 ---20210201-155902, https://intuitive.social/memory β€’ https://intuitive.pub/amp
πŸ”Š Intuitive Social Traffic β€’ Intuitive Public Service β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveFlow/1614
If you know that the members of your community are too stressed, busy, and toxin-affected to notice increasing sex trafficking activity around them...
...do you do something about it?
...do you talk about it?
...do you gloss past it?
...do you pose a question about it?
...do you stand up for the most vulnerable members of your community?
...do you allow yourself to discover how you play a part?
...do you change what you're doing if it harms someone else?
...good questions.
If you DIDN'T know that the members of your community are too stressed, busy, and toxin-affected to notice increasing sex trafficking activity around them...
...well, now you do.
What do you choose?
Discuss & offer assistance here: https://t.me/joinchat/J8dfcRXZ6rhQMRcWNN1XsQ
Previous msg: https://t.me/s/IntuitiveCommunity/643
This msg:
February 16, 2021. 

The many different kinds of ritual abuse and ritual sexual abuse target the most vulnerable members of our communities, especially our children, mothers and parents of children, those injured and ill, and our elders.

This trauma changes the ways survivors and survivors' families must communicate about what has happened. 

We must listen closely as they guide us toward real --- survivor-led --- solutions.

Our @IntuitivePublicRadio and @IntuitiveCommunity network is the only resource we're aware of dedicated to directly aiding survivors of sex trafficking and other unconscionable violence in establishing successful communications.

PLEASE offer some small part of what you have to help these survivors of trafficking and invisible brutality continue the work we are doing!


Thank you for reading and for raising your voice in support for us today. 

---@maxmorris, 20210216-105949 β€’ https://t.me/IntuitiveFlow/1630 β€’ https://Intuitive.social/traffic β€’Β°`
Forwarded from Max Morris
Here is one way to help that is very needed.

Many of our survivors are trapped in communications on Facebook, being violently disabled into dangerous social situations by Facebook algorithms, and they are trying to reach Telegram so that they can benefit from our tool sets.

If you are able to use Facebook and Telegram, we need your help!
Forwarded from Max Morris
If you can bring messages from Facebook to Telegram for us, or bring messages from Telegram to Facebook for us, so that our violently intersectionalized survivors can get away from the violence on Facebook and be supported in caring community settings, please message me right away.
We need your help. Everyone who may see this, please respond. Emergency action is necessary in our communities and in relationship between communities. We are not able to jump up and down and wave our arms. We are not able to scream. Please, help us. Please, remember us. Emergency action is immediately needed to forestall death and compounded suffering. Please, message us. Please, amplify our requests into your communities.

We need you.

February 20, 2021. Intuitive Public Radio and our projects coordinated by severely disabled survivors of human trafficking are being actively and inexplicably censored by YouTube, Facebook, and other mainstream platforms. Please ask these platforms why they are silencing the voices of disabled communities (#DisabilityInclusion, #ADA30). To follow our work in public and stay connected to most current knowledgebase materials behind the scenes, sign up for direct updates and subscriptions here: https://gumroad.com/IntuitivePR β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/mail β€’ 20210220-094317 β€’ https://t.me/s/DisabilityAid/254 β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/logbook β€’Β°`
Forwarded from Max Morris
Response to the radio in public communications. This is urgent. Community members are dying.
Forwarded from Max Morris
We need all those who see these messages to ask their most trusted organizations to interface with us immediately.
Forwarded from Max Morris
We need all those who see these messages to be in contact with us on a daily basis to stop the human trafficking that is occurring in our locations.
Forwarded from Max Morris
Until we receive greater public response, I and others are in terrible suffering and danger.
Forwarded from Max Morris
All requested to reach out to @intuitivepublichelpers and @urgenthelpersneeded to restore safety to survivors in great immediate need.
February 21, 2021. Apologies for the abruptness of this message. Our severely disabled community members have not been able to find safe participation in your community because of invisible intersections and misinformation about pathways commonly used by human traffickers. Can you be in contact with us so that we can safely connect and participate? All communities become stronger and more resilient together when we uplift these requested conversations. Gratitude. Blessings. β€’ 20210221-062225 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveCommunity/1233 β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/cc β€’Β°`