πŸ”Š @IntuitiveHelpers β€’ Live Caring Collaborative Public Helpers β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
15 subscribers
298 photos
12 videos
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557 links
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Rob Wipond writes:
' My tweet, by any standard relevant to my work, has gone viral. It has gotten 236,800 views in 2 days, and still going. It speaks, I think, to how many people already feel frequently threatened and harmed by the "help" our culture is increasingly "giving" BY FORCE. This is the article the tweet is about: https://www.madinamerica.com/2023/05/psychiatric-detentions-rise-988/ '
Rob's post on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/681436864/posts/pfbid02cyHgYCKKTEgEEvXcw41y3jtwuv7Ubc4XnGRzcGZRpXR7w8uAevncpPASYGvTnbyzl/?mibextid=Nif5oz
I'm still looking for the tweet link. Buy Rob's book please: https://robwipond.com/your-consent-is-not-required
More here: substack.com/profile/14417621-ipr-with-mack-morris/note/c-16677499
How To Facilitate Helpers' Helping (secondarily titled, "How to stop stopping helpers from helping")













YOU can put YOUR BODY between a trafficker and a trafficked victim... WITHOUT risk or injury.

You can do this from the safety of your Internet connection by becoming part of our living Intuitive infrastructure.

How can this be possible?

Does it really work?

Follow t.me/IntuitiveTraffic and join us in our attached public chat to learn more.

Subscribe: t.me/+y74zXuxRc0g2MjUx

For those who would like more information, here are some helpful keys:

(1) Physical harm from poisoning through environmental toxicity like the products described in the above image, (2) other forms of physical trauma, and (3) starvation through nutrient mineral deficiency in industrial food sources...

...are frequently mischaracterized as inappropriate behavior or character flaws.

All of these can be invisible, and in all these cases, professional industries have seeded doubt in public research because it makes those industries money.

That means that a lot of people who talk about these subjects (especially many professionals in healthcare) are also miseducated about these subjects.

All these vectors have effects on the body that change the way someone can interact or express themselves.

Many people lose the ability to communicate because of the items on this list.

It's important for us to support communications repair for talking directly to survivors of these forms of illness and injury in order to learn more about what they need and include them in community support in the best possible ways.

Usually the things people think should be done are things that survivors need direct assistance with in order to achieve.

We can all help one another powerfully.

Intuitive network coordinates resources to aid communities in learning to support survivors of environmental poisoning.

Everyone is invited to join us in making those resources more accessible to our friends and loved ones who are severely affected -- and those who aren't yet severely affected, who can avoid having that terrible experience.

Our daily practice is to help one another build safety and care for these circumstances into all family and community resourcing.

We are all stronger together.

Comment to be involved or reach out by email to grow@intuitive.community.

Thank you for reading and sharing.

Opening Sequence β€’ Part 1, the Introduction β€’ Intuitive Social Theater and our Dreamseum present: this Stage for you to Play on. β€’ Please Read This Note & Share Widely (Gratitude, Blessings πŸ₯°) β€’ intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/opening-sequence-part-1-the-introduction β€’ t.me/IntuitiveSocialTheater/390 β€’ t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/2234
Immediate need of individuals who want to respond to #preventsuicides that are based on situations of unaddressed physical torture and need to be stopped through practical coordination of resourcing (NOT through forcing the person away from addressing their actual practical circumstances).

Please contact me on Telegram messenger, our networked communications aid for severe neurological and intellectual disabilities.

We need your help immediately.

Thank you for your swift reply.


#suicide #preventsuicide #suicideprevention #stopsuicide #Iwritepostslikethissooftenthewordsuicidestoppedlookinglikeaword #pleaserespond #pleasesharewidely

No longer at original link from 3 November 2020 due to infrastructural challenges (t.me/PreventSuicide/358).

New direct links:
Join t.me/+TmX64We6Y6pLJZfl
Find this message at t.me/c/1315306209/386


Open Line 1
by Megan M. (t.me/maxmorris)
A) I provide a verbal ongoing account of everything I'm encountering within some unique, non-linear, tem-por-ially emergent time frame
B) YOu send your recordings for me to intersperse into my days and respond to on the open line
Ready? Set -
Q) where do we send things?
A) share your premium community shares as some form of media contribution for me to encounter and discuss plainly or creatively or in dream traveling on the open line β€” in public (πŸ”Š) broadcasts on multiple platforms.
Your share might be curious, questioning, innovative, theatrically expressive, resource coordinating, respect-oriented dialogue, top mastery communications supportiveness, art, music, storytelling, life honoring nourishment.
Even better, tell me what it is and what it means to you.
Put your links, pieces of text, conversational contributions, artful images, audio and video files directly in our public chats (πŸ”Š). (t.me/CommunityIPR is a great first stop if you're choosing a space.)
Include a note from yourself about your contribution.
Include credits for items you share whenever you know them (or mark credit unknown).
When you share these media offerings with us directly in our public chats (πŸ”Š), I and others can understand quickly that it's acceptable for us to publicly reshare them and talk about them openly. You're on the open line.
Q) but I already sent you something you didn't respond to!
A) I am in gradual+intensive recovery from experiences of extreme violence that left me with long-term compounded neurological injuries. Knowing me is a unanticipatable theurgy of depth and substance found nowhere else in the cosmos. I hope you will bring up your share again and look for ways to support me in being able to communicate with you. Neurological repair collaborations are my favorite.
Q) How can I most helpfully ask questions about how this works?
A) Ask directly (with patience, care, and respect) in our public chats (πŸ”Š) and whoever may become available can help out answering your questions.
Q) how can I support you?
A) join this adventurers' quest
We’re looking for people and organizations that will help significantly amplify our social media presence and newsletter outreach with repeated invitations to a much wider audience to come into collaboration with us in the Intuitive Network.

This is of significant inherent benefit to the organizations that build with us.

All individuals and groups are encouraged to connect β€” whatever your skills, there is a way you can collaborate fruitfully with us.

If you will help us with our outreach amplifications by social media, email, and/or other avenues, I will give you my time and support with whatever of my own skills and focuses may best serve your needs; and I will bring resources from the Intuitive Network to support you as well.

Our treasures and capacities are prodigious, yet there are certain missing pieces that we have not been able to achieve ourselves because of physical disability circumstances.

Please reach out to me and offer your strengths.

I'll offer you the very best of mine and ours.

Megan Elizabeth Morris
Direct Telegram contact: t.me/maxmorris
Email: max@intuitive.pub
Call: +1.412.353.9378


Will Hall writes,

Mad Camp 2024 is ON! July 18-22. Ticket applications NOW OPEN.

What is Mad Camp??? Check it out: www.madcamp.net. Mad Camp is a 5 day summer camp for mad people in the mountains of Northern California focused on fun, community, fun, and community, as well as fun. Last year we had a total blast with people from 5 countries!

Deadline to apply for a ticket is April 8th!

Apply here: https://forms.gle/16GW2cDQdtY26JrK7

Get on the mail list - AND - we need to raise scholarship money!

Mail list here: https://madcamp.substack.com/

Please DONATE and please spread this fundraising appeal!



Info about MAD CAMP here:


Original post: facebook.com/share/p/4Np8w1N2NtS9QUFF/

Have you joined our public broadcast chat at t.me/CommunityIPR?
These activated conversations are among the most important we've encountered anywhere.
How do we help and strengthen ourselves and one another?
How do we co-create power flow in our communities?
How do we find what we need, do work that moves us, and attain safety and stability in our day-to-day experiencing?
We'd love for you to introduce yourself in our community space and become part of the regenerative nourishment we're growing.
Today Scott Perry asked:

"What are you really trying to accomplish right now?"

I wrote my answer through the fog of stabbing ice pick head pains:

"Funding a $7,000 piece of long-needed medical equipment that will support my community & give me access to rehabilitative therapy that stops me being repeatedly reinjured while I continue my work to build and stabilize resources in the Intuitive Network."

I added a smiley face at the end. :-)

We've come to a challenge point in my cranial realignment therapy where, because of multi-system, long-term compounded physical injuries, my body needs the support of this medical equipment in order to complete recovery.

Without it, I keep getting reinjured. Each time I'm reinjured, it's not only extremely painful for me β€” it stops the important work I'm moving forward for many others.

I've got an 8-page document that describes our plan to make this medical equipment accessible to me and to our community.

Many people need access to this resource, but some of us rely on that access for relief from severe conditions & the restoration of our recovery privilege.

I'm asking for your help this morning, made braver by yet another experience of Scott's Be A Blessing methodology.

I and other severely disabled survivors of invisible violence who have built the Intuitive Network wish to Be A Blessing in our communities.

We are striving for this & exemplifying it in every way we can. We will continue to do so, no matter what happens.
πŸ”Š @IntuitiveHelpers β€’ Live Caring Collaborative Public Helpers β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
Today Scott Perry asked: "What are you really trying to accomplish right now?" I wrote my answer through the fog of stabbing ice pick head pains: "Funding a $7,000 piece of long-needed medical equipment that will support my community & give me access to…
You can help us secure the medical equipment we've been striving toward for the past 6 years β€” & greatly expand the blessings we are able to regenerate for our communities β€” by reaching out to me with any or all of your own generous offerings from this list:


Private message me (@maxmorris) to request the link to our 8-page funding project document, read it, & share your reflections and insights with us on how we can achieve our goal most expediently.


Think, consider, and/or help us research what organizations, individuals, & public initiatives are already positioned with a desire to help severely affected community members achieve goals like ours.


Offer to help introduce us & reach out to them to connect us.


Share this post with others: https://www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/make-blessings-abundant


Pray with powerful intention for our success.

I might not be able to leave the bed today (which could prevent me from eating & getting other needs met), & I must keep myself pretty far from digital devices to reduce the stabbing pain.

The ways in which we choose to Be Blessings To One Another matter.

My gratitude to Scott Perry for the way he has anchored the importance of this in every kind of business.

My gratitude to you for reading my message.

I'm going to close my eyes, deepen my breathing, & center somatic practice.

I am wishing your morning full of abundant nourishments. πŸŒΊπŸŒΏπŸ•ŠοΈβœ¨

https://www.intuitivepublicradio.network/p/make-blessings-abundant 🌺🌿
Megan Max Mo writes,

I and others are coordinating neighborhood collaborations β€” local and non-local β€” to help one another and to make sure that disabled people, elderly people, and families in hardship feel a sense of care and belonging in the community.

Do you want to join us? It's a lot of fun and we're getting a lot done. :-)

If you would like to coordinate with us too, or if you're someone who needs help with something and want to build trust with community members to improve circumstances for everybody, we'd love to have you along and discover how we can support one another.

We use Telegram messenger because it lets us track notes and resources more easily, and it has disability aid features for our disabled community members.

Message me on Telegram (tell me you saw this post) and I'll introduce you to the projects we're working on. My profile is t.me/maxmorris.

If you can't use Telegram, message me through an app you can reach and I'll still try to loop you in that way!

I and our groups are grateful if you would share this message widely, privately and publicly.

Thank you for reading :-)